
Don't worry, all that has been lost will come back in another way

Text/Flying Fish

Don't worry, all that has been lost will come back in another way


John Shores said that there is no incurable wound, no unending sinking, and all that is lost will return in another way.

Life gains and losses are the norm, even if something is lost, don't worry, because what is lost will come back to you in another way.

Heaven closes a door for you, and a window opens for you.

So, a lot of times, we lose something for a while, even if it is a long time of expectation and a lot of effort, but it still backfires, don't worry, believe that everything is the best arrangement.

All kinds of experiences in life are experiences, when you go through it, and then look back, in fact, everything will be relieved, and you will be glad that this is a gift from God to us, if it were not for these experiences, you would not be able to achieve your current self.

Don't worry, all that has been lost will come back in another way


When you try to do something, even if the process has been subjected to a lot of twists and turns, it is also stumbling, and even in the end it is the opposite of what you want, you begin to doubt yourself, you begin to be confused, you begin to be confused, and even fall into trouble, the mood is low, and you feel that your life has reached a desperate situation.

Water to desperate situation is a landscape, and man to desperate situation is rebirth. As long as you don't give up on life, as long as you are willing to continue to work hard, life will definitely take care of you.

I remember that there is an issue in "Street Chef" that records a shop owner, who used to be young, because he went out to do business, failed, and was saddled with millions of debts, he was also confused and degenerated, but fortunately he came out, he wanted to start over, so he paid attention to food and opened a shop with his sister.

Because it is delicious, the business in the store has also gained a reputation, and over the years, the money earned has been saved for a little life, and the rest is used to pay off debts.

The boss said that fortunately he did not give up, maybe this is the best arrangement of heaven, when you are cornered, it will give you another way out, as long as you grasp, willing to pay, willing to work hard, it will not fail you.

In fact, if others owe you, heaven will pay you back, and if you are not satisfied now, heaven will also compensate you. As long as you have a good attitude, remain enthusiastic about life, and never give up, then what you have lost will return in another way.

Don't worry, all that has been lost will come back in another way


Heaven is actually fair, and many things are cause and effect. Pay is temporarily unable to see the effect, but has been paying, there will definitely be an effect, the test of our own perseverance and endurance, no one can succeed casually, are through countless times of polishing, in order to practice a lifetime of skills, and finally achieve their own.

In life, nothing is as you want, no matter what you gain, it is your own cause and effect. In this life, no matter whether it is good or bad, it is inseparable from the cause and effect cycle.

Maybe you are experiencing pain and loss now, but you still have to laugh at life, and only if you live well can you have a chance to get other compensation.

Life is like this, for everyone who lives well, it will be more caring, even if it can't be rich and noble, but it can also live a full happiness.

Sometimes, what you lose may be a temporary benefit, but you have gained a lifetime of precious wealth.

Don't worry, all that has been lost will come back in another way

Thinking of a client of Dong Zong in "Our Marriage", the company is also a potential stock, but the customer consulted with her one day and said that he wanted to sell some shares to the investment company.

Dong Zong stood in the perspective of his friend and did not approve of him doing so, because this loss was too much, asked her to wait for two years, the company's valuation will become very high, at that time, selling shares again, will get a lot of money. And now it's sold, it's not so valuable.

But the customer said, in fact, I don't care about money, but also the companionship of the child, the child's growth is just a few years, can not be missed.

Therefore, customers lack money, that is, use this money to buy school district houses, so that children can study here, and they can also accompany their children to grow.

Money can never be earned, but some things, once lost, cannot be regained.

Don't worry, all that has been lost will come back in another way

The customer's words also woke up Mr. Dong.

Over the years, because she is busy at work, she has missed the company of her children, pushing everything onto her husband, but complaining that her husband has no job and humiliating herself.

In fact, she just ignores the strength of her partner, the reason why she can achieve career achievements now is because of her husband's fulfillment and support, his husband sacrificed his job, completed her, so that she can fight for her career without worry, and finally because she can't get her understanding, so her husband feels disappointed and wants to file for divorce.

Dong Zong now understands what a good person her husband is and cannot be lost. So she also tried to change, learned to take leave, left work on time every day, and supported her husband to start a business, so as to save the happiness of the family.

So, sometimes you make some trade-offs at work, and those that you lose will eventually turn into sweet happiness and come back to you.

For customers, although they have lost some shares, they have been reunited with their families and have the opportunity to accompany their children to grow up, which is the most precious wealth of a lifetime and cannot be measured in money.

For Dong Zong, although he lost some attendance awards, he could exchange for his concern for his children, and he could take leave at any time to participate in his children's performances, participate in parent-teacher conferences, reduce business trips, and gain more of a sense of happiness in the family and Hemeimei.

It can be seen that life is a gain or a loss is not a fixed number. What you think of as a loss is actually short-lived. God will return it to you in another way.

Don't worry, all that has been lost will come back in another way


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