
"DNF" is now the boss full hegemony, and it feels like there is no interaction when playing

The game "DNF" is now fully dominated by bosses, and it feels like there is no interaction when playing. The first time I turned kryptonite was to expand the chest, I summoned a summon to feed a white hand and a red eye. Watching my cousin red-eyed with the Fate Gold Coin was heartbreaking. Otherwise, the dungeons will always hit the top figures at the end. Boring. I think it can be set like this. Different white maps drop different item materials. Which one do you want. Just brush which one. Enhance the White Map to drop high-value items. Valuable items. From the 90 version, the end of the version is sent, and the 100 version can be said to be a big changed version, that is, Ghent has no one to play.

"DNF" is now the boss full hegemony, and it feels like there is no interaction when playing

Moving bricks is not the storm and the clouds, these two figures you casually play? And there are 2+2+4, or casual seconds? In the past, I was very comfortable playing with my friends, but now I play by myself. Want to experience the plot to change the weapons and armor to blue, dnf other than that, the mechanics of the previous monsters are in, and even now some of you can't get by, and dnf is now no new players, all the old players who have come more or less played, you then extend the training time, how do you tell them to catch up with the progress? I'm bored every second I'm on my way to training now.

"DNF" is now the boss full hegemony, and it feels like there is no interaction when playing

The boss before the full level of Warcraft is basically playing casually with environmental protection clothes, and occasionally there are a few difficult ones. That is also basic to the later stage, the simple setting in front of the set is to make people familiar with the fluency and mode of the skill, you will slowly upgrade the process of the damage to the skill, and the combination release order, have their own understanding. The easier points set will also allow most people to immerse themselves in it and play with it. If nothing else, the simple violence that reduced the difficulty of the game by three speeds when there were fewer poisoned milk powder diagrams in the early days, you know that it is not as good as now.

"DNF" is now the boss full hegemony, and it feels like there is no interaction when playing

It is also related to the mechanism of the monster, and now the boss is fully hegemonic, and it feels like there is no interaction when playing, that is, putting skills and then going through the mechanism. Before that, it was still quite interesting to be able to float in the air and play combos. After all, at that time, many old players were the people who came from the king of boxing pkc and pursued the combo moves. The white map is not so bad, the king-level white figure after the ninety level, a fake purple body has been unable to beat.

"DNF" is now the boss full hegemony, and it feels like there is no interaction when playing

The game "DNF" is now fully dominated by bosses, and it feels like there is no interaction when playing. DNF ushered in an update, this time added 3 activities, namely: special pocket jar of earthen pots, Arad wandering tour, kryptonite pots of treasures, new versions, new activities waiting for you to experience ~ ~

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