
What are the keys to success in making three generations of test tubes?

We all know that IVF is not 100% successful, some people have done it several times to succeed, and some couples have struggled on the ivy road for many years and still have not harvested their babies. Do you know what is the key to IVF success?

BeiLai Fertility Center said that pregnancy is a complex systemic project, any link problems will lead to failure, so friends who want to succeed, the following should be taken seriously

1. Physical condition

Physical conditions are also the key to the success of the test tube, such as too heavy not too fat, not too thin, ovarian function is basically intact, etc., which can affect the success rate of transplantation to varying degrees, in addition, smoking is also easy to affect the success rate of transplantation. Therefore, it is important to have a healthy and balanced body and allow the embryo to grow and develop healthily in the womb.

What are the keys to success in making three generations of test tubes?

2. Appropriate age stage

Test tubes also have requirements for age, the older the mother, the ovarian function, egg quality, etc. decline, its success rate will also decrease, so if you find yourself suffering from infertility, you must treat it in time, so that you can hold the baby early.

3. Good endometrium

The successful implantation of the embryo is the result of a harmonious dialogue between the embryo and the endometrium, and there are already high-quality embryos, and the focus is on the endometrium. If the endometrium thickness and morphology are good, and the blood flow is also rich, the success rate after transferring high-quality embryos is relatively high.

What are the keys to success in making three generations of test tubes?

4, psychological state is the key

In addition to the good state of the body, the good state of the mind or spirit is also very critical, if you produce bad emotions such as nervousness and anxiety during the test tube process, it may affect the development of the follicle and further interfere with the homeostasis of the body.

Therefore, in the test tube process, we must maintain a relatively relaxed and pleasant mentality, and believe in ourselves. When you're in a bad mood, do something you love and divert your attention.

Although most of the test tube process is completed by women, men also play an important role, and the success rate is inseparable from the joint efforts of both husband and wife, rather than blindly blaming each other. Husband and wife harmony and a happy mood can bring the desired effect.

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