
Can't watch the full news of the website without the APP? The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology urged rectification and compulsory download

On March 3, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a document saying that some netizens and the media recently reported that some websites forced users to download APP when browsing page information. The Information and Communication Administration of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology attaches great importance to this, immediately organizes verification, and recently held an administrative guidance meeting to urge relevant Internet enterprises to rectify.

Can't watch the full news of the website without the APP? The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology urged rectification and compulsory download

The meeting pointed out that with the rapid development of the mobile Internet, various types of APPS have risen vigorously, providing users with a wealth of application services. However, some information information, online communities and other websites frequently pop up the window to recommend APP when users browse the web, require downloading the APP to view the full text, and cannot read comments without APP, etc., hindering users from using web browsing information and infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of users, and the masses react strongly.

The meeting demanded that relevant Internet enterprises should adhere to the people-centered development thinking, strictly abide by the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, always take the protection of user rights and interests and the improvement of service experience as the foundation for winning users, self-examination and self-correction, immediate reform, and resolutely correct existing problems. When the user browses the content of the page, the first is that the APP shall not be automatically or compulsorily downloaded without the user's consent or active selection; when it is recommended to download the APP, the obvious "cancel" option should be provided synchronously to effectively protect the user's right to know and choose. Second, without a reasonable and justifiable reason, users must not be required not to download the APP and not to read it, or not to read the full text. The third is not to fold the display, active pop-up window, frequent prompts, reduce the experience and other ways to force, mislead users to download, open the APP, or jump to the app store, affecting the user's normal browsing information.

Relevant Internet enterprises said that they will conscientiously implement the relevant requirements, comprehensively conduct self-examination and rectification, operate in accordance with the law and compliance, improve services, enhance user experience, and jointly create a mobile Internet application environment that makes the masses feel satisfied.

Nandu reporter noticed that in February this year, some netizens in the People's Network's "leadership message board" to the Minister of Industry and Information Technology, secretary of the party group Xiao Yaqing left a message, suggesting that some websites mandatorily require the download of APP behavior to rectify, "now when browsing content with mobile browsers, some applications often pop up to recommend APP windows, such as when using Apple mobile phone Safari browser, Baidu will recommend you to download APP browsing, and Tieba is also, you must download APP to browse all reviews."

In this regard, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology replied on February 21, "Regarding the relevant issues you raised, our ministry will study in depth, pay attention to them according to the next step of the work arrangement, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of users." ”

Can't watch the full news of the website without the APP? The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology urged rectification and compulsory download

For the problem mentioned in the message, on March 3, nandu reporter once again tried to use the Safari browser to view the Baidu Baijia article, and found that it was still necessary to open the Baidu APP to read the full text; when using the Safari browser to browse Tieba bar, you can not see the main building's high-definition large map and the complete comments of the post, prompting you need to open the Tieba APP to see the high-definition large map and view all the comments. In safari browser, you can't directly reply to Tieba post, clicking back will directly jump to the Baidu Tieba APP download interface.

Can't watch the full news of the website without the APP? The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology urged rectification and compulsory download

Browse the contents of Baijia and Tieba in Safari browser

Written by: Nandu reporter Wang Chenchen

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