
My 4-year-old daughter couldn't speak and behaved abnormally, and I was desperate after my child was diagnosed with autism

In the heart of a 4-year-old girl, her mother is a pug that loves to cry, because her mother loves to cry, and after seeing a piece of paper diagnosed with autism, her mother hid her face and cried.

In her eyes, her mother was an owl, a pug, a woodpecker, a parrot, and so on.

She didn't understand why her mother sometimes cried, like a pug, and sometimes she would secretly sigh and cry while she was asleep.

Sometimes like a talking parrot, seeing a telephone pole on the road also has to repeat to her over and over again: "This is a telephone pole, that is a car", she has to repeat a lot of words along the way, even if her daughter does not react at all, she still insists on it over and over again.

My 4-year-old daughter couldn't speak and behaved abnormally, and I was desperate after my child was diagnosed with autism

Sometimes she is like a fierce bear, seeing someone bullying herself, her mother will yell at others fiercely: "What's wrong with my daughter, don't bully her." "She knows that her mother is protecting her, and no matter what, her mother will not kill herself."

Sometimes she's like an owl again, what do she see other babies her age playing? Listen to what? What to learn? She will learn it like a curious baby, singing and dancing to her daughter with clumsy but cute movements, she will memorize hundreds of children's songs, and dance will learn a lot, even if the daughter does not react, she will not give up.

It was repeated day after day, and everyone laughed at her for having a stupid daughter, at her as a madman. But she still insisted on accompanying her daughter.

My 4-year-old daughter couldn't speak and behaved abnormally, and I was desperate after my child was diagnosed with autism

But suddenly one day, the girl was enlightened, and she could naturally sing the children's songs that her mother had taught before, and dance those dances, and at that moment, her mother jumped on the ground excitedly.

This is the true story in My Animal Mother.

The "children of the stars" are a special group, they are lonely and maverick, they do not have the same intelligence as babies of the same age, they are not understood, and parents can only pay more patience.

My 4-year-old daughter couldn't speak and behaved abnormally, and I was desperate after my child was diagnosed with autism

Someone said: "When you learn that a child is an orangutan, it is like biting a piece of ginger during a meal, and you feel extremely spicy." "They need the tolerance of society and the patience of their parents even more.

Another true story.

His 2-year-old son, Ning Ning, can't speak yet, and he always thought that the child was talking late, until he once went to the doctor and was diagnosed with developmental delay, because he shouted but didn't speak, he avoided when he saw others, they took their son around for treatment, spent a lot of money, borrowed a lot of debt.

The child's condition improved slightly, to the age of school, but he was different from others, and he was out of place when he went to school, so he took the child back to the countryside.

Later, the parents were helpless to raise money to set up a rehabilitation institution, began to pay attention to the child's interest training, began to try the electronic keyboard, painting, basketball, etc., and finally found that the child likes roller skating, and is very obsessed. But the couple feared the dangers of the project and later decided to give it a try.

My 4-year-old daughter couldn't speak and behaved abnormally, and I was desperate after my child was diagnosed with autism

For 10 years, he had no intention of giving up, training day after day, and in 2015, at the National Special Olympics in Chengdu, Ning Ning won 2 gold medals in roller skating. At that moment I felt that the child was even better than the average child!

My 4-year-old daughter couldn't speak and behaved abnormally, and I was desperate after my child was diagnosed with autism

Now he is self-sufficient and can cook his own meals, and no one knows what we have paid for for more than 10 years, but when we see the results, we feel that everything is worth it. He can have the progress he has now, and he has his own efforts.

My 4-year-old daughter couldn't speak and behaved abnormally, and I was desperate after my child was diagnosed with autism

Autism is not only a challenge for parents, but also an opportunity for continuous cultivation and growth. It is a baptism for both parents and children.

If you meet this group of "star children" in the future, please understand them and their parents more, they may shout in public, talk nonsense, or even hit people, refuse to communicate, but do not use "colored glasses" to see them at any time.

My 4-year-old daughter couldn't speak and behaved abnormally, and I was desperate after my child was diagnosed with autism

Perhaps to understand that they are not the same, to treat them as ordinary children is to be the greatest respect.

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