
There are 5 characters in the DNF mobile game, do you know the conditions for the creation of the characters?

There are 5 characters in the DNF mobile game: Ghost Swordsman, Gunner, Female Fighter, Magician and Nurse.

■ Character creation conditions

You can create a role only if the role slot is empty.

You can create 4 characters per day.

More role slots can be added through the Role Slots Expansion Ticket.

■ How to create a character

There are 5 characters in the DNF mobile game, do you know the conditions for the creation of the characters?

Touch [Create character].

There are 5 characters in the DNF mobile game, do you know the conditions for the creation of the characters?

You can select and create the role you want.

There are 5 characters in the DNF mobile game, do you know the conditions for the creation of the characters?

Character names can be 2 to 6 Korean characters and 4 to 12 English and numeric characters.

※ Spaces and special characters cannot be used.

※ Chinese cannot be used.

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