
Steam fun game recommended, anchor roast ants to eat, indicating that its nutrition is higher than a cow

Netizens who have watched Beiye's survival documentary "Survival in the Wilderness" must know that in the wild, sometimes the protein content of an inconspicuous insect may be several times higher than that of beef of the same grade, but the insects in nature are too small, even if they are eaten by the player, they can not add too much protein. But the world of steam survival sandbox game "ARK: Survival Evolution" is different, it contains an insect that may grow to several meters tall, and the protein contained in their bodies is unimaginable.

Steam fun game recommended, anchor roast ants to eat, indicating that its nutrition is higher than a cow

In order to eat the freshest giant insects, "ARK: Survival Evolution" has an anchor who used a bonfire to create a special dragon training room, only to see the anchor arrange the bonfires in a certain order, and then drive the giant ants of "ARK: Survival Evolution" to the inside, because the temperature is too high, so the body of the giant ants has also been fully roasted, and soon a delicious ant feast will be served on the anchor's table.

Steam fun game recommended, anchor roast ants to eat, indicating that its nutrition is higher than a cow

After being roasted, the "ARK: Survival Evolution" ants are all red, which looks like it will give people an urge to eat it, but unfortunately the ant meat is delicious, it is only a hungry food in "ARK: Survival Evolution", but through adventure, players can sometimes get some Rockwell recipes in "ARK: Survival Evolution", which contains infinite power and can greatly enhance the player's strength, which is the most important meaning of "ARK: Survival Evolution" cuisine.

Steam fun game recommended, anchor roast ants to eat, indicating that its nutrition is higher than a cow

Although the scene of the anchor roasting ants in "ARK: Survival Evolution" is very sour, but in reality such ants have long been extinct, and there are many extinct creatures like this in "ARK: Survival Evolution", I believe that as long as the player plays long enough, players can also have more interesting things with these ancient creatures in "ARK: Survival Evolution".

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