
9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

Shadow Talent

Select Covenant

Psychic Lords

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

l Covenant skills

Class Skills: Evil Nova, dealing damage while giving teammates some health. The more monsters, the more damage and healing effects. Combined with Covenant Orange, a small burst of monomers can be played.

Flag Skill: Flesh And Blood Casting, which adds a absorbing shield to itself, which is equivalent to a small damage reduction during the boot period.

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

l Talent

Main Skills: Dark Words: Pain, Psychic Explosion, Spirit Whipping, Void Burst, Spirit Eater, Vampire Touch, Dark Words: Annihilation, Covenant Skills, etc.

The first level of talent selects the Will Barrier, which increases the damage of 2 main skills and also increases the output of The Madness points.

The second level of talent chooses to unite body and mind, and the priest has one of the few ways to increase the speed of movement, and it is necessary to accelerate and run in an emergency.

The third level of talent chooses to burn nightmares, and when there are more monsters, they can group mantras: pain, and the damage caused to monsters that already have pain will also increase.

The fourth level of talent chooses a psychic bomb that helps the team better control monsters and interrupt the reading slips when needed.

The fifth level talent selects auspicious omens, increasing the damage of the Shadow Phantoms, while also speeding up the acquisition of Frenzy points.

The sixth level talent chooses the Heartbreaker demon, which replaces the Shadow Demon, which can get more Frenzy points when cast, and the Shadow Demon's cooldown will be reduced from 3 minutes to 1 minute.

The seventh level talent chooses the Hungry Void to increase the damage while extending the duration of the Void Form, providing itself with more burst damage and time.

This set of talents focuses on playing a single output while taking into account the ability of AOE. When facing a single target, start the vampire's touch on the hand: Pain, these 2 skills should always be maintained, the Psychic Shock Card CD should be used, and the energy consumption in time is used to use the Spirit Eater. Void Burst and Energy Infusion are used as companions to the Burst skill. When facing 6 monsters with more blood, the vampire touch is still preferentially maintained, and the spirit burning and burning nightmare are then hung up for the group of monsters: pain, and then combined with the burst combination skill to hit the damage. If there are more than 6 monsters and the amount of health is low, use spirit burning directly with burning nightmares. AOE on monsters.

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

Covenant bondage and channeler

Covenant Bondage Choice: Bone Craftsman Helmer, the main reason for choosing him is his talented Meat Cutter's Eye, the proficiency attribute itself is one of the more needed secondary attributes of the Shadow Priest, and the choice of this talent is equivalent to a bonus of an attribute for each start output.

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

Bondage Talent Selection:

Hearth Fantasy: Resident intelligence and armor bonus, and the ability to continue fighting for 10 seconds when you die.

Accumulated Flesh and Blood Casting: Reduces the cooldown time of flesh casting and increases its survivability.

Rune Forged Thorn: Ride faster, attacked will make you run faster, a must-have for escape.

Helmer's Armory: Myelogenous Gems: A means to temporarily increase critical hits, hitting psychic blasts, spirit eaters, or void arrows when gaining effects, increasing the number of Shadow Phantoms that appear, thereby increasing damage and the acquisition of frenzy points.

Meat Cutter's Eye: Improves proficiency and triggers damage to targets above 90% health.

Memory Equipment: Replicates damage to help yourself and your teammates increase damage output.

Spirit Guide:

When the enlightened person's prestige reaches friendliness, he can find the enlightened quartermaster in the port of Zaretis to buy items to unlock all the channels: the Fountain of Illusion, which increases the item level of the spirit guide to 226; the prestige reaches reverence can be purchased: the Endless Potential Water Bottle, which increases the item level of the spirit guide to 239.

Endurance Preferred: Transparent Image (damage reduction), Generous Soul (which also gets itself when a shield is applied to a teammate), Condensed Heart Energy Orb (regenerates a certain amount of health from damage)

Dexterity Preferred: Spirit Regeneration (reduces target movement speed after Psychic Bomb ends), Awake Mind (Less Blue Drain)

Potency Priority: Festering Infusion (increases Evil Infusion time, increases damage and healing) Haunting Soul (increases Shadow Phantom damage)

l Orange suit options

The first orange suit chooses the Shadow Flame Prism, the recommended production part: head, sub-attribute selection rapid mastery. The Orange Suit effect uses Psychic Shock and Whisper: Extinction will cause Shadow/Heartbreaker to attack up to 5 enemies, and extend the duration of Annihilation to Cause Shadow/Heartbreaker. It is equivalent to Dark Mu adding an AOE means while increasing its own Frenzy Value Acquisition Speed.

