
Old Hate New Sorrow: Exploring eight hot spots of automobile consumer complaints

Old Hate New Sorrow: Exploring eight hot spots of automobile consumer complaints

Editor's Note: Another year of "March 15". Since last year, automobile consumption has picked up, especially the growth rate of new energy vehicles has been gratifying. While marveling at the rapid development of new energy vehicles, we also noticed that the number of rights protection complaints about new energy vehicles has increased significantly in the past year. Compared with traditional fuel vehicles, the protection of new energy vehicle rights is more complicated, such as OTA upgrade black box operation, driving mileage false standard, "three electricity" maintenance opaque, etc., all make it difficult for consumers to collect evidence, and such products are invincible. In view of the new changes and new characteristics of these rights protection complaints, this newspaper specially planned the "3.15" special topic, focusing on various problems that occur in the use of new energy vehicles, urging all parties in the industry, especially enterprises with market dominance, to do a good job in product quality, and actively explore and solve new problems that occur in the use of consumers.


Smart cars are "not smart"

Fu Seoul, the debater of "Strange Story", once complained: "Now everyone is talking about smart cars, and I think that smart cars that understand my troubles, meet my needs, and understand what I really want are really smart." "With the rapid development of automotive intelligence, the number of complaints related to intelligent vehicles is also increasing. Some faults affect the owner's feelings and use of the vehicle, and some faults are directly related to driving safety.

Under the wave of intelligence, the traditional car machine system has ushered in great changes, from the early simple adjustment of radio and other functions to the highly integrated large screen and even screen, carrying more and more functions related to vehicle operation, such as air conditioning, driver assistance systems, steering wheel and rearview mirror adjustment, so its quality will directly affect the product strength and competitiveness.

However, the high level of integration not only brings consumers a more convenient operation experience, but also its "side effects" appear. Specific fault manifestations are roughly as follows: the central control panel stutters, crashes, flickering and reverse image failures, etc. Mr. Ji from Chenzhou revealed that after he purchased a certain French brand car, the problem of "black screen" of the central control screen appeared frequently. Because the air conditioning system is integrated in the central control screen, the air conditioner cannot be started after the black screen appears, which makes Mr. Ji miserable.

Mr. Zheng of Dalian also encountered the problem of the automotive system, and the pure electric vehicle of a certain brand he purchased encountered the delay and dislocation of the reversing image many times in the new car stage, and once the reversing image was misaligned during the reversing process, which directly caused the vehicle to hit the stone pier behind and was damaged.

There are also some vehicle intelligence problems that make people cry and laugh. Mr. Feng of Beijing complained that the voice interaction of his brand of cars is not "smart" but a bit "mentally retarded". He recalled once hanging out with friends, and the navigation had been set up on the highway, and he chatted with friends on the way and said, "Why take the highway, you should go down the road." "I didn't expect the system to have no prompts, and directly switched the navigation to the next road, such a situation has appeared many times, so that Mr. Feng is invincible." Mr. Feng found that the car machine system can not recognize the owner's voice, the conversation of everyone in the car will be obtained and processed, every time Mr. Feng wants to issue instructions to the car, he must tell the passengers in the car in advance: "You don't talk, let me finish first." ”

Mr. Zhou complained on the car consumer handling and disposal service platform that since the end of September 2021, the positioning has never been accurate, or there is a deviation, obviously on the road, but the positioning is displayed between buildings; or a few kilometers away, fixed to another area. He complained to reporters: "I don't know what is the use of such navigation? "In addition, the face recognition of this car is not accurate, often can not identify the owner, the owner needs to keep shaking his head up and down, but most of the time it is still not recognized."

The lack of intelligence of intelligent voice services is also one of the problems that Mr. Zhou criticized. For example, driving in winter and asking if you need to turn on the air conditioner after driving for tens of minutes? To cancel, you can only answer the word "cancel", and answering "no" and "no" will not be recognized. Mr. Zhou said that in recent days, the vehicle network has been frequently disconnected, and his repeated inspections are still unknown, so he can only send 4S shops for repair.

