
Chest tightness chest pain, how to know if it is coronary heart disease?

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coronary heart disease

This term must be familiar to everyone

It may immediately come to mind that someone is holding their chest with their hands

He fell to the ground in pain

People around shouted:

"He's had a 'heart attack,' take him to the hospital!"

In fact, at this time, everyone calls "heart disease"

In most cases, yes

The symptoms of "angina" of "coronary heart disease" are committed

Coronary heart disease, full name: coronary atherosclerotic heart disease, the name sounds a bit difficult to understand, popularly speaking, it is the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart (coronary arteries) due to some reasons have narrowed or blocked, resulting in the heart's blood flow supply is not available, myocardial hypoxia caused by pain.

In today's increasing health needs, myocardial infarction, sudden death and other news is still common, coronary heart disease has become one of the most concerned diseases.

The question is, how do you know if you have coronary heart disease, whether you have narrowing of heart vessels? Does chest pain mean coronary heart disease?

Recently, Mr. Jin (pseudonym), who was in his early thirties, personally experienced a diagnostic artifact of coronary heart disease- myocardial perfusion imaging.

Worry that bad lifestyle habits lead to coronary heart disease

Young men go to the hospital for treatment

A few days ago, Mr. Jin dined with friends late at night, went home after drinking to climb the stairs, and then appeared chest tightness, chest pain, especially poststernal compression pain, radiation pain in the anterior cardiac area and left shoulder, a sense of contraction in the pharynx, and a slight shortness of breath, the symptoms lasted for about half an hour, and gradually eased after rest.

Thinking of his usual bad habits such as smoking, drinking, and staying up late, Mr. Jin became worried, so he came to run Run Run Shaw Hospital affiliated to Zhejiang University School of Medicine for treatment.

Laboratory results show that sensitive troponin I> 30.000 (

Upon hearing that he had the possibility of coronary heart disease, Mr. Jin was panicked and a little fortunate at the same time, and fortunately came to the hospital in time.

But what does myocardial perfusion look like?

Myocardial perfusion imaging

A coronary heart disease diagnosis artifact shaped like a "black hole"

Nuclide myocardial perfusion imaging is a noninvasive, intuitive, and accurate functional examination method.

Blood supply to the myocardium is evaluated by injecting intravenously a special radiopharmaceutical that can show the blood flow to the heart muscle.

The dose of the drug used is very small, safe for the human body, and the radiation dose of a single examination is even lower than that of a chest CT.

Perhaps a miraculous coincidence of universal connections to everything in the universe, the myocardial perfusion visualization is almost identical to the first picture of a black hole published by scientists.

Chest tightness chest pain, how to know if it is coronary heart disease?

News: Black hole pictures

Chest tightness chest pain, how to know if it is coronary heart disease?

Myocardial perfusion imaging picture

Myocardial perfusion image can judge the blood supply of the heart from three dimensions, and the blood supply is represented by false color: in general, the more red the color means that the better the blood supply, and the purpler and blacker the color represents poor blood supply. In this way, the blood supply to different heart parts can be intuitively seen, and it can provide accurate help for the formulation of clinical diagnosis and treatment plan.

Chest tightness chest pain, how to know if it is coronary heart disease?

Image of myocardial perfusion when Mr. Kim came to see him

Chest tightness chest pain, how to know if it is coronary heart disease?

Normal myocardium

Chest tightness chest pain, how to know if it is coronary heart disease?

Infarction of the myocardium

It is also possible to reconstruct the heart model through 3D, dynamically observe the movement of the heart and the distribution of blood vessels, and it is easier to find the abnormal movement of the heart wall and the supply blood vessels belonging to the lesion area.

Chest tightness chest pain, how to know if it is coronary heart disease?

3D reconstruction of the heart

Mr. Kim's resting + loading myocardial perfusion imaging results suggest that his left ventricular myocardial ischemia is partially reversible.

Based on the comprehensive examination results and in line with the indications for surgery, Mr. Jin underwent coronary stent implantation at Zhejiang University Shaw Hospital.

After 3 months after the operation, the myocardial perfusion imaging, load imaging and rest imaging showed that the imaging agent in each segment of the left ventricle was distributed normally, and there was no abnormal myocardial perfusion, indicating that there was no obvious ischemia in the walls of the left ventricle.

This means that Mr. Jin's coronary heart disease was found in time and the treatment effect was very good.

Who needs myocardial perfusion imaging?

Myocardial perfusion imaging is a useful complement to the familiar conventional morphological imaging of spiral CT cardiovascular, magnetic resonance imaging cardiovascular, echocardiography, etc.

Myocardial perfusion imaging is generally recommended in the following situations:

Screening of people with high risk factors for coronary heart disease (diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, etc.);

▲ Unexplained precordial discomfort, can not exclude coronary heart disease myocardial ischemia patients;

▲ Coronary angiography suggests mild-moderate coronary stenosis and cannot confirm whether there is myocardial ischemia;

▲ Patients with renal insufficiency or contrast agent intolerance, not suitable for coronary angiography;

▲ Coronary stent implantation or coronary artery bypass surgery, postoperative efficacy evaluation and prognosis evaluation.

If you find that the body has chest tightness, chest pain, shortness of breath and other symptoms, especially usually the work pressure is relatively large, often stay up late, love to smoke, drink, three high people, etc., must go to the hospital in time to seek medical treatment, before the small problem into a major problem to strangle it in the cradle.

Of course, it is more important to pay attention to developing and maintaining healthy living habits to prevent problems before they occur.

Precautions before doing myocardial perfusion

Fasting. It is recommended to spend more than 3h on an empty stomach.

If the patient is to do load imaging, also pay attention to stop taking some drugs (evaluated by the clinical attending physician) before the examination, and stop eating caffeinated foods or beverages, such as coffee, tea, cola, Red Bull, chocolate, etc. Wear loose clothing for easy movement.

Sometimes patients are asked to eat a fat meal, the time is within 30 minutes after the injection of the imaging agent, and the fat meals that can be selected are: 500 ml of whole milk, 500 ml of full-fat yogurt, 2 fried eggs and 2 meat buns + 250 ml of whole milk. The main purpose is to empty the gallbladder and make the apparatus clearer.

Source: Department of Nuclear Medicine, Run Run Shaw Hospital

Author: Liu Xiangxiang Chen Liang Review: Lou Cen

Original works, reprinted please indicate the source and source

Chest tightness chest pain, how to know if it is coronary heart disease?
Chest tightness chest pain, how to know if it is coronary heart disease?
Chest tightness chest pain, how to know if it is coronary heart disease?
Chest tightness chest pain, how to know if it is coronary heart disease?
Chest tightness chest pain, how to know if it is coronary heart disease?


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