
How many push-ups does a normal person do to be qualified?

author:Gain muscle and lose fat

Push-ups are a common form of physical training that not only exercises the muscles of the upper limbs, waist and abdomen, but also improves cardiopulmonary fitness and body contour.

How many push-ups does a normal person do to be qualified?

However, there is no fixed standard for how many push-ups a normal person can do at a time to be qualified. Because the individual's fitness level, age, gender, training background and other factors will affect the number of push-ups.

How many push-ups does a normal person do to be qualified?

For beginners or people with less physical fitness, being able to do 10-15 standard push-ups at a time may already be good. And for people who regularly do physical training, it is possible to complete 30 or more push-ups at a time.

For people of different ages, what level does the number of push-ups complete at one time belong to, you can refer to the following table:

How many push-ups does a normal person do to be qualified?

So, how do push-ups be considered standard?

First of all, the body should be kept in a straight line, and the tension should be maintained from the head to the feet.

Secondly, when holding the ground with both hands, the fingers should be forward and the palms of the hands should be parallel to the ground, so that the weight of the body can be better dispersed.

When descending, the chest should be close to the ground, but don't let the elbows be overextended. When ascending, you should push the ground to bring your body back to the starting position.

How many push-ups does a normal person do to be qualified?

At the same time, it is also very important to control your breathing, inhale as you descend and exhale as you rise, which helps to better control your breathing and rhythm.

In addition to the standard push-ups, there are many other variations of push-ups, such as narrow push-ups, wide push-ups, diamond push-ups, etc., which can increase the difficulty of training and give deeper stimulation to the muscles.

How many push-ups does a normal person do to be qualified?


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