The China Consumers Association said that intelligent customer service is becoming a new hot spot for consumer complaints, especially with the development of artificial intelligence, big data and other technologies, some companies have successively launched intelligent customer service in order to reduce costs, but it has also led to new consumer disputes. The main problems of consumer complaints are: intelligent customer service can not actually solve the problem, answer non-asked or cycle repeated; only provide intelligent customer service, do not provide manual customer service; intelligent customer service to manual customer service connection difficulties; intelligent customer service entrance is hidden, complex operation, etc.

Old Hate New Sorrow: Exploring eight hot spots of automobile consumer complaints


False propaganda "exaggerated"

In recent years, with the gradual promotion and continuous growth of new energy vehicles and intelligent networked vehicles, exaggerated or false publicity has become the "new content" of complaint hotspots. For example, in 2021, Lin Mou, a 31-year-old entrepreneur, died after a traffic accident on the highway, triggering a fierce discussion in the industry and consumers about whether car companies exaggerate the automatic driving function.

At a time when the development of domestic new energy vehicle companies is in full swing, the use of "automatic driving" as a publicity gimmick is not an isolated case, and most new energy vehicle companies regard it as one of the main selling points. However, from a professional point of view, the reality is that the current automatic driving technology of new energy vehicle companies is far from the real "automatic driving", and generally only stays in the L2 assisted driving stage, and the technology is not fully mature. Controlling the car mainly relies on the driver himself rather than software facilities such as driving computers, and if the owner "mistakenly believes" in the role of automatic driving, it may increase the probability of accidents.

Mr. Zhu reflected that a certain model was listed in 2021, and before it was listed, it was learned through media publicity that the car had functions such as automatic parking, level 3 automatic driving, face recognition ignition start car, timing welcome light, etc. After the actual purchase of the car, it was found after a period of time that there was no one of the above functions, and the vehicle OTA upgrade did not increase these functions several times. Another owner complained that he was in a car accident due to the use of the self-driving function of a certain model and was claiming medical expenses from the car manufacturer.

In addition to automatic driving, there are exaggerated communication techniques such as non-fire batteries and 8-minute fast charging, which are preferred by new energy vehicle companies, but the actual performance of vehicles is not the case. For example, the "non-ignition battery" cannot be 100% guaranteed that there will be no fire, but the first battery cell is out of control, and there is no fire within 24 hours thereafter, and the battery gradually returns to a safe state at room temperature, that is, the battery "only smokes, does not fire". This is a far cry from consumers' understanding that batteries do not catch fire.

Excessive publicity is not uncommon in marketing, but cars are related to personal safety, and the technology of new energy vehicles has a high threshold for ordinary people and is not easy to distinguish. Statistics show that Tesla alone has clear evidence in recent years that the number of accidents caused by the automatic driving system has exceeded 20 people.

Ms. Lin of Zhejiang complained that an automobile manufacturer publicized that the vehicle intelligent service processing platform uses the latest high-end in-vehicle chips, and its powerful computing power, graphic processing ability, and AI processing ability can make the use of in-vehicle applications "go to a higher level". However, after the actual pick-up of the car, after multi-party verification, it was found that the manufacturer used a low-end processor, the processor performance is general and the compatibility is relatively limited, and it does not support the installation and application of the current mainstream Apps. This kind of false publicity seriously affects the user experience and violates the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

Of course, the phenomenon of exaggeration and false publicity exists not only in car companies, but also in the automotive aftermarket. The official account of a short video of a car maintenance brand reads: "Mobil No. 1 fully synthetic small maintenance, including filter elements and man-hours, as long as 88 yuan." But in fact, Mobil 1 is also divided into gold Mobil and silver Mobil, and the price is different according to different viscosities. The retail price of the gold Mobil Bank is about 140 ~ 160 yuan / L, according to the general family car engine needs 4L oil to calculate, 88 yuan even 1L of gold Mobil can not buy, and the price of the Bank of China Silver Mobil is also about 80 yuan / L, 88 yuan to replace the 4L oil is impossible.

In fact, after the reporter's investigation, the "88 yuan Mobil No. 1 fully synthetic small maintenance" is actually used in the domestic small brand oil, at best can only be regarded as semi-synthetic oil, not the publicity of the full synthetic engine oil, let alone can not be compared with the Mobil No. 1 fully synthetic engine oil. Semi-synthetic engine oil is advertised as fully synthetic oil, if consumers really believe the propaganda, thinking that it is a fully synthetic oil, ten thousand kilometers to change the oil, in the long run the engine will definitely have problems. The end result is likely to be money to repair the engine, which costs much more than the oil money saved in recent years.

