
Is the stomach hard to conceive a female fetus? I am afraid that it is caused by contractions

A girlfriend complained to me, saying that the mother-in-law always touched her stomach, once the stomach was hard, the mother-in-law was stunned to say that it was a girl, and then she was disgusted, saying that many people's stomachs were hard and the girls balaala ...

Is it possible to judge a man and a woman by the hardness of the stomach? This must be unscientific, how is the older generation so backward, the key is what happened to the girl, is the mother-in-law herself not a woman? How can it be so pedantic and feudal...

Indeed, there have always been rumors that it is possible to judge boys and girls by having a hard stomach, but is this true? Is there any scientific basis for this? Let's explore this problem together.

Is the stomach hard to conceive a female fetus? I am afraid that it is caused by contractions

I heard that it is a girl who is pregnant with a hard belly?

Honey, that's not true!

There is a folk saying that the baby girl is held face to face with the mother-to-be, so the butt is facing the belly of the mother-to-be, so that when the fetus moves, the belly of the mother-to-be will form a big bulge, and it is very hard. Is this really the case?

This is actually a reaction caused by uterine contractions, and the scientific explanation is false contractions, painless contractions. Because the uterus becomes more and more sensitive in the third trimester of pregnancy, it will cause contractions by some stimulation, which is different from the contractions before childbirth, which are characterized by irregularity, no pain, short duration, sporadic abdominal stiffness, and will not cause real childbirth, so it is called false contractions.

So, is it normal to have a stiff stomach?

If the expectant mother stands or sits in the same position for a long time, she will feel a burst of hardening in the abdomen, which is a normal phenomenon of false contractions.

With only a few weeks to go until the due date, this contractions may become more intense, more frequent, and bring some uncomfortable sensations. Early, painless, occasional pseudo-contractions do not cause significant cervical changes, which may help your cervix become "mature" (the cervix gradually becomes softer and thinner). It may even cause your cervical canal to start opening slightly. Therefore, this period is also known as the pre-labor period. These are exercises and preparations for future production of expectant mothers, which is a normal physiological process.

Before childbirth, that is, in the third trimester, false contractions become more and more frequent due to the pulling stimulation of the lower part of the uterus due to the decline of the fetal head. As long as it doesn't accompany the pain, you don't have to worry.

As long as the pregnancy test is normal, not 4-6 consecutive contractions in an hour, and there is no severe abdominal pain, stomach stiffness and abdominal fall, expectant mothers do not have to panic too much, as long as there is no abnormality in fetal movements.

Is the stomach hard to conceive a female fetus? I am afraid that it is caused by contractions

Dry! Is my stomach hard, uncomfortable and swollen?

Since the stiffness of the pregnant woman's stomach is not pathological, but the stomach is also very uncomfortable, what can be done to alleviate it?

Change your activity or posture. Sometimes walking relieves your discomfort, and sometimes rest relieves pseudo-contractions.

When the stomach is stiff, the pregnant mother may wish to take a hot bath, relax the body, soothe the stomach, and it will also be alleviated.

Sometimes the lack of water will also cause false contractions, pregnant mothers should replenish water in time, drink eight cups of water a day, if you feel that boiled water is too bland and tasteless, you can brew some honey or make flower tea to drink.

Try relaxation exercises, or take a slow, deep breath. While doing so won't stop the false contractions, it may help you cope with uncomfortable feelings.

You can massage your stomach appropriately. When stroking your stomach, don't go in circles, massage in one direction, and gently tap your belly when communicating with your baby.

Pregnant mothers should not stay up late, to maintain adequate sleep, poor sleep quality at night should strive to improve, you can take a lunch break, usually eat more diets that help sleep.

In the diet, we should pay attention to nutritional balance, eat more green vegetables, eat seasonal fruits, eat less spicy and irritating foods, and eat less salt and less oil.

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