
How to deal with pediatric diseases in the spring?

Spring is the season of high incidence of common diseases in children, what should I do? Experts come to support.

How to deal with pediatric diseases in the spring?

Three or four colds a year are normal

It is normal for your child to have 3 to 4 respiratory infections per year. Symptoms of viral respiratory infections last an average of 8 days, with some may be extended to two weeks. In the early spring, it is normal for children to catch a cold and cough for just two weeks and get sick again.

Many parents want to improve their baby's immunity through products that improve immunity, in fact, the best way is to exercise for 30 to 45 minutes a day. It is also possible to properly consume protein-rich foods, especially milk, eggs, lean meat, seafood, tofu and so on, which are rich in high-quality protein. Increasing the amount of fish and shrimp eaten in moderation and eating a small handful of nuts a day can also help improve immunity.

How to deal with pediatric diseases in the spring?

Don't rush to stop diarrhea

In a sense, diarrhea is also an effective measure to remove viruses or bacteria, and family members should not immediately stop diarrhea for their children, but should continue to eat. If there is severe vomiting, it can be temporarily fasted for 4 to 6 hours (no water is contraindicated).

If the child suddenly does not pull stool, there is a bad spirit, high fever, vomiting, bloating and lack of urine, indicating that the diarrhea worsens or there is a possibility of other complications, should seek medical attention in time. March and April is a high incidence of gastrointestinal diseases in children, diarrhea, acute gastroenteritis, dyspepsia and gastrointestinal colds are more common, of which diarrhea caused by colds and improper diet is the most serious. Spring dressing should follow the principle of "first reduce the thickness, do not reduce the number of pieces", do not directly reduce clothes.

The back of the child can not be cold, because the back is easy to sweat, can not absorb sweat in time, will be cold, and the back has a lot of important organs and acupoints, warm will have symptoms such as runny nose cough. Parents can wear a small vest for their children, and the front and back chest can be warmed and well. When sweating, you can put a sweat towel on your back to prevent catching a cold.

How to deal with pediatric diseases in the spring?

Find the cause of allergies indoors at home

The causes of allergic diseases, one is genetic factors, one is environmental factors, and more is the result of the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. Pollen, mites, and mold can all cause allergy symptoms. For example, mites bred in plush toys produce nitrogenous gases that affect a child's lung function and increase the risk of allergies by 1.6 times. If you have a pet at home, your child may also be allergic to cat and dog hair. Insecticides and insect repellents are also strong irritating for children and increase the risk of allergies.

The use of antibiotics and antipyretic and analgesic drugs in infancy can also affect the early establishment of a healthy intestinal flora and increase the risk of allergies.

How to deal with pediatric diseases in the spring?

Acupressure nasal wing wet compress on the back of the neck to stop nosebleeds

Nosebleeds in childhood, most of which are due to bleeding in the front of the nose in the Rishi area due to dryness of the nasal mucosa. Spring winds take away moisture from the air, causing your child's nasal passages to become drier.

When the child has a nosebleed, the parent can let him sit down, tilt his head slightly forward, and instruct the child not to swallow the blood, so as not to stimulate the stomach and cause vomiting. Press your child's two sides of the nose inwards with your fingers for 10 to 15 minutes, and apply a cold water bag or wet towel to his forehead and back neck to promote vasoconstriction and reduce bleeding. If the nasal bleeding does not stop after 15 minutes, you should go to the hospital for medical treatment. Repeated nasal bleeding should also seek medical attention in time.

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