
The real words and deeds of the little tiger in "Heart Residence" show how important it is to teach by example

The TV series "Heart Residence" is currently airing, which mainly shows the story of Feng Xiaoqin (Haiqing) and Gu Qingyu (Tong Yao), a pair of sisters-in-law who are from water and fire to mutual understanding. It also reflects the positive attitude of the Shanghai citizens represented by them, who work tirelessly to face the intricacies of life.

The real words and deeds of the little tiger in "Heart Residence" show how important it is to teach by example

The first few episodes of the show mainly revolve around the full-time mother Feng Xiaoqin wants to borrow money to buy a house, but as a result, she is too shrewd, her husband is too incompetent, and her in-laws are too defensive, resulting in the house not being bought, and also causing the unexpected death of her husband Gu Lei.

In fact, Feng Xiaoqin's idea of buying a house is understandable, after all, people want to have their own home and living space, and her requirements for the house are not high.

The real words and deeds of the little tiger in "Heart Residence" show how important it is to teach by example

Feng Xiaoqin's most simple idea of first wanting to buy a house was to let her son Little Tiger go to a better primary school.

This starting point, I believe that most people who have been parents will have resonance. You can't be bitter about your children, and you can't be poor in education.

But is the problem of a child's education solved by just one school district?

The real words and deeds of the little tiger in "Heart Residence" show how important it is to teach by example

In fact, parents are the child's first teacher, and there are many details in the play, showing the importance of teaching by example.

Many of the little tiger's thoughts and actions are actually the reflection of the behavior of adults.

1. Delicious and lazy

Gu Lei is a person with no ambition, who has no great ambitions and lives, who does not have much pursuit of life, and has always been in violation of the yin and yang for the matter of working hard for a better life.

He works to touch fish, study time to go to the movies, and play games during exam time. Feng Xiaoqin did not argue less for his lack of motivation.

The real words and deeds of the little tiger in "Heart Residence" show how important it is to teach by example

With such a father as an example, it is useless to let Feng Xiaoqin talk to him about the importance of learning and how good school to go. Even when Feng Xiaoqin was educating her children, there were still old people guarding her.

The real words and deeds of the little tiger in "Heart Residence" show how important it is to teach by example

Therefore, there are many scenes in the play where the little tiger does not want to take online classes and eats randomly.

2. Ask for gifts in front of your aunt

Gu Lei's sister Gu Qingyu is a strong woman who earns more. The shrewd Feng Xiaoqin was naturally soft and hard, hoping that Gu Qingyu would help them more.

Therefore, Feng Xiaoqin bought a house to borrow money, borrowed money for decoration, found a job for her sister, and introduced objects, all thinking of finding Gu Qingyu, and felt that she should be divided.

The real words and deeds of the little tiger in "Heart Residence" show how important it is to teach by example

Her behavior was all in the eyes of the little tiger, so he also knew that he should go to his aunt when he needed it.

Once, the little tiger wanted a brand-name school bag, so he took advantage of the family party to ask his mother in front of his aunt.

The real words and deeds of the little tiger in "Heart Residence" show how important it is to teach by example

In the end, Gu Qingyu bought it for him, and I believe that such things do not happen less outside the plot.

3. Worried that Feng Xiaoqin was swept out of the house

After Gu Lei died unexpectedly after falling down the stairs because he was chasing Feng Xiaoqin, the whole family regarded Feng Xiaoqin as a public enemy.

In fact, the cause of this incident also has the problem of taking care of the family, and they have a particularly loud voice every time they hold a small meeting, as if they are afraid that others will not hear.

Because Gu Qingyu said that Feng Xiaoqin might change his mind in the future, it led to the above results.

The real words and deeds of the little tiger in "Heart Residence" show how important it is to teach by example

But did the elders ever think that the little tigers who lived with them would also hear so many chickens and dogs jumping and human feelings? In a child's young mind, what kind of cognition of family affection will be buried?

Therefore, when Gu Lei died, Feng Xiaoqin comforted the little tiger that he would not be driven away, and the little tiger instinctively asked, "What about you?" ”

The real words and deeds of the little tiger in "Heart Residence" show how important it is to teach by example


From living habits to polite upbringing, the personality education of children mainly depends on parents, which cannot be exchanged for time and money in the future.

Parents and friends encourage together!

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