
Low-key domestic technology giant: occupying 85% of the global market share, or Ren Zhengfei's little fan

Text: Tong Ying

It is said that technology is the primary productive force, and now it seems that this sentence is not wrong at all. Since entering the 21st century, the entire field of science and technology has begun to develop rapidly. When it comes to China's famous technology giants, I believe that the first thing that most people think of is Huawei, Alibaba, Tencent and other companies. It is undeniable that these companies are indeed among the best in the mainland, but what we need to know is that Internet companies such as Alibaba and Tencent have also developed on the basis of US platforms, so "Made in China" technology companies like Huawei are the focus of suppression.

Low-key domestic technology giant: occupying 85% of the global market share, or Ren Zhengfei's little fan

Nowadays, the domestic market knows the name Huawei almost everyone knows, but in fact, in addition to Huawei, a technology giant, there are many domestic technology companies that are very powerful, such as DJI drones.

There was a conversation on a talk show: "Who is the entrepreneur you admire the most?"? "Ren Zhengfei"! "No one else"? "Everything else is a businessman"!

The interviewee at that time was Wang Tao, as of now, the DJI he founded has achieved very good results, and there seems to be no competitors, which makes the United States helpless! Just as the world has said about him: In some high-tech fields, Chinese companies have always played the role of catch-ups, while Wang Tao and his DJI have become leaders.

Low-key domestic technology giant: occupying 85% of the global market share, or Ren Zhengfei's little fan

Wang Tao was born in 1980 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, to a family of intellectuals, the son of a senior engineer and a teacher to a teacher.seng mother. Growing up in such a family environment, Wang Tao was different from other children from an early age. The other children just tossed it aside after reading the comic book, but he was attracted by the red helicopter in the comic book, which was unforgettable for a long time, and since then he has planted a seed about the helicopter in his heart.

At that time, Wang Tao thought to himself, if one day he could operate the helicopter by himself, how good it would be. As soon as he had time, he would look up at the sky and imagine the day his dream would come true. Since then, Wang Tao has spent most of his time reading books related to model airplanes, and as an adult, Wang Tao has come to the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to study.

Low-key domestic technology giant: occupying 85% of the global market share, or Ren Zhengfei's little fan

In 2003, in order to realize his dream, he dropped out of East China Normal University in his junior year and entered the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. In 2005, Wang And two of his classmates began researching unmanned aerial vehicle technology and flight control systems for remotely controlled helicopters. After many failures and attempts, he finally succeeded in getting the plane to take off and participating in the competition to win awards, and the sweetness of victory gave him the idea of commercializing unmanned helicopters.

But unfortunately, his plan was not approved by the team members, and in the end he had to fight alone. In 2006, he founded DJI in a house of less than 20 square meters, but he had no funds and did not know how to manage it. In order to alleviate the dilemma of manpower shortage, Wang Tao pulled his own university tutor into the company, and the tutor was also very powerful, not only brought research funds, but also brought a lot of students with research ability, Wang Tao's team expanded to 4 people.

Low-key domestic technology giant: occupying 85% of the global market share, or Ren Zhengfei's little fan

Because of the funds and talents, the company's development soon improved. In 2008, DJI released the helicopter flight control xp2.0 version, and in 2009, it released the XP3.1 version, and the emergence of this version can be regarded as the realization of Wang Tao's dream of wanting the helicopter to hover automatically when he was a child, and the company also began to have a revenue of 4 million yuan a year.

In 2010, Wang Tao received news from a supplier in New Zealand, and wang Tao realized that his opportunity had come. It turned out that the helicopter control system and the flight ring were sold separately at that time, and suppliers often complained that the control system was too difficult to sell. The control system at that time was mainly developed by a German company, but if the customer wanted to use the system, it had to go through a series of tedious operations. In this way, the experience of the control system produced by the German company will naturally not be much higher.

Low-key domestic technology giant: occupying 85% of the global market share, or Ren Zhengfei's little fan

At this time, Wang Tao adjusted his strategy in time to position DJI as a company specializing in providing commercial finished product flight control, and it was this decision that officially transformed DJI from a small workshop with only one or two people into a leader in the drone market. By 2012, DJI had all the conditions needed to develop helicopters, and Wang Tao himself had the urge to do a big job. In 2013, "DJI Genie" was officially launched and quickly swept the market. Nowadays, DJI's products have spread all over the world, and DJI has become a world-renowned civilian drone manufacturer.

DJI's products are undoubtedly high-tech products, but does high-tech correspond to expensive parts?

There was once a Japanese expert who thought so, and in order to study, he also bought DJI drone products for disassembly. As a result, he discovered a shocking fact that the parts used by DJI drones were cheap, and all the parts added up to more than $100. But if Japanese companies want to build drones with the same performance as DJI, the cost will be at least three times higher.

Low-key domestic technology giant: occupying 85% of the global market share, or Ren Zhengfei's little fan

In fact, DJI's costs only account for about 20% of the sales price, and the profit margin is huge. In the entire drone, there are only a few parts worth more than $10. The so-called "bargains" have become the world's top drones under the assembly of DJI, and the Japanese can only secretly admire this!

According to relevant reports, DJI has now occupied 85% of the global market share in this industry, which is impossible for any national drone brand. Even in the U.S. market, DJI also occupies more than 75% of the share, once became a global monopoly of the drone brand, so that countless companies envy.

Low-key domestic technology giant: occupying 85% of the global market share, or Ren Zhengfei's little fan

The rapid development of DJI makes the United States very uneasy, because it means that China's power is constantly developing, and the United States will never allow the sustainable development of DJI, so it has used a lot of power to hinder the development of Xinjiang, but this force is futile, and it cannot ban drones at all. Not only that, the mainland's DJI has also made a lot of contributions to accidents such as Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and the American wildfire, which has also allowed more countries to see the power of DJI.

To date, DJI drones have been exported to more than 100 countries around the world. In the future, DJI's research on drones will be more in-depth, the market position will be unbreakable, and it will also become a beacon for countless Chinese enterprises, driving Chinese emerging enterprises to brave the wind and waves and impact the world's top stream. What do you think about that?

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