Old Hate New Sorrow: Exploring eight hot spots of automobile consumer complaints


OTA Upgrade "Black Box Operation"

When the era of intelligence is coming, cars are also moving towards intelligence, and OTA functions that can support vehicles to be upgraded remotely have become the trend of the times. Similar to smartphones, vehicles that support OTA upgrades can upgrade various hardware functions by downloading upgrade packages over the Internet, and consumers only need to use their fingers to complete the upgrade of the vehicle, which can bring about a commonly used and new car experience. But this also provides convenience for car companies to secretly modify vehicle performance parameters, in the reporter's understanding, OTA upgrades have a lot of room for black box operations, and some companies use these vulnerabilities to infringe on the user's right to know and the rights and interests of the car.

In August 2021, a number of owners of a certain brand jointly issued a report and rights protection letter to the Quality Development Bureau of the State Administration for Market Regulation. The letter said that car companies, without informing customers and with the permission of customers, have artificially reduced the usable capacity of car power batteries (i.e., locking power) by upgrading the battery management system BMS through back-end OTAs for a large number of models produced before June 2020, while limiting the output power of cars to no more than 60% (that is, locking power).

One owner said that since July 19, the vehicle's driving range has been reduced at twice the usual speed. Some car owners found that after the OTA upgrade, the original 58.78kWh battery capacity of the vehicle was nearly 10kWh less, and the actual driving range was nearly 100km less. Not only is the available battery capacity less, but the power is also much weaker, and the output power of the motor, which could have been 100% full output, is forcibly locked below 60%.

Another owner said that on July 25, he found that the vehicle lost power quickly, commuting to and from work on the same road, and the electricity consumption was greater than usual. On July 28, when the owner charged again, he found that from 0kWh to full charge, only 47kWh was charged. After that, I went to communicate with the manufacturer's after-sales and 4S stores, tested and found that on July 23, the vehicle was refreshed 14 times the BMS system.

In the report letter, the owner of the rights protection also said, "This incident occurred in July 2021, after the vehicle of this model was charged and spontaneously combusted, the majority of car owners strongly suspected that the car company covered up the vehicle defects by secretly upgrading the OTA and evaded the recall responsibility." We have repeatedly communicated complaints with customer service centers, which neither recognize OTA upgrades nor give specific solutions, and have been perfunctory. ”

Through investigation, the reporter found that many car companies have operated "locking electricity" in the dark box, with the intention of limiting the charging power, charging voltage and output power, preventing current overshoot, reducing the heat generation of the battery cell, thereby reducing the risk of spontaneous combustion. Some legal sources said that there are defects in the vehicle, and it is obviously irresponsible to take the form of recall and maintenance to eliminate the defects, solve the safety hazards, and forcibly deal with them through the OTA method without the knowledge of the owner.

At the same time, the glamorous OTA upgrade has also led some brands to use "follow-up OTA" as a rhetoric to rush products to market. For example, a self-owned brand model delivered last year mentioned the slogan of "everything is OTA" in the car pick-up package. Soon after, the owner encountered software BUGs, car system lag and other problems in the process of using the car, and the after-sales service personnel said that they could "wait for the OTA upgrade" to solve.

In order to seize the opportunity in the wave of intelligence, some car companies choose to rush the "semi-finished products" that have not yet been perfected to the market, so that the consumers who take the lead in placing orders share the risk with the enterprise, and then complete the perfect software or configuration through the so-called OTA upgrade method. Consumers have unconsciously become the "guinea pigs" of corporate test products. In fact, car companies should be ready for complete software and hardware testing before the product is introduced to the market, and the subsequent OTA upgrade should be "icing on the cake" rather than "making up for the lost sheep".

OTA upgrades are in a stage of rapid development, and some institutions predict that by 2025, the front-loading OTA assembly rate of mainland passenger cars is expected to reach 80%. The rapid growth of the OTA assembly rate will provide a broader platform for the development of car companies, but OTAs should not become a "shield" for car companies to evade responsibility.

