
Why men never refuse the love of other women, most of them have these 3 reasons!

First, men will feel that it is because they are attractive

Why men never refuse the love of other women, most of them have these 3 reasons!

For men, being pursued by other women will make him more attractive, otherwise there will not be so many women who love themselves. Men will always like women who are particularly good to themselves, and such a woman will make him feel very valuable and even feel that he is a very perfect man.

Second, do not want to refuse, for fear of hurting the other party

Why men never refuse the love of other women, most of them have these 3 reasons!

Many men, in the face of women's pursuit, always do not know how to refuse, it is because of your lack of understanding of rejection, so that other women have misunderstandings about you, such misunderstandings will bring more inconvenience to themselves, which is why men never know how to reject others.

Third, I like this feeling of being liked

Why men never refuse the love of other women, most of them have these 3 reasons!

Sometimes men, like women, like the feeling of being liked by others, because this will make themselves more confident, but also to find more advantages, and women face the people they like, emotional intelligence will not be very low, always can do a lot of things that you can't refuse, so men will feel that they don't know how to refuse.

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