
【Hengjian Overseas】The harm of IVF to women? Is there really premature ovarian failure?

As people's understanding of IVF technology has deepened, more and more infertile families have used this assisted reproductive technology to achieve their desire to have children. But there are also certain concerns. Because we usually see a lot of articles on the Internet about the harm of IVF fertility to women, for example, IVF treatment will cause egg overdraft, ovarian failure, breast cancer, etc., there are certain concerns. What is the real situation? And listen to Hengjian Overseas for your detailed analysis!

【Hengjian Overseas】The harm of IVF to women? Is there really premature ovarian failure?

How much does a test tube hurt a woman? Is there really premature ovarian failure?

According to the relevant departments, the treatment of IVF does not actually cause egg overdraft or ovarian failure and breast cancer. In the clinical application of test tube technology for many years, it has not been found to have a significant relationship with ovarian failure, breast cancer and other diseases. Ovulation induction is not actually an overdraft of a woman's future eggs as rumored. Test tube families should be correctly understood, and do not be misled by unconfirmed articles on the Internet!

So are there any complications to IVF?

In general, most families pay more attention to the complications of IVF fertility: ovarian overstimulation. Mainly because some patients have received ovulation stimulation of the ovulation induction drug, because the response is too strong; for example, there is some concern about pleural fluid, ascites, ovarian enlargement, low urine output, etc. Hengjian Overseas pointed out that if you are not pregnant, the symptoms above can slowly disappear on your own; if you are pregnant, you may eliminate them in one to two months.

However, note that if there is excessive ovarian stimulation, the doctor needs to adjust the treatment plan according to the severity of the patient. Due to the individual's different circumstances, each person's response is stimulated differently. If the overstimulation is serious, the doctor generally does not rush to transfer at this time, first embryo freezing, treatment of complications and then consider IVF technology to help conceive. It is important for test tube families to understand this situation.

【Hengjian Overseas】The harm of IVF to women? Is there really premature ovarian failure?

What are the psychological effects of IVF technology on women's psychology?

Reliable data suggest that women are much more stressed throughout the IVF process than men. Because women have to bear more psychological and spiritual burdens during treatment. Hengjian Overseas pointed out, such as the fear of test tube failure, the fear of a failure of the birth plan at one time. Fear of facing the disappointed looks of your family and so on.

Women are mentally stressed during IVF fertility. Therefore, in order to successfully conceive in ivy, women should not only adjust their mentality, but also give encouragement and support to their families and husbands, and understand and tolerate their wives.

Who are the more suitable IVF people for sacs?


- Patients who need to postpone embryo transfer for various reasons, but still want to do fresh embryo transfer, can transplant embryos in vitro to the blastocyst stage.

——Patients who are not more than 35 years old, and the effect of ovulation induction therapy is good, the number of eggs retrieved and embryo cultivation is relatively large, and it is expected to be able to successfully obtain cultured blastocysts.

【Hengjian Overseas】The harm of IVF to women? Is there really premature ovarian failure?

note!!! There are also certain risks associated with sacs. From embryonic development to blastocyst, there will still be a phase-out in the process, and the chance of elimination is greater. Hengjian Overseas pointed out that the current probability of embryonic growth blastocysts is on average about 50%, so the consumption of the number of embryos is large, and when choosing a sac, the TEST tube family needs to carefully consider and start from its own actual situation.

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