Old Hate New Sorrow: Exploring eight hot spots of automobile consumer complaints


Electric vehicle mileage "in vain"

According to the data, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in 2021 reached 3.545 million units and 3.521 million units, respectively, an increase of 1.6 times year-on-year, and the growth rate reached the highest level since 2016. It is precisely because of the soaring sales of new energy vehicles that the resulting complaints about the false mileage of pure electric vehicles are the most serious.

"If a brand advertises that their car can run 1,000km, recharge in minutes, be particularly safe, and the cost is very low, then don't believe it, because it is impossible to achieve it at the same time." Ouyang Minggao, vice chairman of the China Electric Vehicle 100 Association and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that the current situation of pure electric vehicles "fish and bear paws cannot be combined".

"1000km driving range" has become a very gimmick selling point for major car companies to promote pure electric vehicles last year. Indeed, the current driving range is one of the most concerned indicators for consumers of new energy vehicles when choosing electric vehicles. The length of the driving range supported by battery capacity is not only a key factor in the price of new energy vehicles, but also directly determines the willingness of consumers to choose and buy.

It is precisely because of this that some new energy vehicle companies have used their brains on the indicator of mileage to try to improve product competitiveness through the way of "false standard" mileage, resulting in consumers finding that the mileage and parameter values are far from each other after purchasing a car, thus bringing many inconveniences to daily use.

Mr. Zhong purchased a joint venture brand car in June last year, driving about 300 to 330 km at 1 wind speed with air conditioning and refrigeration, and was told that it was normal after reporting to the 4S store. In November 2021, the use of warm air, the temperature of 26 ° C, wind power second gear, the driving range is only 200 ~ 220 km; when the outside temperature is below zero, the driving range is only 170 ~ 200 km under the same air conditioning setting. The actual mileage is far from the advertised 510km, which causes a lot of trouble for Mr. Zhong, who often worries that the vehicle will suddenly run out of power. Mr. Zhong believes that automobile manufacturers are suspected of inflating the mileage.

The same problem also appeared in the 2021 long-running version of a new car brand purchased by Ms. Ni last year, the official claim that the maximum driving range is 401km, and when the actual use, the ambient temperature is 12 ~ 25 ° C, the driving range is only about 300km; when the ambient temperature is 0 ~ 10 ° C, it can only travel about 230 km; when the ambient temperature is below 0 ° C, the driving mileage does not exceed 200 km. Ms. Ni also believes that the model has the problem of inflated mileage, and is suspected of deceiving consumers to require manufacturers to replace the power battery assembly or return the vehicle.

Due to the wide variety of factors affecting the mileage, involving battery capacity, driving habits, vehicle weight, temperature and wheel size, etc., some domestic car companies subjectively and deliberately exaggerate the mileage value, and then use the above reasons to "explain the reasonableness", so as to achieve the purpose of deceiving consumers and excusing responsibility. Many insiders said that at present, the phenomenon of "false standards" in the mileage of domestic new energy vehicles is widespread and needs to be rectified urgently.

Some people in the legal community said that in order to avoid being pitted, consumers should realize that the mileage advertised by car companies can only be used for reference, can not be blindly credulous, should go to the official website of the product to inquire more details about the mileage, it is best to rent a car you want to buy, according to their own driving habits, personally try the vehicle, often closer to the "truth" of the mileage.

Old Hate New Sorrow: Exploring eight hot spots of automobile consumer complaints


Maintenance disputes "grind people's hearts"

With the continuous improvement of car ownership, cars have changed from conspicuous consumer goods to daily durable consumer goods, more and more consumers are involved in the process of daily car use, car maintenance, and car repair, and complaints about car maintenance are also increasing. Wu Dongfeng, senior adviser of the fifth council of the China Automobile Maintenance Industry Association, said that the mainland automobile maintenance industry still has a phenomenon that the quality of maintenance personnel is relatively low and the technical ability is relatively weak. Coupled with the problem of information asymmetry between consumers and operators, it is easy to lead to various types of friction in the maintenance process.

The reporter saw a number of complaints about automobile maintenance on the black cat complaint platform, and the complaint objects involved various automotive aftermarket enterprises such as 4S stores, third-party car service platforms and insurance companies, and the content of complaints was also diverse. A brand owner posted a message on the platform on December 17 last year, saying that his vehicle was repaired in the 4S shop due to an accident, but due to the technical problems of the maintenance personnel, the vehicle automatically alarmed the abnormal high temperature of the engine after the repair. Although the 4S shop has confirmed that the accident was caused by the negligence of the maintenance personnel, it has always been passive about the compensation proposed by the owner.

