
The reproductive age of parents can be a stepping stone for children to become "school bullies", and you guessed it?

Recently by a song "other people's children" fascinated, the song is mainly to encourage the child's mentality as the content, all say that the cold window hard to read for more than ten years, in fact, we have been being "compared", the mother of a sentence "other people's children" will make you cry out and collapse!

Why are other people's children better at learning than you, sports better than you, and interpersonal relationships better than you? Is it because we lost at the "starting line" – the reproductive age of our parents?

There is an optimal range for parents' reproductive ages, and you guessed it

Physiologists agree that the optimal age for women to have children is between 23-30 years old. Over 35 years of age, it will be called "advanced maternal age". What limitations do women have in the process of childbearing and parenting at this time?

The reproductive age of parents can be a stepping stone for children to become "school bullies", and you guessed it?

The first is that in women beyond the optimal age range, the egg cells begin to gradually appear to age, and once adversely affected, they will have an impact on the fetus. And with the increase of age, the changes in the hormones of the female body tend to increase the risk factor of childbirth, and the incidence of fetal treasure deformity will rise.

Secondly, the physical functions of women over 35 years old began to decline, and women's physique after giving birth to children was also easy to change due to their age. May not be as healthy and energetic as when you were young.

The reproductive age of parents can be a stepping stone for children to become "school bullies", and you guessed it?

From birth to growth, it has always been a very energy-consuming thing, and the child is constantly growing up, and his curiosity about external things will become more and more serious.

And when the mother returns home after a tired day's work, she also has to face a baby who is "radiant" at all times in a very full state, and the picture can be imagined.

In addition, when the child is sick, the child is sick when he is younger, and he is mostly very vulnerable and needs the company of the mother around the clock.

The reproductive age of parents can be a stepping stone for children to become "school bullies", and you guessed it?

Most women in this age group have stable careers or are in a period of substantial rise, and when faced with family and career, they have to make difficult choices; taking children is already a hard thing, mothers drag their sick bodies, and they have to take care of their children, and the difficulty index is five stars!

The "life" here does not refer to some changes in the lives of adults, but to face the situation of "old and small". Many people say that three generations in life are not a very happy picture? Of course, the picture is very happy, but the actual happiness is not happy, outsiders really do not know.

The reproductive age of parents can be a stepping stone for children to become "school bullies"

Since it is not appropriate to have a baby over the age of 35, is it better the sooner it is? not necessarily! At this age, the conditions for conceiving a baby are better in all aspects, and it is more conducive to the child becoming a "school bully"

The reproductive age of parents can be a stepping stone for children to become "school bullies", and you guessed it?

The study found that women who conceive a baby after the age of 30 and before the age of 35 have many benefits that they do not have at a young age, both within the optimal age of childbearing.

▼ At this age, the economic pressure of husband and wife raising a baby is reduced

At the age of 30 to 35, when the child is born, the couple has been working hard for several years, and the material conditions in the baby's growth process are guaranteed. When it comes to money, couples don't have to think too much about it and can spend more time on their children.

Not only can many needs be met in life, but also in the cultivation of learning knowledge and specialties is also timely, so children are more likely to become school bullies.

The reproductive age of parents can be a stepping stone for children to become "school bullies", and you guessed it?

▼ Parents of this age group are more mature

At the age of thirty, most of the various things in work and life will be experienced, and you will have a better understanding of your temperament, and at the same time increase the world's "polishing" of you.

Husbands and wives are more subjective in their children's educational philosophy and have a clearer idea of which directions should be cultivated in the face of their children's education.

On this level, parents and children are more likely to become "friends" and communicate more smoothly with each other. In this way, the child who grows up in this benign educational atmosphere will have a more cheerful and optimistic personality, and he will not encounter too many obstacles in interpersonal communication.

The reproductive age of parents can be a stepping stone for children to become "school bullies", and you guessed it?

In the child's education and management, the mentality and thinking are more mature, and the way children think about problems and deal with problems will also be affected by parents, and it is easier to become a bully.

I believe that every parent is looking forward to Jackie Chan, looking forward to the female chengfeng, at the end of the article for all parents to share a good book, don't miss it!

Take the words of the world-famous physicist Yang Zhenning:

If you want your child to learn mathematics well, the first step is to first understand the basic concepts of mathematics; secondly, the origin of its basic concepts, which requires parents to accompany their children to read more mathematical books and play some mathematical games in the process of tutoring their children's mathematical problems.

The reproductive age of parents can be a stepping stone for children to become "school bullies", and you guessed it?

However, climbing the pinnacle of mathematics is not an easy task. Yang Zhenning, a world-famous physicist, said: "I also think mathematics is very boring, but when I saw Liu Xuanyu's math book, I was very surprised. Can you still learn math like this? ”

Yang Zhenning was the greatest physicist after Newton and Einstein. The math teacher he can recognize, Liu Xuanyu, can't be wrong.

Who is Liu Xuanyu?

Compared with mathematicians such as Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun, Liu Xuanyu is not well-known, because his energy is mainly in mathematics teaching and the preparation of primary and secondary school textbooks.

Liu Xuanyu wrote many mathematical books in his lifetime, the most famous of which are these three:

The first book is "Mr. Ma Talks About Mathematics", which mainly talks about how to use the graphical method to solve some of the four problems of arithmetic

The reproductive age of parents can be a stepping stone for children to become "school bullies", and you guessed it?

The second book is "Mathematical Fun", which mainly talks about the mathematical problems encountered in daily life, we say that all things are mathematics, and learning mathematics through all things is the fastest.

The third book is The Garden of Mathematics, which is a bit more difficult, and it talks about the concepts of functions, continuums, induced functions, differentiation, integrals, and sums, as well as the basic principles of their operations. Although it is a little deep, the method of explanation is very good, and the sixth grade baby can still understand part of the content.

At the same time, take this book to the child, usually the child also tutors mathematics, sometimes feel that going to cram school is a bit boring. But when the child read this book, he found it very interesting, and he could also apply what he learned in the cram school.

The reproductive age of parents can be a stepping stone for children to become "school bullies", and you guessed it?

I didn't feel tired after watching it for an hour! Parents: It's a rare good book!

For this set of classic mathematical science books compiled by Mr. Liu Xuanyu, parents also gave a high evaluation, parents said that "this series of books in general has a kind of follow-through temptation, from shallow to deep feeling, the language is particularly convincing"

It can be said that after reading this set of books, there is no need to worry about mathematics in elementary and junior high schools.

This set of classic mathematics series, the biggest benefit is to stimulate students' hidden enthusiasm and desire to learn, so that students love to learn mathematics, many parents said that "Mathematics Three Books" is a rare good book, can not be missed!

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