
Oil prices soared to benefit new energy vehicles? Pure tram price increases to offset the advantage, plug-in hybrid has a cheap to take advantage

From 24:00 on March 17, the price of domestic refined oil products rose again, and the prices of No. 92 gasoline and No. 95 gasoline, which have attracted the attention of domestic consumers, have risen sharply, of which the price of No. 92 gasoline has increased by 0.6 yuan / L, and the price of No. 95 gasoline has increased by 0.65 yuan / L. According to the calculation of 60L tank capacity, it takes 36-39 yuan to fill a tank of oil. The rise in oil prices is certainly not a good thing for the majority of fuel vehicle owners, which is certain, which means that the cost of fuel vehicle owners will be further increased. So in this context, some consumers who have not yet bought a car, or are ready to change the car will focus on new energy vehicles, the recent period of oil prices have risen one after another, we see a lot of positive new energy vehicle reviews, but oil prices continue to rise, new energy vehicles will definitely benefit from this?

Oil prices soared to benefit new energy vehicles? Pure tram price increases to offset the advantage, plug-in hybrid has a cheap to take advantage

In fact, we have to admit that oil prices have gotten rid of the previous trend of moderate rise and showed a sudden surge, which is actually an unexpected situation, how long this situation will last, it is difficult to say, but it will not continue to rise. So in fact, even if the rise in oil prices may bring some benefits to new energy vehicles, it is only a window period, and what ultimately determines the overall direction of new energy vehicles is how to better solve the use of "pain points" and improve the use experience of new energy vehicles.

Oil prices soared to benefit new energy vehicles? Pure tram price increases to offset the advantage, plug-in hybrid has a cheap to take advantage

Of course, since it is a window period, we can also look at which new energy vehicles are more favorable, first of all, pure trams, in fact, in our opinion, pure trams may "perfectly" miss the window period of this oil price increase, the reason is very simple, that is, during this time, the prices of many brands of pure electric models have risen, including Tesla, Nezha, Xiaopeng, BYD, Extraordinary, Chery, Zero Run, GAC Aeon, etc., the price increase range is unequal, but thousands of dollars are always there, Tesla has increased prices three times in a week The price increase is also considerable. Of course, the price of these pure trams has risen, mainly because the price of core components such as lithium carbonate has risen sharply, and manufacturers cannot afford it, so they can only increase the price of products.

Oil prices soared to benefit new energy vehicles? Pure tram price increases to offset the advantage, plug-in hybrid has a cheap to take advantage

Then this is a problem, although now the oil price has risen sharply, many consumers will turn their attention to pure trams, but many pure trams themselves have not been improved by this, the "crotch" is also "crotch", such as low charging efficiency, more dependence on home charging piles, winter endurance and so on. Therefore, under the premise that the price of electric vehicles is also increased, some consumers will calculate the account, that is, the part of the price increase of these electric vehicles, how many times to add oil.

For example, this consumer is ready to buy a fuel car, the fuel consumption of 100 kilometers is about 6L, according to the 9 yuan / L of 92 gasoline is about to break through, the cost of 100 kilometers is 54 yuan, which is 12 yuan more than when the oil price is 7 yuan / L. And Nezha N01 such a pure tram, this time the price increase reached 7000 yuan, the extra cost of this 7000 yuan, equivalent to can "neutralize" 3500 times the oil price rise part (9 yuan minus 7 yuan), if according to the month plus two times the average calculation of oil, a year is 24 times, then 3500 times, how many times the oil price can be dealt with.

Oil prices soared to benefit new energy vehicles? Pure tram price increases to offset the advantage, plug-in hybrid has a cheap to take advantage

The key problem is that many electric vehicles will have a sense of endurance anxiety during use, and fuel vehicles will not have it. So in this case, with the synchronous increase in the price of electric vehicles, we do not think that the prospective owners who are ready to buy fuel vehicles will choose electric vehicles because of the big rise in oil prices, unless there are two cars in the family, but what is the difference between this and the oil price before the rise?

Oil prices soared to benefit new energy vehicles? Pure tram price increases to offset the advantage, plug-in hybrid has a cheap to take advantage

However, this rise in oil prices may further stimulate the part of the model represented by hybrid, such as the super hybrid led by BYD. We know that in fact, the hybrid model is basically an intermediate state of pure fuel models and pure electric models, from the disadvantage point of view, it may be slightly more expensive than the same level of fuel vehicles, but the performance may not be as good as pure electric vehicles, but from the advantage point of view, hybrid vehicles with a certain pure electric driving range can achieve the same use experience as electric vehicles, and can also eliminate the anxiety of endurance during long-distance driving.

For example, BYD's Song PLUS DM-i, priced at 152,800 yuan - 205,800 yuan, slightly cheaper than the general joint venture pure fuel compact SUV, the highest pure electric mileage of 110 kilometers, basically counting the endurance loss, running 80-100 kilometers is no big problem, then this is enough for the general commuting commute; and when you need to drive long distances, the loss of power and fuel consumption of 4.4L is also very economical, especially after the high speed, The demands on power are not so high. So now we see many independent brands have forced hybrid models with longer pure electric endurance, such as Han DM-i, Mocha DHT-PHEV, the highest pure electric mileage of more than 200 kilometers, in the context of the sharp rise in oil prices, such product settings may be more attractive to consumers.

Oil prices soared to benefit new energy vehicles? Pure tram price increases to offset the advantage, plug-in hybrid has a cheap to take advantage

Therefore, the rise in oil prices will indeed stimulate the market performance of some new energy vehicles to a certain extent, but in terms of segmentation, the stimulation of pure electric models is relatively limited, because at the same time as oil prices rise, these pure electric models have also risen, and now the insurance costs of pure electric models are not low, the key is that even if the price is increased, the "pain points" of pure electric vehicles are still not solved. The hybrid models represented by BYD may really receive the attention of many people in the recent period of time, and translate into sales, for these models, this oil price has risen sharply, and may really be a "window period".

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