
How terrible is a "terrible" two-year-old? How should parents respond?

Don't know if you don't know, you'll be shocked by an experience. It is said that 2 years old is the age that dogs are disgusted, and it is true that there is a 2-year-old and 3-month male treasure at home, as an old mother with a baby full-time, I feel that every day's heart, liver, spleen, stomach and lungs are about to explode.

At the first word, they began to cry, which was a trivial matter in the eyes of our adults, and the children were hard-appointed as "major national affairs". It is absolutely not possible not to do what he wants.

Often put "I don't" and "don't" on the side, in short, very rebellious.

When the door is closed, he has to close the door, you can't close it for him, crying, you have to reopen it to let him close it.

To get dressed, you have to wear pants first, then you have to wear socks, and you have to take them off and start over.

After pulling the sorghum on his little toilet, he had to let his father pour it and his mother wipe his ass. Mom poured the rice dumplings, I had to rush myself, I rushed for him, just crying and asking me to lose his rice dumplings.

Something like this happens every day...

How terrible is a "terrible" two-year-old? How should parents respond?

Why is this true for 2-year-olds? How do we get along with children this age? I was also confused when I was a mother for the first time, some time ago, I read a book "Terrible 2 Years old troublesome 3 years old", I feel that a lot of the content in the book can be used as a reference.

Why is a 2-year-old the most "scary"?

The child's first rebellious period has officially arrived, which is a normal manifestation of the child's growth process.

During the period of 1 and a half years old to more than 3 years old, most children will have some "rebellious" behavior, from the perspective of children's psychological development, this is a manifestation of children's psychological independence and self-awareness.

In general, children from the age of 2 to 4 are an important period of order-sensitive formation, and children in this period are keen to follow their so-called order and maintain it well. If someone breaks it, they will cry because you have broken his order.

How terrible is a "terrible" two-year-old? How should parents respond?

As a parent, how do you deal with your child's "terrible" two-year-old?

From the age of 2, children begin to have a strong interest in the things around them, and they want to touch, look at and taste everything. Therefore, giving children more freedom and creating opportunities for children to contact new things can effectively stimulate children's desire to explore and create.

Stand in the child's point of view to truly understand the child

Most of the time, we are accustomed to looking at the rebellious behavior of children with the eyes of adults, like to educate children from on high, and like to use adult standards to demand children, and the result is that children are more rebellious.

So, as parents, we have to think from the child's point of view, why should he do this? Why are things thrown everywhere? Wait a minute. Only by thinking like this can we understand that this is a very normal behavior, his heart is not so angry, and he can communicate well with the child.

How terrible is a "terrible" two-year-old? How should parents respond?

Build a relationship of mutual trust with your child

I really feel this way.

My son usually resists washing his hair the most, because the water will get into his eyes, and he thinks it is terrible. The more I resisted, the more I cried. If you lose your temper with him, the result is that the crying will be more serious. Once, when I was washing my hair, I said to him, "You have to cooperate with your mother and raise your head so that the water will never get into your eyes." You have to believe in mom, we have to cooperate well." Just like that, I washed my hair happily.

Therefore, start with small daily things and cultivate children's sense of trust. For example, often hold the child, meet the child's safety needs in time, let the child feel safe, and give the child enough love with actions.

How terrible is a "terrible" two-year-old? How should parents respond?

Do not impose your own will on your child and allow your child to solve problems in their own way

As adults, we have formed many fixed thought patterns. Thinking that this is the right thing to do, that it is wrong to do that, and that there is no right or wrong in many things.

For example, with the child to fight blocks, want to fight a car, sometimes see the child spelled wrong, always want to tell the child to fight this way, to fight in accordance with the parents' so-called correct way to fight, which invisibly ruined the child's imagination.

For example, to solve a problem, adults can solve it in a very simple way, and children need to go around a few bends to solve it. Parents feel that it is too troublesome to let them follow their own way, which is simple, but it also imposes their own will on their children, and it will also ruin their children's ability to expand their thinking.

How terrible is a "terrible" two-year-old? How should parents respond?

Respect your child's ideas and give your child more choices

There are many parents including myself who sometimes speak to their children in a commanding tone, you want to... You have to... You can't... Wait a minute. I find that whenever I talk like this, the child is irritable and resistant. So this way will make the child more resistant. If we try to respect the child's ideas, listen carefully to his ideas, and try to talk to the child in an equal tone, this way will make the child more relaxed, willing to talk to the parents more, and will also make the child more confident.

Everything gives the child the opportunity to choose, for example, let's go out to play today, you can bring a toy, you go and choose one. And so on, so many things can be made for the child to choose for themselves. This way can also exercise the child's autonomy.

How terrible is a "terrible" two-year-old? How should parents respond?

Make rules with your child, which is the bottom line

There are many rules in life that we need to follow, that is, the bottom line, telling children which rules need to be followed.

For example, when crossing the street with your child, tell your child not to turn red and to take the crosswalk. When it is time to go to sleep, you have to pack up your toys. Don't grab other children's toys. Knives and electricity cannot be touched, and the child is told in advance of the consequences of touching. Wait a minute.

How terrible is a "terrible" two-year-old? How should parents respond?

Understand the child's pursuit of "consistent" behavior and satisfy the child's sense of order

In life, 2-year-old children have established their own set of rules and formed an order. For example, dad should eat with dad's bowl, can't use mom's bowl, be sure to bring a toy when you go out, and your shoes must be neatly arranged.

A sense of order is a need in a child's life, and when it is satisfied, it produces true happiness. A sense of order also allows children to recognize where everything is in the environment and to remember where something should be placed. It also means that the child is able to adapt to the environment and is able to dominate it in all the details, and only in such an environment can the child feel calm and happy. Therefore, when the child is happy to do something about order, the parent may wish to meet his needs.

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