
Spring "growing season", these 3 foods are called "natural boosters", to give children to eat more

Spring "growing season", these 3 foods are called "natural boosters", to give children to eat more

As the saying goes, "a white cover up a hundred ugly, a short destroys everything", the height of the child, now parents pay more and more attention.

For this reason, there are often parents who worry that their and their lover's height is not ideal, and the child's future height will also pull back?

In fact, genetics believes that the influence of genetic inheritance on children's height accounts for about 70%, while acquired factors such as nutrition, exercise, and sleep account for about 30%.

Therefore, for parents who are not too tall, they should pay more attention to this 30% acquired factor and help their children grow taller.

Spring "growing season", these 3 foods are called "natural boosters", to give children to eat more

A WHO study shows that the growth rate of children's height is significantly "seasonal", with the fastest growth rate in the spring (March-May) on average, and the height growth rate is 2-2.5 times that of September-November.

Spring is coming, the temperature rises, the human metabolism is vigorous, blood circulation is accelerated, the secretion of growth hormone in the children's body will also increase, and the height will grow more rapidly.

We parents must seize the opportunity to prepare the following 3 kinds of foods in this "golden season" when children grow tall, so that children's height "swoops" section.

Spring "growing season", these 3 foods are called "natural boosters", to give children to eat more

Protein-rich foods

Protein is the main compound that constitutes all life, is an important raw material for growing tall, and is also the material basis and first element of life, if you want to help children grow tall, protein-rich foods are also essential.

According to the source division, protein is divided into animal protein, plant protein, in general, animal protein is higher than plant protein nutritional value.

Foods rich in animal protein mainly include: pork, beef, lamb and other meats, milk, yogurt and other dairy products, as well as crab, fish and other seafood.

Foods rich in plant protein mainly include: soybeans, sesame seeds, walnuts, pine nuts and so on.

Spring "growing season", these 3 foods are called "natural boosters", to give children to eat more

However, although animal protein is more easily absorbed by the human body, it contains relatively high calories, and if the child consumes too much, it is easy to gain weight.

Therefore, when we help children supplement protein, we still have to pay attention to nutritional balance, so that meat and vegetarian collocation, both animal protein and plant protein.

Foods rich in vitamin D

The Chinese Nutrition Society recommends that full-term newborns should be supplemented with vitamin D400IU daily for several days after birth until the child is 2 years old, and if the child spends less time outdoors, it is recommended to supplement until puberty.

Vitamin D, also known as "sunshine vitamins", can play a vital role in the absorption of calcium in the human body, and calcium is a necessary nutrient for children's growth and development.

Spring "growing season", these 3 foods are called "natural boosters", to give children to eat more

If there is a lack of vitamin D, the body's absorption rate of calcium is only 10%, so if you want to make the child's height soar, vitamin D supplementation is essential.

In daily life, foods rich in vitamin D include fish, cod liver oil, animal liver, spinach, tomatoes, egg yolks, lean meat, milk, cheese, etc., all of which promote the height and development of children.

And the spring sun is "mild and not strong", the ultraviolet intensity is moderate, and the solar energy is often sunshine to help the human body synthesize vitamin D3 and enhance the child's absorption of calcium.

Spring "growing season", these 3 foods are called "natural boosters", to give children to eat more

Foods rich in calcium

Calcium as the main component of human bones, accounting for up to 99%, we help children grow tall, calcium supplementation can not be ignored.

Some parents in the child calcium supplement, may be the first time to think of eating calcium tablets, in fact, in daily life, a lot of food is a very good source of calcium supplements, we should adhere to the "food supplement" is better than the "medicine supplement" principle, through improving the diet, can help children intake of sufficient calcium elements.

For example, dairy products such as milk, beans and soy products, nuts, spinach, rape and other vegetables, apples, strawberries and other fruits, are all foods rich in calcium.

Spring "growing season", these 3 foods are called "natural boosters", to give children to eat more

However, when we supplement calcium for children, we need to pay attention to the fact that calcium supplementation is not the more the better.

Although the child comes to puberty bone growth is accelerated, calcium storage increases, to ensure the intake of calcium, but excessive calcium supplementation, repeated calcium supplementation, easy to make the child's calcium intake exceed the standard, affecting the intake of iron, zinc, magnesium and other elements, so that the child's appetite declines, constipation, and even suffers from stones.

Therefore, to help children supplement calcium elements, they also need to pay attention to the balance of nutritional intake, and excessive calcium supplementation is not advisable.

Spring "growing season", these 3 foods are called "natural boosters", to give children to eat more

Old Miao Conclusion:

To help children grow tall, nutritional intake is very important, but at the same time, growing tall is a "systematic project", and we should pay attention to other aspects.

For example, eat less high-salt, high-calorie junk food on the diet, urge children to adhere to exercise, develop good sleep habits, etc., only in all aspects go hand in hand, multi-dimensional force, in order to truly seize the spring this child's height "growing season" and let the child thrive.

Today's topic: What are some good ways for you to help your child grow tall?

I am Lao Miao, a super grandfather after the 80s, and the most eye-catching male head nurse in the hospital, welcome to discuss the issue of pregnancy together, and please pay attention to Lao Miao.

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