
Don't just focus on the results! Children aged 6-12 develop these three abilities more importantly than grades

6-12 years old is the primary school stage. Too many parents think that this stage is when formal learning lays the foundation. Other things don't matter, they're dead wrong.

On the contrary, 6 to 12 years old. It is the most critical stage of character cultivation, we often say that character determines destiny, so the cultivation of character at this age is much more valuable than academic performance.

Between 6 and 12 years old. The three easiest abilities to build. These are the three abilities that have the greatest impact on the future of life.

Don't just focus on the results! Children aged 6-12 develop these three abilities more importantly than grades

First: Habitual ability

Many people ask whether habit or ability?

Habits are more than just an ability. And it's a very important factor. It will affect your abilities for the rest of your life.

As a parent, you can also think about many people around you, whether some people can turn a behavior into a habit, and some people do things that are always half-hearted and will not last, this is because they have not cultivated the ability to get used to it since childhood.

It can be said that habitual ability is the basis of all abilities.

What is habituation ability? It's actually very simple, it's your ability to get into a habit of something.

This ability is the easiest to develop at the age of 6 to 12. Of course, a big factor lies in the common companionship and support of parents.

We can think about what is character, we all want children to have a good character, then personality is the habitual ability to behave and think.

Let's start with a small thing, whether the child will develop the habit of brushing his teeth at night.

Many parents think that this is a small thing, not enough to worry about, in fact, it is precisely such a small thing that lays the foundation for his perseverance in doing anything in the future.

The ability to get used to it is by no means insignificant, but far-reaching.

When you're wondering why your child can't concentrate on reading, why don't you want to think about it if you insist every day that she has to brush her teeth at night, and that habit. After a year or two, then his habit of concentrating on reading was naturally formed.

Yes, it's just that magical.

Don't just focus on the results! Children aged 6-12 develop these three abilities more importantly than grades

Second: The desire to explore

Swiss child psychologist Piaget believes that in the basic education stage of 6-12 years old, the driving force of all learning is the child's desire to learn about the world.

I call it the desire to explore.

However, we are very disappointed to find that many children's desire to explore has been delayed or stifled and covered up by parents who want to be safe and secure in everything.

In fact, at this stage, children go from the cradle to the outdoors and see the sky from the grass. Exploration is human instinct, and they have discovered too many unknown worlds. Children themselves want to see more or touch more uncharted territory.

As parents, we should protect the children's desire to explore as much as possible, rather than covering them up, and we should try to keep the child's desire to explore until they are as old as possible, and even for a lifetime.

Don't just focus on the results! Children aged 6-12 develop these three abilities more importantly than grades

Third: Sociality

Socializing is a force.

Studies have shown that the level of indeed social skills depends largely on his life experience between the ages of 6 and 12.

Many parents have heard a lot of big truths. It is also known that the role of social skills themselves on the future growth of children is also known. But I don't know how to cultivate my child's social skills, because my child is thrown into school every day, and parents can't accompany them all the time.

So today. We, the Bear Kids Research Society, have told you.

You're really looking in the wrong direction, you're really going to the end.

The best place to cultivate social skills is the family.

The best teachers to develop social skills are their parents.

Think for yourself. How long do you spend with your child during the week? How much have you spoken to your child, and how much have you listened to your child???

When a child often feels that he has two pairs of ears and listens to him every day, does he not dare to speak when he walks into the school?

Why the ability to speak is most important at the age of 6 is the most important, because this ability is not taught, but experienced.

In addition to these three basic abilities, friends think that what other abilities are best to focus on cultivating during the period of 6 to 12 years old

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