
DNF: The Age of Red Eye 3 Times God! The Blood Burst Warrior is the most dazzling, but it has not been in power for a long time

As the largest class in the national uniform base, Red Eye has become the most popular class for players due to its simple and rough skills, easy to use, and low damage! If you observe on the street, or in the regimental book, you will find that you can encounter a lot of red eyes wherever you go, the regimental book is not half, at least 1/3 of the occupations are red-eyed players, so the red-eye has also become one of the biggest combat forces in the regimental capital, if there is no red-eye, the efficiency of the group full of people will be slower.

Has red eyes ever been illusory?

DNF: The Age of Red Eye 3 Times God! The Blood Burst Warrior is the most dazzling, but it has not been in power for a long time

The number of red-eye players is large, and the local tycoon players are also large, so it will always give people the illusion that the red-eye is very strong, but in fact, in the eyes of many red-eye, and even in the eyes of other professions, the red-eye is not strong, and even when it is not once an illusion, after experiencing so many times of professional balance, in the eyes of many players, most of them are decent, at most, it is beyond the level of first-line occupations. But is this really the case? In fact, it is not the case, in the long history of DNF for 13 years, there have been a total of 3 times when the red eye has become an illusion, but it has not reigned for a long time, so it is often ignored by everyone.

Red eyes rise after two awakenings

DNF: The Age of Red Eye 3 Times God! The Blood Burst Warrior is the most dazzling, but it has not been in power for a long time

First of all, the time to become an illusion god for the first time is from the 85 version of the second sense in January 13, because there is one more two sense passive, 80 skills, and two sense skill blessing than other classes, so the damage is naturally much higher than the role without the second sense, and the otherworld is also dominated by the ghost swordsman red, white and black gold, basically all the otherworld records are taken by these 4 ghost swordsmen, but the good times are not long, after half a year after the female fighting second sense joined the national costume, the status of the red eye is much darker, Previously broken records in the Otherworld were surpassed by Vulcan and Judo.

The Blood Burst Warrior makes people shudder

DNF: The Age of Red Eye 3 Times God! The Blood Burst Warrior is the most dazzling, but it has not been in power for a long time

Secondly, the second time to become an illusion god, it is from the version of the Soul Otherworld launched in August 2013, the Soul Otherworld as the most difficult 85 copy map at that time, many players pass the level is a problem, but the East Second Dream is with the magic battle 3 + time shoulder + stimulation + siege buff of the blood explosion warrior collocation, all the way through the level, including all the records of damage and racing, very good. However, due to the exhaustion of the Blood Explosion Warrior, the light was too dazzling, and in the later stage, like the Ghost Warrior of the Sword Soul, it was also helplessly harmonized, and there was no longer a Blood Explosion Warrior.

After three awakenings, he leapt into a god

DNF: The Age of Red Eye 3 Times God! The Blood Burst Warrior is the most dazzling, but it has not been in power for a long time

Finally, the third illusion is from March 20, 2010 version of the just three senses when the male ghost swordsman and female ghost swordsman together three senses, red eyes jumped into the gods, whether in the pile, or in actual combat have a very good performance, but compared with the sword emperor there is a certain gap in actual combat can not be beaten, can only be in the pile "pile B", so at that time "red Hao" rhythm is still very large, but after the continuous role of three senses, the red eye is getting weaker and weaker, and since the fall of the red eye, the sword emperor has been illusionary for nearly 2 years.

DNF: The Age of Red Eye 3 Times God! The Blood Burst Warrior is the most dazzling, but it has not been in power for a long time

【Personal Summary】

In general, this is the era of red eye 3 times "becoming a god", but because each illusion is not more than 1 year, most of them are only about half a year, so it is easy to be forgotten, and gradually players have doubts about whether red eye has ever had an illusion. But fortunately, red eye as a national service "pro-son" occupation, not so weak, memory, Luke's early version because of the need to press blood into "send head waste", became a sewer pass, in the future either the second line, or on the first line, super first line, belongs to the more comfortable play of the profession, the current 100 version also belongs to the first line of occupation, so play a red eye does not have to worry about career prospects.

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