
What causes premature ovarian failure? Do this and don't let yourself age prematurely!

Premature ovarian failure mainly refers to the failure of ovarian function in women before the age of 40, mainly manifested by amenorrhea before the age of 40, and there is no longer a mature follicle in the ovaries, and there is no longer ovulation.

Therefore, the most direct harm of premature ovarian failure is that infertility is not ovulating, without the support of estrogen and progesterone, there will be some menopausal symptoms, and even lead to osteoporosis.

Why is premature ovarian failure?

The causes of premature ovarian failure are complex.

It may be genetic factors, which account for about 30%-40% of premature ovarian failure. Premature ovarian failure may also occur in the mother's generation or siblings.

What causes premature ovarian failure? Do this and don't let yourself age prematurely!

There is also a situation in which patients may have premature ovarian failure due to self-immune diseases, such as thyroid function problems, or systemic lupus erythematosus and so on. Often 10% to 20% of patients with these autoclaved diseases develop premature ovarian failure.

In addition, there is another iatrogenic factor, because medical treatment, the removal of the ovaries or radiation therapy of the ovaries, can lead to premature ovarian failure.

Because of viral infections, or some inflammation, such as some mumps viruses, it invades the ovaries and leads to premature ovarian failure.

Be careful when these symptoms appear!



Patients with premature ovarian failure manifest themselves in early stages of menopause, also known as amenorrhea.

Some patients who have given birth think that amenorrhea is not a bad thing, in fact, it is not so, amenorrhea is likely to cause the emergence of some other gynecological diseases, but also affect normal life.

What causes premature ovarian failure? Do this and don't let yourself age prematurely!


Vascular dysfunction

Patients with premature ovarian failure present with symptoms of vascular dysfunction. Patients may experience flushing and hot flashes, and may also experience sudden symptoms of chest, neck, and facial fever.


Decreased libido

Decreased libido is also a symptom of premature ovarian failure. Pubic hair and armpit hair shedding, decreased libido, decreased vaginal secretions, and pain during sexual intercourse, resulting in a decrease in the number of sexual life, or the occurrence of sexual life-averse emotions.

Can I still get pregnant after premature ovarian failure?

For patients with premature ovarian failure, the first thing to look for is the cause, to see what causes premature ovarian failure.

3% to 5% of women with premature ovarian failure, mainly due to stress factors or overwork, or some special reasons, this part of the population may be able to restore ovarian function after conditioning, and can still get pregnant after recovery.

What causes premature ovarian failure? Do this and don't let yourself age prematurely!

That's a slim chance of a natural pregnancy for the remaining 90 percent or so. For this part of the population, it is recommended to go to the reproductive center as soon as possible to find out the cause of premature aging, whether there are genetic factors and other medical-related diseases.

Measures to prevent premature ovarian failure

Pay attention to menstrual changes

Changes in menstruation can be a precursor to some premature ovarian failure. For example, if menstruation is rare, rare, amenorrhea, etc., then it is necessary to pay attention.

Self-regulate emotions

The human central nervous system and endocrine are interrelated and will affect each other, so it is necessary to maintain a good attitude, learn to eliminate bad emotions, face life positively and optimistically, improve the body's disease resistance, and prevent the occurrence of premature ovarian failure.

What causes premature ovarian failure? Do this and don't let yourself age prematurely!

Pay attention to the diet of life

To prevent premature ovarian failure, we should pay attention to nutritional balance, in daily life, women can drink more milk, eat more fish, shrimp and fresh vegetables and fruits. You should eat less fried foods and drink less strong tea, coffee, and wine.


Master the method of contraception

Contraception should be taken well in sexual life to minimize the number of abortions. Repeated abortions will disrupt the normal endocrine system, which can easily lead to damage to organs and tissues in the body, and gradually cause ovarian function to decline.


1. GAO Chuang, SHI Ping. Young women should be wary of premature ovarian failure[J].Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Regimen.2021-05-01

2. Ma Xiaoli. More and more young people suffer from premature ovarian failure[N].Beijing Daily.2019-07-24

3.Dong Li. Are your ovaries okay? [N].Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine.2015-09-25

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