
If ovarian cysts are examined physically, why do some not need treatment and some need surgery?


Doctor do I have surgery for this ovarian cyst?

Observe for two or three months.


Am I not already diagnosed? Why look again?

Many women in life find themselves suffering from ovarian cysts during physical examinations, and the first question that comes to mind is:

"Is this a tumor?" Will it become cancerous? Need surgery? ”

For this situation, usually the doctor will not give treatment, only say regular follow-up, first observe for two or three months, or say that there is no problem.

However, there are also some people who will be recommended by the doctor for surgery.

In fact, what we call "cyst" is just a morphological feature, just like a balloon, with a layer of skin on the outside and something inside, which is why we call it a cyst because of this structure.

The appearance of the structure seems to be similar, but the situation inside is more, some are diseases, that is, pathological cysts, and some are not diseases, that is, physiological cysts.

If ovarian cysts are examined physically, why do some not need treatment and some need surgery?

In pathological cysts, some are benign tumors, and some may be malignant tumors.

In general, there are many types of ovarian cysts, and usually most physiological cysts do not require treatment and can disappear on their own.

If the cyst diameter >5 cm in diameter, surgery is required; Patients with cysts ≤5 cm in diameter are mostly treated conservatively, that is, simple regular follow-up observation, or for some cysts, oral medication can be taken first, and follow-up treatment is decided according to the results of review, and the specific situation needs to be analyzed specifically [1].

If ovarian cysts are examined physically, why do some not need treatment and some need surgery?

At present, the specific causes of ovarian cysts in women are not clear, and it is generally believed that the occurrence of the disease is related to a variety of factors, including environmental factors, dietary factors, endocrine factors, genetic factors, etc. [2].

1. Environmental factors

If you have the habit of smoking, or smoke second-hand smoke for a long time, or the living environment is relatively harsh, long-term exposure to ionizing radiation, etc.

These factors may have a certain impact on the female reproductive system, which in turn affects the reproductive system function and hormone secretion, inducing ovarian cysts.

If ovarian cysts are examined physically, why do some not need treatment and some need surgery?

2. Dietary factors

If the diet is irregular, the intake of cholesterol is too much, or there is a high blood lipid, it is possible to cause a decline in physical function, resulting in abnormal tissue hyperplasia in the ovaries.

3. Endocrine factors

Hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian dysfunction has been found to lead to pathological disorders of hormone secretion, which in turn can induce ovarian cysts.

If ovarian cysts are examined physically, why do some not need treatment and some need surgery?

4. Genetic factors

If the mother or sister has an ovarian cyst, the chance of developing an ovarian cyst is relatively high.

In the physical examination, I accidentally found that I had an ovarian cyst through the B ultrasound examination, do not be nervous first, if there are no symptoms of discomfort at this time, and the B ultrasound suggests that it is pure cystic, and the sound is good inside.

Then, you can not use treatment at first, it is recommended to wait for the next menstrual clean immediate review.

In the case of physiological cysts, it may disappear upon re-examination, avoiding unnecessary surgical treatment.

If ovarian cysts are examined physically, why do some not need treatment and some need surgery?

If ultrasound B suggests that the cyst is mixed or cystic, it is recommended to check the tumor markers first, and then review it.

If tumor markers are detected to be elevated, it is necessary to be alert to the possibility of malignancy, and timely treatment measures need to be taken at this time [3].

The picture shows ovarian cancer

If ovarian cysts are examined physically, why do some not need treatment and some need surgery?

In addition, during the review process, if the following conditions occur, they also need to be treated in time:


Persistent postmenopausal cysts, or newly discovered cysts after menopause

Ovarian cancer occurs mostly in postmenopausal women, because women will gradually shrink after menopause, the ovaries deep in the pelvis are usually difficult to reach during gynecological clinical examination, which is easy to delay the best time for surgical treatment of patients.

Therefore, women with ovarian cysts after menopause need further diagnosis and evaluation, and women at high risk of ovarian cancer need to undergo timely surgical intervention.


After 3 months, the ovarian cyst was re-examined and did not disappear but enlarged

This condition is considered pathological and surgery is recommended.


Dysmenorrhea is getting worse

If the dysmenorrhea becomes more and more severe, and even affects life, it is more likely to consider chocolate cysts, and it is necessary to seek medical treatment in time.

If ovarian cysts are examined physically, why do some not need treatment and some need surgery?


Severe abdominal pain occurs after exercise

Sometimes ovarian cysts twist or rupture, causing severe pain, especially after exercise.

If ovarian cysts are examined physically, why do some not need treatment and some need surgery?


There is a family history of ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is a manifestation of malignant ovarian cysts with a certain familial genetic predisposition.

Although most ovarian cysts are benign, some may turn into cancer.

For this reason, it is recommended that you follow the doctor's instructions and do a good job of review.

When the cyst continues to grow larger or causes you a lot of trouble, you need to take timely treatment.


Liu Haiphong | Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University


[1] Li Huajun, Ding Xiaoman, Leng Jinhua, Lang Jinghe. Discussion on surgical indications in patients with ovarian cyst[J].Advances in Modern Obstetrics and Gynecology,2003,012(006):442-444.

Song Ziling. Clinical research progress on the causes and treatment methods of ovarian cysts[J].Clinical Medical Research and Practice, 2017:192-193.

Sun Aijun. Li Xiaodong et al. 100 questions and answers for common diseases in women[M].China Medical Science and Technology Press, 2018:139-141.

Fan Hong. Diagnosis and clinical treatment of ovarian cysts in postmenopausal women[J].China Practical Medicine, 2013(15):34-35.

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