Only recently did the owner receive a response from the 4S store, which expressed its willingness to take responsibility but required the owner to sign a dispute resolution agreement on vehicle maintenance. The agreement clearly states, "Party A (4S Shop) replaces the new engine to Party B (the owner) and bears all the maintenance costs of this time, such as any failure of the new engine replaced by the vehicle in the later period has nothing to do with Party A, and Party A does not admit and does not accept any appeal from Party B and the current owner of the vehicle and other vehicle owners who may be replaced in the future." This made the owner express great dissatisfaction, and then the owner said: "The manufacturer and the 4S store blame each other, and the manufacturer statement said that the 4S store has nothing to do with the manufacturer."

The same is the maintenance "war" between the 4S shop, and another Haima 8S owner can't even determine "where to repair". A owner of haima 8S in Baoji, Shaanxi Province, was only told when repairing the car that the local 4S store had been withdrawn and was no longer an agent for Haima Auto after-sales. Subsequently, the owner contacted haima automobile Zhengzhou base for consultation, and got in touch with the staff of haima automobile Hanzhong 4S store. The staff member said that the owner needed to drive the car to Hanzhong or Xi'an for maintenance, but could not ensure the repair time. The owner then contacted the staff of haima Zhengzhou base, hoping that the manufacturer would bear a series of costs incurred in the maintenance of the vehicle, or be repaired by the manufacturer, but the manufacturer never got a reply from the manufacturer.

In addition, the services of third-party service platforms have also been complained about by many consumers. A consumer said that he spent 40 yuan to inquire about car maintenance records on a third-party auto parts consulting trading platform - Auto Repair Treasure, but he has not been able to receive the results of the inquiry. After that, the owner of the car called the platform after-sales telephone and manual customer service respectively, but could not get in touch with the platform party. As of March 10, the complaint had been going on for a month, but it had not been able to wait for a response from the merchant. Some car owners reported that they bought a car pump on the Jingdong platform, and found that the pump was worn and there were rust marks after arriving. Immediately contacted the online customer service, but got a reply that "it is a normal phenomenon". Subsequently, when the owner went to the Jingdong offline store Jingchehui to install it, he was told that there was a quality problem in the pump, which caused the antifreeze not to circulate. After that, the owner contacted the customer service to send the pump back to the manufacturer for testing, and it took a month to solve it.

Whether it is the mutual blame between 4S stores and insurance companies, or the inaction of third-party service platforms, it can be seen that consumer complaints about the process of car maintenance are largely concentrated on the service attitude of enterprises. Words such as "shirking responsibility", "negative treatment" and "short-term protection" are common words used by many consumers when complaining about dissatisfaction with maintenance companies. By the end of 2021, the number of motor vehicle drivers in the country has reached 481 million, how to make the increasingly large number of automobile consumers use cars well, is the current problem that the entire automotive aftermarket enterprises need to think about.

Old Hate New Sorrow: Exploring eight hot spots of automobile consumer complaints


Product defects "difficult to deal with"

As a product closely related to personal safety, the quality of the car's product is a top priority. Security issues are not guaranteed, and everything else is off the table. However, the problem of product defects has become a major problem for car owners. According to the data of the car quality network, in February this year, the platform accepted a total of 8728 valid complaints from car owners, setting a record high in the same period of history, up 74.4% year-on-year. Among them, quality problems such as video and audio system failures occur more frequently. The data of the black cat complaint platform also pointed out that the effective number of complaints in the automobile field last year was 10,748, an increase of 139% over last year, and the main complaints focused on the problems of vehicle failure and non-compliance with publicity.

A brand owner said on the black cat complaint platform that he purchased the brand SUV in 2020, and in January this year, the vehicle smoked at the vehicle hatch during normal driving, and after opening the hatch cover, it was found that there was an open flame burning. After the accident, the owner got in touch with the 4S shop after-sales and submitted a fire report, but the staff said that the spontaneous combustion of the vehicle was not related to the quality of the vehicle. Since then, the owner has contacted the brand's national after-sales service center many times, but no one has replied. As of press time, the complaint still shows that it is still being processed.

