
Is the company still short of people? FAW Group employees car purchase discount exposure: 160,000 can buy luxury brands

Recently, some netizens exposed a "FAW Group employee car purchase price" table, which has FAW-Volkswagen, FAW Hongqi, Audi, Besturn, FAW Toyota and other brands of models, the preferential range between different brands is not the same, the price is generally equivalent to 7 to 20% off the market price.

Is the company still short of people? FAW Group employees car purchase discount exposure: 160,000 can buy luxury brands

Xiao Lei learned that among the Hongqi brand, the 2.0T model of the Hongqi H9, the cheapest as long as 282,000 yuan, plus insurance, purchase tax and other additional expenses, about 300,000 can land on the road; the new FAW-Volkswagen Golf, the market price of nearly 150,000 yuan, the company directly to employees to open a landing price of 134,800 yuan, but also includes a year of insurance, some boutique accessories and 2 times maintenance, how cost-effective it is needless to say.

Is the company still short of people? FAW Group employees car purchase discount exposure: 160,000 can buy luxury brands

What is more exciting is that Audi's full range of models is also within the scope of internal discounts, the largest discount Q2L, the market guidance price of 268,000, while the internal employees only need 200,900 to land, the cheapest A3 only needs 162,000. As a member of the BBA luxury brand, Audi can be much more attractive than Tesla.

Everyone knows the current situation of Toyota models, buy a car in the 4S store, if you do not add money to upgrade the configuration, add accessories, insurance, license service fees, etc., the store generally will not give the car, even if it is ordered, it will take a while to pick up the car. Internal employees are different, and manufacturers " direct sales" have the opportunity to buy naked cars directly without additional consumption.

On the other hand, the world's various industries into a shortage of supply, the cost of sharp increase in the situation, car companies are the same, our car cycle is getting longer and longer, the cost of buying a car is also getting bigger and bigger, it can be said that as long as it is a more popular model, in recent years, it is not an easy task to buy smoothly, but for employees working in car companies, they have a more economical and faster way to buy a car.

See here, some people may want to sell cars through this channel to earn profits, in fact, when employees buy new cars with internal discounts, they often have to sign a "bundle agreement", which is about 1 to 3 years after the employee picks up the car, can not sell it to others, different manufacturers, internal regulations are also different, but the ultimate goal is to prevent insiders from making profits.

Faw Group's internal benefits are a kind of employee welfare, which can generally be enjoyed by those who work in the group for a period of time. The employee welfare of mobile phone manufacturers may be the internal discount of mobile phones and other related products, so the welfare of car companies is obviously a car purchase discount. Seeing this, Xiao Lei just wanted to ask, is the company still short of people?

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