
Prepare for pregnancy| raise good eggs, and good pregnancy will come naturally!

In recent years, getting pregnant has become a difficult thing to do. However, it is not difficult for women to prepare for pregnancy, and it has a lot to do with eggs. Having a "healthy egg" during pregnancy preparation is the foundation for a healthy baby! If the quality of the eggs is not up to standard, it is easy to miscarriage, premature birth, fetal stoppage and other phenomena.

So, what should you do to improve egg quality?

Exercise properly to produce quality eggs

Proper exercise can improve the body's immunity and ensure the quality of the eggs. Therefore, during the preparation for pregnancy, women can carry out regular exercise, choose exercise that suits their situation, etc.

Prepare for pregnancy| raise good eggs, and good pregnancy will come naturally!

Replenishes iron to provide nutrients to the eggs

The blood contains a lot of iron, and women lose a lot of iron during their monthly menstrual periods, and iron can provide sufficient nutrients for eggs. Therefore, if you want your eggs to be healthier, you need to supplement foods with high iron content, such as spinach, animal offal, and so on.

Women who have menstruation have low immunity. Studies have shown that in the 25-35-year-old group, people who regularly take painkillers have 7% lower egg activity in their bodies than those who do not. Because painkillers can inhibit the nerves of the brain, long-term use can cause damage to ovarian function, resulting in a decrease in egg activity.

The times are progressing, electronic products are also emerging, and radiation has a great impact on the human body. Therefore, in life, it is necessary to reduce the use of electronic products, especially at night, and place the mobile phone in the distance.

Prepare for pregnancy| raise good eggs, and good pregnancy will come naturally!

In daily life, maintain a comfortable mood. Excessive pressure is easy to cause endocrine disorders and affect the ability of the ovaries to ovulate. Therefore, during pregnancy preparation, the pressure is appropriately reduced, and a good pregnancy will come faster!

Avoid menstrual sex and be careful with sperm antibodies.

Menstrual sex will stimulate the body to produce anti-sperm antibodies, causing pelvic infections, endometriosis, etc., which will reduce egg motility.

Stay healthy and reduce your chances of egg mutation

During the pregnancy preparation, you should go to the hospital for a preconception examination to ensure that the physical condition during the pregnancy preparation is good. If the physical condition is not good, the egg quality will not be high, and the chance of infertility and miscarriage will be greater.

Prepare for pregnancy| raise good eggs, and good pregnancy will come naturally!

Eat a sensible diet to avoid nutrient loss

During pregnancy preparation, it is necessary to ensure that three meals are regular, meat and vegetarian collocation, balance the intake of various nutrients, and do not overeat. Appropriate increase of black beans and soy milk will help improve follicle development.

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