The second orange suit is unity, covenant orange effect, recommended parts: belt, secondary attribute selection rapid mastery.

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

l Set

Kit area: head, shoulders, chest, hands, legs

Set Effects:

2-piece set: Cast spirit eaters with a 40% chance of giving dark minds. Casting Burning Nightmares has a 25% chance of giving dark minds. The specific effect of Dark Mind is to increase the number of times the Psychic Shock is used once, and it can be cast immediately, or it can be used when guiding the Spirit Whip or Spirit Burning.

4-Piece Set: Consuming the Shadow Thinking effect will activate your shadow after a period of time, dealing shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards of the target for 6 seconds. It is equivalent to giving an AOE capability when the dark shepherd is output.

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

l Attributes and equipment

The initial dress code is to give priority to equipment with high levels, and when you get equivalent equipment, it is adjusted according to the priority of attributes. Recommended attributes: Intelligence > rapid> proficiency> = Critical Hit > Omnipotent.

The equipment of some of the FirstBorn Holy Sepulchre (Tuanben) and the Dungeon (Great Secret Realm) has been sorted out for your reference:

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

Others (enchantments, gems, food, potions, etc.)

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

Commandment talent

Select Covenant


9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

l Covenant skills

Class Skills: Gift of The Promoter, Damage Output, Healing Teammates' Skills. The more monsters, the more damage and healing effects.

Marker Skill: Summons the Deacon, and the Bottle of Silence he provides, while restoring the amount of health, also makes up for the priest's inability to lift his curse, poisoning, and bleeding.

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

l Talent

Main Skills: Shingon: Shield, Ascetic, Shadow Healing, Pain Suppression, Shingon: Obstacle, Covenant Skill, etc.

The first layer of talent chooses ill-fated, after treating teammates with low health, a short period of time to increase their own damage and healing, for the discipline of the pastoral profession that relies on the output of medical treatment, it is undoubtedly equivalent to giving a short-term small outbreak to raise blood, which can save the dying teammates.

The second tier of talent chooses Heaven's Feather, laying feathers on the pre-run route in advance to improve their mobility and that of their teammates.

The third level of talent chooses Mantra: Consolation, causing damage while restoring their own mana points, making up for the lack of blue in the precepts, and also increasing the damage output to the team.

The fourth level of talent selects the Flash Force Field, which helps the tank repel the monster and reduce the monster's movement speed when the tank health crisis cannot be escaped. Special cases can be used to adjust the position of monsters or as an interrupt skill.

The fifth level of talent chooses to add to the body of all sins, maximizing its own output when no one in the team drops blood.

The sixth level of talent chooses to purify evil, combined with ascetic skills, equivalent to a group of damage skills.

The seventh level of talent chooses mercy, giving teammates with a redemptive effect a permanent damage reduction. Reduce the pressure of self-healing while ensuring that teammates have better survivability.

This set of talent masters balances damage and healing, while giving some additional support such as interrupting, reducing damage, adjusting monster positions, etc. During the battle, Mantra: Comfort Card CD is used to ensure that the amount of blue itself increases the endurance, and pre-lays the redemption effect for teammates in advance before the big drop of blood. When tanks gather monsters, they preferentially use involution to purify evil on monsters, and cooperate with ascetics to spread the purification evil. When the blood is smoothed out, the shield can be used to create a redemption effect, and you can replenish the blood of your teammates by fighting monsters.

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

Covenant bondage and channeler

Covenant Bondage Choice: Master Mikanikos, chosen primarily for the Overflow Heart Accelerator and the Summoning of Action: The Two Talents of Blom, which are designed to reduce the cooldown time of the Covenant Class Skill and make the Precept Shepherd use the Covenant Skill more frequently. Bronn is another means of healing that can be exported.

