
Don't let your child become a transparent person without privacy!

Don't let your child become a transparent person without privacy!

"Little kids" also have their own secrets? Every move every day is in the eyes of mom and dad, will he also have "privacy"? For small children, the care of parents is often meticulous, inadvertently ignoring their "sense of privacy" can be understood; but parents should understand that each child is an independent individual, has its own inner world, especially introverted children, more need to have their own space. As a parent, how should you treat your child's "little secret"? Let's learn it with Xiaobian!

Why protect your child's privacy?

1. Protecting privacy is to protect the personal safety of children

The safety of children is always the most important theme in growth. Some parents like to send pictures and videos of their children on social networks, talk about the details of their children's lives on various occasions and to various people, show photos, etc., the starting point is to record the child's growth process, and share the daily life of Mengbao with relatives and friends. But have parents ever thought that the inadvertent "sunbathing" behavior actually has the risk of leaking the child's name, address, appearance, health information, and family information. If this information is used by criminals, it is likely to cause potential harm to children and families. At worst, there will be baby product sales, education and training institutions to cause harassment to family life; at worst, "people with hearts" may steal many details of children's lives, such as kindergartens, school hours, family situations, personality characteristics, etc., endangering the child's personal safety.

2. Protect privacy and promote children's physical and mental development

Children's privacy awareness has its stage of development - around the age of 3, privacy awareness has sprouted, TA began to realize that he is an independent "person"; 4-5 years old, children begin to vaguely feel the meaning of privacy, but there is no clear awareness of privacy protection; by the age of 6, children will begin to have some "secret" experience about privacy, and worry about whether they should tell others. Such a stage of privacy development is often accompanied by the continuous change of children's psychological state. If parents can observe and pay more attention in time, while giving full respect, helping them deal with the troubles they encounter, protecting their emotional feelings, and ensuring that the inner space of their soul is not invaded, it will have a very positive effect on the growth of children. Protecting privacy is not only conducive to the formation of independent character and habits for children, but also helps them maintain a healthy psychological state for the future

Lay a good foundation for personality development.

3. Protect privacy and establish a good parent-child relationship

With the development of children's privacy awareness, confusion and contradiction often occur: on the one hand, TA hopes to pursue independent space and does not want to let parents know and control everything; on the other hand, he will feel guilty for retaining privacy, ta will feel that he has retained secrets, and it seems that he and his parents' feelings are estranged. So at this time, parents can tell their children in time: it is normal that you have little secrets, parents also have their own little secrets, it doesn't matter if you don't tell us; if you are willing to say, then parents are also willing to share their little secrets with you. When the child has emotional resonance and feels the respect and love from the parents, then a good parent-child relationship is naturally established, and the communication between parents and children can also form a virtuous circle.


Shameful faults

Young children are often very sensitive to "ailments" such as bedwetting because they feel that these defects will make them "lose face" in front of their peers. Therefore, whether it is a parent or a kindergarten teacher, it should not be mentioned in front of the friends, and it is not appropriate to ridicule and ridicule.

Certain mental disorders

Young children are often more sensitive to psychologically related conditions such as autism, depression, and ADHD that they are suffering from or have suffered from. If adults often hang on their lips, it is naturally not conducive to the recovery of diseases. Even if the disease has been cured, it is often mentioned in front of the child that it is equivalent to "revealing the short", which is also not conducive to the child's mental health.

Once upon a time

Some "past mistakes" that seem insignificant to adults will also make some children long-term angry, as long as someone mentions it, they will have the pain of being "exposed". These "past mistakes" may include: a game won the last place, a performance smashed the pot, a certain outing out of the foreign, and even when I was a child, I loved to cry.

The experience of being physically punished

Corporal punishment such as being beaten, scolded, and punished is often a painful experience for children to be "toothless and unforgettable", because not only the skin and flesh suffer, but the psychic electricity may be traumatized. Even though the child has rarely been subjected to corporal punishment at present, frequent mentions of past "humiliation history" in front of others will still make him extremely embarrassed.

Physical defects

Physical or physical defects such as flat feet, color blindness, shortness, excessive fatness, too thinness, small eyes, ugly faces, etc., although they are "obvious", but if adults mention it from time to time, it will also make children frustrated. Even if it is said a long time ago, such as being skinny at birth or looking like an ugly "little old man", it will make the child unhappy.

A small world of solitude

Young children often value their own small world of solitude and regard it as their own "private territory". If parents often "check" in their "territory" without their children's consent, it is also a blatant violation of their own "privacy" in the eyes of the child.

Saved "private money"

Although young children do not love money and do not know how to manage money, if parents often "settle" the "private money" saved by their children, or even take it for themselves, children will feel that their privacy is not respected and protected by adults. It is worth being wary that exposing a child's "privacy" by means of jokes, pranks, or coercive orders may also make him feel more psychologically hurt, although it is sometimes completely unintentional for adults, and it may never be realized that these "small things" can be the "privacy" of children.

In daily life, every word and deed of adults in front of children must be "filtered" by the brain, and it is not necessary to inadvertently "expose" the child's "privacy" in the open mouth, which makes the child's self-esteem lose, and then causes a serious negative impact on his psychology.

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