
Infants don't understand anything, it's useless to talk to him? The older generation may not know, parents should pay attention

Hello everyone, I am Xiaoyan, the new second-born mother.

Infants don't understand anything, it's useless to talk to him? The older generation may not know, parents should pay attention

After the birth of the second treasure, my grandparents came to help take care of me and my two children. When I was busy accompanying Yaoyao, I asked the old man to bring the second treasure. However, they often put the second treasure on the bed or on the toy pad, and then sit on the side without speaking, watching the second treasure get tired of playing, they change the toy, or put a bunch of toys in front of the second treasure. When Erbao was irritable, they walked around holding Erbao or going out for a walk, but they still didn't say a word, for fear of saying too much.

I reminded my grandfather that talking to Erbao more can improve children's language expression ability. Grandpa retorted to me: "So small, he knows what he knows, and he can say it in vain!" ”

Infants don't understand anything, it's useless to talk to him? The older generation may not know, parents should pay attention

In fact, not only grandpa thinks so, I found that most of the old people around me think so, basically "dumb with treasure". In the hearts of many adults, they feel that the baby does not understand anything, just give them enough to eat and drink.

Does the little baby really not understand?

Babies are divine and can understand adult languages

On the 7th day of my family's second treasure's birth, because my RT was flat, he was unwilling to suck well, so my sister-in-law supported Erbao's body to help him breastfeed. It may be uncomfortable, it may be difficult to suck, he desperately resists... Sister-in-law Yue supported him while reprimanding him to let him eat well.

He paused, and he burst into tears. I quickly hugged him and said, it's okay, it's okay, mom and baby come back, he stopped crying for a moment and continued to try to feed.

Infants don't understand anything, it's useless to talk to him? The older generation may not know, parents should pay attention

Can he understand me and my sister-in-law?

It is certainly not a literal understanding of language, but it definitely understands our emotions and body language, so I will cry in the loud reprimand of my sister-in-law, and have a sense of security and happiness in my whispers and embraces, so that I am willing to cooperate with me.

Babies are very sensitive, spiritual, and can keenly capture the emotional language of adults. When he knows that he is loved and cared for by his parents, he has the ability to develop his own needs. Otherwise, he will become numb or rebellious in his loss.

Teacher Yin Jianli preached in the book "The Simplest Child of Freedom" that many people think that small babies are completely ignorant and unconscious, and that children are ignorant and ignorant, which is the arrogance shown by adults after losing their divinity, and it is true ignorance. All children are elves, not necessarily able to understand adult language, but must be able to "understand" adult emotions.

Therefore, as a parent, do not underestimate the baby, think that they do not understand anything, just eat and drink enough, so that they lose the critical period of brain neurodevelopment.

How to talk to a baby

Heidi McCough said in the Heidi Encyclopedia of Parenting that although babies can learn our language, if they communicate subconsciously early, it will accelerate the development of their language ability. Babies who are completely unable to communicate will not only encounter problems in language development, but also difficulties in all areas of growth.

1, be a self-talking person, constantly explain to the child

Before the baby speaks, he must have listened to a lot of language and then said the language he understood. Only when the baby listens in large quantities can he speak and express.

When we take care of our baby, we can describe all the actions and things we see to the baby.

For example, if we change the baby's diapers, you can look into the baby's eyes and tell him: "Mom is going to change your diapers and not wet, we first tear open the viscose that is not wet, and wipe the little ass with a warm wet towel." wow! The little ass is clean, and then dry it with a paper towel, does the baby feel very refreshing? Now, let's put on a new diaper... Diapers are not wet and wear well, but also button the pants Ha, so that the baby is warm. ”

Not only changing diapers, dressing the baby, doing passive exercises, touching, you can describe the movements in our hands. When taking your baby out for a walk, you can describe the flowers and trees you see, so that your baby can listen a lot and lay a good foundation for language expression.

2. Learn to talk to the baby and respond to the baby

Babies will be babbling and babbling at two or three months, and we can learn to talk to babies and respond to them in child language. Our imitation and response will make the baby feel that adults are concerned about themselves, that they are loved, that they will respond to us with grunts, and that their imitations will be interesting.

My second treasure now often talks to us "oh oh", and I respond to him oh oh. He sometimes plays with his tongue, so I learn his tongue and make him laugh.

Infants don't understand anything, it's useless to talk to him? The older generation may not know, parents should pay attention

Don't feel silly to speak children's language, you can use this process as a moment of parent-child communication, and your heart will let go.

Of course, if adults really don't want to speak children's language, then use adult language to communicate with the baby. As long as we talk to the baby, we are teaching the baby to learn the language and improve the baby's language expression ability.

3. Read more books and sing nursery rhymes to your baby

The little girl in "To Kill a Mockingbird" says that her father was a lawyer who was very busy and never taught her to read, but she naturally read and read. She recalls that from the time she remembered, her father had held her and read the newspaper aloud, and in the subtle way, she had learned to read.

In daily life, we can read more books and sing nursery rhymes to the baby, so as to give them the stimulation of hearing, so that they can learn to read and express language in a subtle way.

Infants don't understand anything, it's useless to talk to him? The older generation may not know, parents should pay attention

Reading books for babies can be black and white cards, cloth books, cave books of their age, or literature works of interest to adults, newspapers, etc., it is best to read them aloud and give them the influence of their voices.

Adults with musical talents can hum songs, play musical instruments and so on for their babies. Because rhythm can stimulate the connection of neurons in the baby's brain and improve the baby's IQ.

We advocate talking to your baby more, but also be careful not to use pronouns. Because pronouns are difficult for babies to understand, it's best to use mom or specific titles when referring to me or him. When the baby is irritable or crying, we should stop communicating or educating, observe the baby's reaction and needs, and let them rest for a while.

Write at the end

The Heidi Encyclopedia of Parenting teaches that reading, speaking, singing and eye contact, or "grunting" at your baby, helps to develop all the potential of the brain.

Therefore, after the birth of the baby, do not think that they do not understand anything, dumb with the baby, but to create a rich speech environment for them, stimulate the development of their hearing, and lay a good foundation for the development of language.

Don't wait until the child is two or three years old to speak late or is unwilling to open his mouth, we will come back to make up for it. It is best to describe the activities that are being carried out with the baby after the baby is born, communicate with the baby, take the baby to read, sing nursery rhymes, etc., give them a rich language environment, and form a good language ability.

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