
What a person can have, how much money he can make, and how much ability he can have are all arranged

What a person can have, how much money he can make, and how much ability he can have are all arranged


In psychology, there is a saying that your subconscious mind determines your destiny.

Subconscious, what exactly is it? It's your underlying feelings and thoughts. And your subjective conscious feelings will also be affected by the subconscious.

To put it bluntly, many people make choices when they do things. The outcome of the choice, which seems to be decided by your subjective consciousness, is actually decided by your subconscious mind.

For example, if you have three objects in front of you, and you choose one of them after thinking, it means that your subconscious mind is pushing you to make a choice.

Whether it's love at first sight or a combination of considerations, it's all about your "latent" ideas. Many times, your first feeling determines who you want to choose. The latter comprehensive consideration is just for verification.

In this regard, I believe many people will wonder, what is this subconscious mind closely related to?

In fact, your subconscious is related to your experience, insight, knowledge, personality, environment and background. Among these six conditions, precisely because everyone's conditions are different, everyone's subconscious is also different, and the result of fate is different.

And Chinese often said that "fate is determined by heaven", it seems to be the result of the synthesis of all conditions.

What a person can have, how much money he can make, and how much ability he can have are all arranged


We may as well analyze "destiny by heaven" and "subconscious", I believe we can understand.

Xiao Wang, because he was born in a middle-class family, with a city house and a household registration, then Xiao Wang's future life starting point will not be low, but higher than the average person, then he has more wealth than the people at the bottom.

Sure enough, Xiao Wang successfully graduated from college and then found a good job, but also did not have to worry about the problem of house and car. A few years later, he found a girlfriend who was right in the door and joined forces. To exaggerate, he also started a business as a small boss.

It can be said that his life achievements may be much higher than those of the previous generation.

Xiao Li, because he was born in a poor rural family, the educational resources he was exposed to were simply not enough, so even if he went to college, it would be difficult for him to mix in a big city because he lacked a certain amount of family capital.

What a person can have, how much money he can make, and how much ability he can have are all arranged

At this time, even if Xiao Li encountered an investment opportunity, I believe he did not dare to invest. Why? Because of vision, capital, and experience from childhood to adulthood, his development was limited.

There is no way, Xiao Li's result is just to return to his hometown at the age of thirty or so, and then live this life in an ordinary way.

Why is there a huge gap between the two? snake eyes.

First of all, the innate original family determines your future direction. You were born in Shanghai, and you were born in the northwest countryside, the essence is different.

Secondly, the different experiences along the way determine that your subconscious choices are also different. The subconscious of the former is to climb higher and bolder. The latter, on the other hand, can only cower and shrink without courage. Everything is a problem of innate capital.

What a person can have, how much money he can make, and how much ability he can have are all arranged


I once met such a young man, he came to Guangzhou from a small city in eastern Guangdong to work hard, who knew that he broke through five or six years, broke out of a world, and even created his own company and career.

Many people wonder why you can create your own career because you are just an ordinary young man with no resources and a tough background.

The young man said only one sentence: "When I was 13 years old, I felt that the cake of the Internet was very large, but no one around me dared to try, and I actually wanted to retreat." However, my first thought was to keep me going. Who knows, in the process of staying up, I met some investment predecessors, and slowly understood the routine, and went up. ”

In fact, this is the difference between people. Your first feeling is "no", and his first feeling is "yes", then the subsequent result, the difference is very large.

It is possible that the former will lose completely, and it is possible that the latter will lose completely. And the result depends on a person's strength and luck.

Your subconscious choices, and your luck, are related.

People with good luck, in general, can choose accurately, or choose right, to achieve "just right" results. People with bad luck may choose early, or choose late, missing the "just right" time.

In fact, all choices are the process of your life development. Who knows, your life wasn't set up?

What a person can have, how much money he can make, and how much ability he can have are all arranged


Speaking of this, I believe we will understand that your innate background, your acquired choices, your character strength, plus your luck, these four aspects constitute the whole of your life.

However, can you decide your background? Why was he able to be born into a rich family, while you could only be born into a poor family? Have we ever thought about this?

Or, why did you get confused and choose the wrong one, and why did he choose the right one?

To put it more realistically, why is he gifted and you are averagely talented? Why is his luck good and your luck a little worse?

What is the cause of all this?

There are too many doubts that have always existed in our hearts. However, there is one thing we must understand, whether a person can achieve things depends on many factors, the so-called "time and place are favorable to people" is this truth.

When you have "the right time and place", then your subconscious choice can eventually reach the rate of ninety-nine percent correctness. And you have nothing, I believe that no matter how you choose, it can only be in vain.

Everything is the arrangement of fate, from which family you were born into, it is doomed.

Wen/Shushan has deer

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