
51%! The latest electric car retention rate is coming, are you considering replacing your fuel car?

If you are a long-term person, then there is one factor that must be taken into account when buying a new car, that is, the "retention rate". In recent years, new energy vehicles have ushered in rapid development, but the relatively low retention rate is easy for consumers to be discouraged. So, with the continuous expansion of the new energy vehicle market and the continuous improvement of related technologies, is there a trend of the current new energy vehicle retention rate? The answer is yes. According to the latest retention rate research data, the retention rate of electric vehicles continues to increase!

51%! The latest electric car retention rate is coming, are you considering replacing your fuel car?

Electric vehicle

Zhichepai learned that on March 3, the China Automobile Dealers Association and Jingzhen Estimation jointly released the "February 2022 China Automobile Retention Rate Research Report". The report cites the latest retention rate data of China's auto market, including the retention rate of different types of new energy vehicles. Specifically, for three-year-old new energy second-hand cars, the retention rate of electric vehicles rose from 49.5% in January to 51%, and the Analysis of the China Automobile Association said that the main reason for the significant increase in the retention rate of electric vehicles is that the new car market is difficult to deliver." In addition, the retention rate of plug-in hybrid models is relatively stable.

51%! The latest electric car retention rate is coming, are you considering replacing your fuel car?

The retention rate of electric vehicles continues to increase (Figure source China Automobile Association)

51%! The latest electric car retention rate is coming, are you considering replacing your fuel car?

Retention rate of models of various levels (Figure source China Automobile Association)

Compared with new energy vehicles, the retention rate of fuel vehicles is much higher, which is mainly reflected in the average data of the entire car market. The China Automobile Association said that the whole of February has fewer working days, and the price increase and trading volume have declined, which is a normal seasonal market. From the chart above, the price of almost all types of used cars is rising. Among them, the price increase of medium and large SUVs has been the largest, reflecting the characteristics of the differentiation of the automobile market. The report also notes that luxury brands such as BBA and Land Rover are becoming increasingly popular, and the original mid-range joint venture brand space is becoming more and more school

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