
Which is stronger than DNF brick moving? Devil May Cry Flower and Big Gun! You see this is not rhyming

I believe that many well-informed readers have received news of carbon price recovery. So the question is, which DNF brick move is stronger? Devil May Cry Flower and Big Gun! You see, this is not it, eh all of a sudden rhyme.

Which is stronger than DNF brick moving? Devil May Cry Flower and Big Gun! You see this is not rhyming

Following yesterday's (4.28) group update, the carbon price of mobile games has been greatly adjusted, and the price range has stabilized between 223 and 290 terra. Dear readers, you can join the army of bricks again. The income of single-character brick moving can be stable at 40,000+, and the efficiency of multi-character brick moving can be improved.

Which is stronger than DNF brick moving? Devil May Cry Flower and Big Gun! You see this is not rhyming

Latest carbon prices

Which is stronger than DNF brick moving? Devil May Cry Flower and Big Gun! You see this is not rhyming

Single-character brick moving income

Brick moving career options

1. Devil Cry

In the current version of the Ghost Swordsman's other counterparts, Devil Cry is definitely the first choice for moving bricks (second choice blind man)

Devil May Cry positioning is a semi-auxiliary and half-output class, most of the skills start quickly, the forward shake is relatively short, the explosive ability is very strong, and his formation skills can provide continuous output and defense reduction of the hand, which can increase the overall damage. After the outbreak, the output is general, because of its own class and auxiliary ability, the cost of building can be appropriately reduced, which is a very suitable class for novice and civilian players.

Which is stronger than DNF brick moving? Devil May Cry Flower and Big Gun! You see this is not rhyming

2. Hundred Flowers (Female Qigong)

Hundred Flowers is a very suitable class for moving bricks in the game, most of the skills are AOE, the skill range and damage CD are very impressive, and the acceleration skill comes with it. Late damage explosion, simple build is a good hand at moving bricks, a god class necessary for moving bricks.

Which is stronger than DNF brick moving? Devil May Cry Flower and Big Gun! You see this is not rhyming

3. Big Gun (Gunner Division)

At present, one of the strongest occupations in mobile games, the kryptonite degree of the big gun is not high, and the income of kryptonite is not high. But civilian players can use it to hit high damage, which is simply an old baby born to move bricks.

Features: The skill outbreak is extremely high, and there is a large range of AOE attacks, the gunnery division attack distance is long, the explosion is high, the skill is fast, and most of the heavy firearms skill attack range is very large, during the outbreak, it relies more on concentrated fire buff, the endurance output after the outbreak is low, and the ability to strike at the close-range Y axis is weak. In the current version, the ability to brush pictures is extremely strong.

Which is stronger than DNF brick moving? Devil May Cry Flower and Big Gun! You see this is not rhyming

The next update is coming soon

DNF Mobile Game: Equipment Options for Moving Bricks

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