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

Bondage Talent Selection:

Summoning of Action: Blom: Summoning Blom is one of the means for you to fight, increase damage and heal.

Master's Filter: When your own health is in crisis, you automatically use the Bottle of Silence to restore your health.

Tough Feather: Reduces the damage taken by the fall and reduces the damage it takes after the fall hurts.

Gyori Hammer: In total, the rapid can be increased by 15%, which is quite important for the precept priest.

Soul Spectrometer: Continuously improves the ability to heal or damage a single target.

Overflow Heart Accelerator: Deals range damage and reduces the cooldown of covenant class skills, the more monsters damaged, the more time to cool down.

Spirit Guide:

When the enlightened person's prestige reaches friendliness, he can find the enlightened quartermaster in the port of Zaretis to buy items to unlock all the channels: the Fountain of Illusion, which increases the item level of the spirit guide to 226; the prestige reaches reverence can be purchased: the Endless Potential Water Bottle, which increases the item level of the spirit guide to 239.

Endurance Preferred: Transparent Images (Damage Reduction)

(This effect is also obtained when a shield is applied to a teammate), Holy Light Encouragement (Prayer of Despair provides additional health recovery)

Dexterity Preferred: Awake Mind (DispelBlue Blue Consumption Reduction)

Potency Priority: Boost (increases promotion impact damage), Manic Shadow (increases The speed of return to blue by speeding up Shadow Demon attacks)

l Orange suit options

The first orange suit chooses gemini sun priestess, recommended production parts: head, sub-attribute selection quick mastery. This effect is that when using energy infusion for teammates, it will also get 100% of the effect, which is a means to improve the output of the team and its own explosion.

The second orange suit is unity, covenant orange effect, recommended parts: belt, secondary attribute selection rapid mastery.

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

l Set

Kit area: head, shoulders, chest, hands, legs

Set Effects:

2-Piece Set: Cast Mantra: Shield or Shadow Healing has a 15% chance that the next Shadow Healing you cast will not require a cost and cast time. Triggering a free instant healing opportunity after obtaining it will help the priest's endurance and improve the survival rate of the team.

Set of 4: The Power of the Dark Side increases the ascetic effect by an additional 45%, and the Cast Mantra: Shine triggers immediately. At the original 95% bonus, an additional 45% increase in the effect is equivalent to an additional manually controllable outbreak treatment. Make the original uncontrollable more controllable.

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

l Attributes and equipment

The initial dress code is to give priority to equipment with high levels, and when you get equivalent equipment, it is adjusted according to the priority of attributes. Recommended Attributes: Intelligence > rapid> proficiency in > critical hits> omnipotent.

The equipment of some of the FirstBorn Holy Sepulchre (Tuanben) and the Dungeon (Great Secret Realm) has been sorted out for your reference:

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

Others (enchantments, gems, food, potions, etc.)

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

Divine talent

Select Covenant


9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

l Covenant skills

Class Skills: Gift of The Promoter, Damage Output, Healing Teammates' Skills. The more monsters, the more damage and healing effects.

Marker Skill: Summons the Deacon, and the Bottle of Silence he provides, while restoring the amount of health, also makes up for the priest's inability to lift his curse, poisoning, and bleeding.

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

l Talent

Main Skills: Sacred Word: Meditation, Healing Prayer, Recovery, Rapid Healing, Healing, Sacred Word: Spirit, Covenant Skills, etc.

The first level of talent chooses the Bright Trail, which can copy 35% of the healing effect to the previous target, so that in the case of the whole team falling blood, it can more calmly lift the blood.

The second tier of talent chooses Heaven's Feather, laying feathers on the pre-run route in advance to improve their mobility and that of their teammates.

The third level of talent selects the Guardian Angel, and if the target does not consume the Guardian Soul, the Cooldown of the Guardian Soul is reduced to 1 minute. Choosing this talent gives you more chances to pull your teammates back from the brink of death.

The fourth level of talent selects the Flash Force Field, which helps the tank repel the monster and reduce the monster's movement speed when the tank health crisis cannot be escaped. Special cases can be used to adjust the position of monsters or as an interrupt skill.

