
World of Warcraft TBC: Zuman's Guide to The Wasteland, the priest is promising, this pit must not be stepped on!

The time to open up the wilderness in Zu'aman is getting closer and closer, and Xiao Eight is also about to join the convoy of the reclamation, last night was also said by the people in the regiment that they were optimistic about the rules, don't brush the video while playing the group, the last time the Haikal Mountain was opened, it was because you did not keep up and caused the group to be destroyed twice. However, this time Zu aman is after all a ten-person difficulty is relatively small, Xiao Eight this time to summarize the wilderness strategy and route and the BOSS mechanism to deal with.

World of Warcraft TBC: Zuman's Guide to The Wasteland, the priest is promising, this pit must not be stepped on!

There are currently two routes in Zuman, but there is not much gap between the two routes, because Zuaman's difficulty is not high, so players get four chests almost without any pressure. If you simply want to take the box, it is recommended that you first fight the mountain eagle and then fight the bear god again, because first fight the bear and then go to the eagle will take a long detour, not the mountain eagle will still have to fight in the end, so in the actual battle, who will be the first position difference is not big, if you feel that you can't finish all the fight just for the treasure chest, then put the first target here in the mountain eagle.

World of Warcraft TBC: Zuman's Guide to The Wasteland, the priest is promising, this pit must not be stepped on!

The first position boss bear god is actually not difficult, the boss mechanism is not complicated at all, mainly three skills, the first is the tear bleeding damage will be increased by 100%, but the impact of this skill is not large, the second is the group silence for 5 seconds, so in the team when to configure in advance, the third skill is a bit restrained DPS, will charge towards the farthest target, but DPS players are not handled properly, it is likely to cause attrition, so when charged, they must return blood and go.

World of Warcraft TBC: Zuman's Guide to The Wasteland, the priest is promising, this pit must not be stepped on!

Although the Mountain Eagle is the second position in Zuman, the overall difficulty will be lower than that of the Bear in the First Position, so the players who play the treasure chest will generally choose the Mountain Eagle as the first boss to take the first treasure chest. In this DPS, the players can directly disperse the position and then output, if the melee class sees the BOSS reading bar to keep up with the shield reflection skill, other cases just output.

World of Warcraft TBC: Zuman's Guide to The Wasteland, the priest is promising, this pit must not be stepped on!

Dragon Eagle is actually a little more difficult, the mechanism is very simple, but because of the mobs and ground problems, the overall difficulty of the players has increased, of course, the difficulty of the running position has become more large. At this time, you need at least two MT players, one to pull the mob and the other to pull the boss, other players only need to dodge the fireball on the ground, if the fireball is defeated too many times, in fact, the player is not suitable to play this group.

World of Warcraft TBC: Zuman's Guide to The Wasteland, the priest is promising, this pit must not be stepped on!

Bobcat actually has a trick, just through the waterway to skip a part of the mobs, another method is the side door to lead the BOSS, in the previous version can be used, but in the PTR test few people use, so the effectiveness of this method is not yet certain. However, bobcats have a total of two forms, when the amount of blood reaches the threshold will change shape, the core of this BOSS is the treatment profession, always pay attention to the hate list to avoid being OTed.

World of Warcraft TBC: Zuman's Guide to The Wasteland, the priest is promising, this pit must not be stepped on!

The fifth boss sorcerer Malacas and the tail king Zurkin, these two bosses will be introduced separately in the future, because the difficulty of these two bosses is relatively high, for example, the sorcerer Malacas itself has a full-screen AOE and comes with a blood drop DOT The other is a copy skill, so it is relatively difficult to deal with, so it is recommended that players can watch some clearance videos or go directly to WCL to view some data and configurations to better pass the level.

World of Warcraft TBC: Zuman's Guide to The Wasteland, the priest is promising, this pit must not be stepped on!

In the second stage of the Tail King, all players in the group will get a debuff effect, but this debuff effect can be dispelled, so the priest becomes very important, and if there is a priest, it can perfectly solve the harm of the debuff effect. The second is that zu aman is very simple, but everyone still needs to look at the raiders, each BOSS has more or less pits, it is recommended that players do not step on, especially the hatred to control well, then the overall difficulty is not great.

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