
Women identify you in their hearts and will give you three kinds of "special treatment", and others will not give

Women identify you in their hearts and will give you three kinds of "special treatment", and others will not give

Women identify you in their hearts and will give you three kinds of "special treatment", and others will not give

Some people say: If a woman meets a man she likes, she will definitely set him up as a person who pays special attention to, so as not to miss the messages he sends, and then analyze whether he really loves himself from the information that comes and goes. After she has come to a conclusion, she will let down her guard and tear down the walls to allow you to enter his world and participate in his future.

A woman, if she recognizes you in her heart, she will give you three kinds of "special treatment", don't cherish it.

Women identify you in their hearts and will give you three kinds of "special treatment", and others will not give

Allow you to enter her life

Some people say: In the world of feelings, if it is not a man that a woman likes, it is difficult to get close to her.

Because, a woman's awareness of the opposite sex is very strong, so it is difficult for a man who is not her favorite to enter her world to participate in her life.

The same is true.

If a woman doesn't have a crush on you, she won't stay with you alone, but will keep a certain distance from you so as not to let you and others misunderstand her.

Even if you like her and want to chase her, she won't give you any chance, it will only make you retreat.

A woman who has moved her heart for you and has identified you in her heart will not only not refuse your pursuit, but will also give you a privilege to enter her world and participate in his future.

Not for anything else, just for likes, just for love, just to want to have a good future with you.

Women identify you in their hearts and will give you three kinds of "special treatment", and others will not give

Second, allow you to see her parents

In real love, there are indeed most girls who will not allow them to see their parents and relatives when they have not yet made a final decision and whether to spend their lives with a man who likes themselves.

Once you have been mentally identified, the time has come for her to give you the privilege of meeting his parents.

The first is to let you know that I am the one who really loves you, and I also want to accompany you on the last journey on the road of life.

The second is to make her parents happy that her daughter has found a man who is willing to accompany her, spoil her, and love her for a lifetime.

So, the woman who identified you in her heart will give you such a privilege, and if other people want it, she will not give it.

But you have to know how to cherish, cherish the good woman who is willing to give you this privilege.

Although there are many good women in the world, there are not many women who are really good to you, and there is only one woman who can accompany you to the old age.

Therefore, you can only cherish and can not live up to.

Otherwise, you are a negative person with no conscience.

Women identify you in their hearts and will give you three kinds of "special treatment", and others will not give

Three, allow you to spend her money

In this era of imbalance between men and women, it is generally boys who earn money to spend for girls.

Boys only make money, girls only care about flowers.

However, there are always some girls who only talk about money, do not talk about love, only talk about gifts, do not talk about the future.

It's not that she doesn't know that true love, it's talking about love, that comes to reality. Instead of talking about money yourself and making the other party helpless.

Anyone who only talks about money and does not talk about love is purely unlove.

The woman who loves you, the woman who loves you, has nothing to do with anything else.

Even if she would love you to give him a gift, it is a reciprocal gift.

The gift is not in the noble, but in the heart, in sincerity.

As long as you are sincere, it is her greatest joy.

Because she loves you, your heart is more precious than any gift.

As long as you have this heart, it is her greatest joy.

You are willing to spend money for her, and she is willing to give you the privilege of spending her money at will.

Because, in her heart, she decided that this life is you, so whether it is your money or her money, it is the money that you two share.

As a man, if you meet a woman whose money does not divide you or me, it is a blessing that you have cultivated in your previous life, and you must cherish it. Cherish the woman who gave you these privileges.

Love the woman who is willing to pay for you, and love a woman who does not abandon you and is willing to accompany you for a lifetime.

Only by loving each other, that love, is wonderful and brilliant, only by loving each other, happiness will always be together.

Women identify you in their hearts and will give you three kinds of "special treatment", and others will not give

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