In addition, the problem of various product defects in new energy vehicles is also worthy of attention. Some time ago, a brand of electric vehicle products was collectively complained about, which aroused public concern. More than 200 car owners complained collectively about the brand's electric vehicle, demanding that the brand immediately recall the electric vehicle. The joint statement of the owners pointed out that the brand's electric vehicles had motor failures during use. According to the description, 1 to 2 months before the motor failure, the central control screen after the vehicle starts the "fill coolant" style, and the front cabin cover is opened to find that the coolant traces are significantly reduced.

In this regard, the brand 4S shop detection is fruitless, the failure is still the same after filling the coolant, and the coolant penetrates the motor, resulting in the owner can not start the vehicle, the center console prompts the word "fault". Many car owners asked the 4S shop for detailed work orders, motor failure reports, and the reason for replacing the motor, but they were rejected. The brand's official response did not explain in detail the cause of the failure, only that the customer's vehicle had been repaired and that it would actively study user feedback and optimize the product. However, the owner believes that the brand's official reply is too perfunctory, and there is a suspicion of deliberately concealing the truth and stealing the concept of design defects into deviations.

A brand plug-in hybrid owner told reporters that he also experienced many twists and turns in replacing the damaged parts, but it was finally successfully solved. On February 10, he purchased a plug-in hybrid SUV of the brand, and on February 13, the fast charging adapter could not be unplugged after charging, and the vehicle could not be driven. After that, the owner contacted the official customer service and went to the 4S shop for testing, and learned that the electric lock was damaged and needed to be replaced. However, when the owner came to the 4S store where the car was purchased, the staff of the store said that there was no problem after the test. Therefore, the owner did not replace the electric lock that day. However, on February 15, five days after picking up, the car had a similar problem again. After the owner contacted the brand's official customer service, the customer service said that the complaint had been registered, but the response could not be guaranteed, which made the owner feel annoyed for a while. The owner told reporters that she went to the 4S store again after the second problem, and after confirming that the electric lock was indeed damaged, the 4S shop immediately replaced the electric lock for the owner and gave away several maintenance.

Old Hate New Sorrow: Exploring eight hot spots of automobile consumer complaints


Overlord clause "drop good feelings"

In recent years, independent brands have achieved good results in the new energy vehicle market. A top-ranking independent brand, while the market is expanding rapidly, exposing many problems in the after-sale market. In the eyes of some consumers, sales have made great strides, and the brand seems to be a bit "floating". Recently, a number of articles on a social platform complaining about its 4S store appeared. From poor service attitude to bundled consumption, many consumers expressed strong dissatisfaction with the service of their 4S stores.

As of March 9, there were nearly 30 complaints about the brand's poor service attitude on the Auto Complaints Online alone. "Extremely poor service attitude", "paid a deposit, sales is God", "do not actively solve problems" and other evaluations are full of them. On the black cat complaint platform, a number of owners of the brand reported that their App points were cleared or deducted without any phone calls, text messages, or App reminders. When consulting with customer service, customer service attitude is very strong, saying that the owner does not pay attention to the problem that the community is the owner of the car, and does not provide any solution.

In addition to the service attitude problems in corporate customer service, more consumer complaints focus on the service quality of its 4S store sales staff. Recently, the reporter found that consumers in Shanghai, Beijing, Xiamen, Tianjin and other places reported that the brand's 4S stores had mandatory payment of license fees. A Shanghai car owner said that when he consulted at the 4S store, the sales told him that all the vehicles in Shanghai, the 4S store needed to charge a license fee of 2,000 yuan, and it was mandatory to pay otherwise it could not be booked. After consulting the official customer service, the owner said that the company does not require the license fee and does not require the license in the store.

In addition, a consumer in Xiamen said that he complained to the brand's official customer service for the problem of mandatory license fees, but received a reply from the 4S store, allowing the consumer to directly refund and cancel the booking. Some consumers said that when they contacted the official customer service, the official customer service said that the owner needed to consult the local dealer for the license plate problem. Although some consumers said that after complaining to the official customer service, the license fee was adjusted from 1,000 yuan to 200 yuan, most consumers still said that many of the brand's 4S stores required mandatory license fees, and the complaints could not be resolved.

