
"Science Fitness Week Weekly Practice" Battle "Epidemic" Special Edition online! Parent-child home play like this...

In the face of this epidemic

Exercise is an effective means of improving immunity

On the contrary, it is sedentary for a long time

This can lead to a decrease in immune function

The risk of contracting the virus also increases

"Science Fitness Week Weekly Practice" Battle "Epidemic" Special Edition online! Parent-child home play like this...

It is the nature of children to move and play

How to accompany the child's health to "play" at home?

Fun ways to exercise are indispensable

The special edition of "Science Fitness Week Weekly Practice" was launched

Bring parents and kids to play games together!

The first episode is coming

These few little exercises

Can help children improve

Muscle strength and coordination

First, the bear climbs

Imitate the bear crawling forward and backward left and right with its hands and feet, trying not to land on the knees during the crawl, and keeping the torso as parallel to the ground as possible. Parents can also deliberately raise the torso to allow the child to drill out from below, making it more interesting.

Second, jump the grid

According to the child's actual situation, prepare a suitable size grid on the ground, the child stands on one foot, jumps forward from the first square to the last one in turn, and then changes the other foot to return.

Run around three or two o'clock

Place two mineral water bottles on the ground, and the distance between the two water bottles can be controlled according to the situation. Let your child use the side slide to make a quick movement between the two water bottles. Do it 10-20 times or for 60 seconds without interruption.

Home parent-child fitness tips

"Science Fitness Week Weekly Practice" Battle "Epidemic" Special Edition online! Parent-child home play like this...

Source: Jiangsu Disease Control

Review: Wang Chunxiang

Published: Nanjing Gaochun District Health Commission

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