The fifth level of talent selection Holy Light Surge, healing spells or punishments gives you a chance to have a free instantaneous quick healing, combined with the orange suit, which allows you to superimpose the effect to 5 layers faster.

The sixth level talent selects the Divine Star, which deals damage while giving treatment to teammates, and using flexible positions can make this skill more advantageous.

The seventh level of talent selects the divine avatar to enhance the means of healing under high pressure, and when the healing pressure is too great to open this effect, the Sacred Word Technique is immediately in a cooling state, and the healing amount is increased by 300%.

This set of talents is mainly to improve the survival ability of teammates and take care of their own damage. When using covenant skills, the group monsters deal high damage while replenishing the health of their teammates. Healing Prayer and Divine Star Card CD are used, and the entire battle is used to ensure the 5-layer effect of the orange suit with a quick healing, after which the healing technique is used to brush the blood. Sacred Word: Static, Sacred Word: Spirit is flexible according to the blood loss.

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

Covenant bondage and channeler

Covenant Bondage Choice: Master Mikanikos, chosen primarily for the Overflow Heart Accelerator and the Summoning of Action: The Two Talents of Bloom, which are designed to reduce the cooldown time of the Covenant Class Skill and make priests use covenant skills more frequently. Bronn is another means of healing that can be exported.

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

Bondage Talent Selection:

Summoning of Action: Blom: Summoning Blom is one of the means for you to fight, increase damage and heal.

Master's Filter: When your own health is in crisis, you automatically use the Bottle of Silence to restore your health.

Tough Feather: Reduces the damage taken by the fall and reduces the damage it takes after the fall hurts.

Source Hammer: Increases the speed by 15% in total, which helps to cast spells faster.

Reactive Transformation: Gain a shield effect after taking damage, which increases the priest's survival rate.

Overflow Heart Accelerator: Deals range damage and reduces the cooldown of covenant class skills, the more monsters damaged, the more time to cool down.

Spirit Guide:

When the enlightened person's prestige reaches friendliness, he can find the enlightened quartermaster in the port of Zaretis to buy items to unlock all the channels: the Fountain of Illusion, which increases the item level of the spirit guide to 226; the prestige reaches reverence can be purchased: the Endless Potential Water Bottle, which increases the item level of the spirit guide to 239.

Durability Preferred: Transparent Image (Damage Reduction), Concentrated Heart Energy Orb (Blood Return from Damage)

Dexterity Preferred: Awake Mind (Dispels Blue Consumption Decreases), Empowering Perfusion (Reduces Energy Perfusion Cooldown Time)

Potency Priority: Resonance Word (casts The Word to increase the healing effect of Quick Healing and Healing Spells), Soul of Continuation (increases the duration of Guardian Souls, increases the healing effect of Guardian Soul targets)

l Orange suit options

The first orange suit selection is quick to focus, recommended production parts: wrist, secondary attribute selection proficient in critical hits. Shorten the application time of the treatment after the use of rapid treatment to increase the therapeutic effect of the treatment, and it is best to guarantee the 5-layer effect at any time in the copy.

The second orange suit is unity, covenant orange effect, recommended parts: belt, secondary attribute selection rapid mastery.

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

l Set

Kit area: head, shoulders, chest, hands, legs

Set Effects:

2-Piece Set: Your Word Spell will trigger the Word Talk, reducing your next Spell affecting the Word spell by an additional 15 seconds. This effect allows you to cast more Words in battle.

4-Piece Set: The Word Talk increases the effectiveness of your next spell that affects the Word by 60%. Obviously, this is an effect that increases both the amount of treatment and the damage output.

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

l Attributes and equipment

The initial dress code is to give priority to equipment with high levels, and when you get equivalent equipment, it is adjusted according to the priority of attributes. Recommended Attributes: Intelligence > proficiency in > critical hits> rapid > all-around.

The equipment of some of the FirstBorn Holy Sepulchre (Tuanben) and the Dungeon (Great Secret Realm) has been sorted out for your reference:

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

Others (enchantments, gems, food, potions, etc.)

9.2 Priests are recommended for each specialty advanced gameplay

This is just a small editor's gameplay recommendation, the game content is ever-changing, different talents, orange suits, etc. will have different "genres", looking forward to everyone's new discoveries.

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