
There are tens of millions of rules of nutrition, and science supplements the first! How important is iron supplementation during pregnancy?

9 of the 10 pregnant mothers want to supplement iron? The data show that the incidence of anaemia in pregnant women in developing and developed countries is 52% and 23%, of which iron deficiency anemia accounts for 95% of anemia.

So how important is iron during pregnancy! Why is iron deficiency easy during pregnancy? How to scientifically and correctly supplement iron? Let's give you a science popularization ~

There are tens of millions of rules of nutrition, and science supplements the first! How important is iron supplementation during pregnancy?

Why is iron deficiency during pregnancy?

If the intake of iron is insufficient during pregnancy, or if the iron utilization rate is low due to unreasonable diets, iron deficiency is easy during pregnancy.

And in fact, some pregnant women have insufficient iron intake from the first trimester, but because the iron stored in the body can cope with a period of time, it may appear in the second and third trimesters

There are tens of millions of rules of nutrition, and science supplements the first! How important is iron supplementation during pregnancy?

How important is iron during pregnancy?

Insufficient iron intake during pregnancy can easily lead to iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women and infants.

Iron deficiency or iron deficiency anaemia can reduce maternal resistance, predispose to puerperal infections, and increase the risk of postpartum haemorrhage.

It also increases the risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, and cognitive impairment in childhood.

There are tens of millions of rules of nutrition, and science supplements the first! How important is iron supplementation during pregnancy?

So how should iron be replenished?

Food supplements are preferred! Iron in the diet is divided into heme iron and non-heme iron.

Heme iron is found in animal foods and is easily absorbed, with red meat, poultry and fish being the best source of dietary iron.

Non-heme iron is found in plant foods, iron-fortified foods, and supplements.

Pregnant women require a little more energy and various nutrients than non-pregnant women, especially calcium, iron, folic acid, vitamin A and other micronutrients.

There are tens of millions of rules of nutrition, and science supplements the first! How important is iron supplementation during pregnancy?

In order to meet the increase in the need for various nutrients during pregnancy, the food intake during pregnancy increases accordingly, but the dietary composition should still be composed of a variety of foods composed of balanced diets, and food should strive to be rich in variety and complete in nutrition.

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