A legal practitioner told reporters that the Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law clearly states that consumers have the right to choose goods or services independently. 4S stores bundle cars with high-priced license fees, which obviously damages the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. "The whole of Shanghai is like this", "the regulations must collect 2000 license fees", "must be in the store agency, otherwise it will not be sold"... Such a tough overlord clause is inevitably chilling, some consumers on the social platform sighed, "originally rushed to support domestic products to buy, these 2,000 pieces completely consumed my feelings for domestic products", and many consumers pointed to the brand service, thinking that it did not pay attention to service at all.

Old Hate New Sorrow: Exploring eight hot spots of automobile consumer complaints


Enterprise feedback "lack of sincerity"

In the list of the top 30 model complaints in February, there were 636 complaints about pure electric vehicles and 362 complaints about plug-in hybrid vehicles. The shortlisted new energy models are geometric car EX3 kung fu cow, Xiaopeng automobile Xiaopeng P5, Extreme Kr automobile ZEEKER001 and zero-run car zero-run T03. Among them, the main complaint problem of consumers is that they cannot pick up the car.

The reporter found on the black cat complaint platform that nearly 100 owners who purchased a certain brand of electric vehicles launched a collective complaint about the delay in delivery. According to the content of the collective complaint, car owners believe that the brand mainly has the following three problems: the list is not transparent, consumers can not self-service query order details, suspected of intervening in line; the delivery time is far away, before the 4S store promised 2 to 3 months to pick up the car, but some consumers have been waiting from November last year to the present, still have not been able to pick up the car; the manufacturer is chaotic, it is reported that in early January, many November bookings in Guangdong have been completed in advance, and the vibrato live broadcast room has also launched a must-pick car package within 50 days. And many consumers are still waiting. According to some consumers, manufacturers have now communicated with the owner through the 4S store, and if they take the initiative to reduce the allocation, they can deliver the car in advance. However, one consumer reported that due to his complaint, the manufacturer found the 4S store where he bought the car and asked to withdraw the complaint.

Since December last year, car owners in Zhejiang, Henan, Jiangsu, Anhui, Beijing and other places have complained online about zero-run cars not delivering on time. Some car owners said that according to the content of the agreement, the car should have been delivered in 3 months, but the official said that due to the shortage of chips and the unstable supply of materials, the production plan of the T03 model was delayed. However, the owner of the car said that the problem of interpolation is serious, and hopes that the manufacturer can take relevant measures in this regard.

Another new force, Nezha Automobile, is slightly "high-cold" in dealing with consumer doubts. One owner said he ordered a car at a Nezha Auto direct store last December, when the sales said they could pick it up years ago, and then postponed it until the next year. Until late February, the owner had not received a pick-up notice. After asking about the sale, the sale indicated that a batch of cars had arrived but had been sold in the store. So the owner contacted the customer service of Nezha Car, after the first record and no one contacted the feedback, the second complaint when the customer service said that it would record, but did not promise that there would be a reply, and said that the complaint will only be transferred to the manager responsible for Tianjin regional sales, the specific handling is not known, nor does it provide further contact information. In addition, the owner said that after his complaint, his Nezha App account had problems and could not check any order information and progress.

Not long ago, Xiaopeng Automobile was complained by hundreds of owners of Xiaopeng P5 460 version due to delayed delivery and no compensation. According to a complaining owner, he had made up his mind in October last year, but he had not mentioned the car until mid-February, and Xiaopeng officials had not given any solution and ignored the compensation problem. This "cold treatment" attitude makes many car owners helpless to choose collective complaints. After that, Xiaopeng Motors responded that there was great uncertainty in the production of Xiaopeng P5460 models, so the order was overdue, and Xiaopeng Motors apologized for this.

Under the dual pressure of "lack of core + less electricity", the delayed delivery cycle of many car companies has been repeatedly refreshed, and the bottom line of consumers' acceptance is constantly being forced to be lowered. Industry problems are not impossible to understand by consumers, but in the face of consumers' doubts about delayed delivery, the feedback of some car companies inevitably does not seem to be too sincere. How to empathize with consumers is a compulsory course that these car companies still need to learn.

Text: Hao Wenli Zhang Yiwen Editor: Guo Chen Layout: Wang Kun

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