
After the nosebleed, the child actually vomited a pool of blood! These "pit baby" hemostasis methods must be avoided

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Correspondent Li Xu Reporter He Lina Trainee Reporter Xu Ziying

From small to large, nosebleeds are situations that we often encounter, and the common operation is: look up! Stuffed tissues!

However, a mother in Hangzhou operated according to this traditional method, and the child actually vomited a pool of blood! Afterwards, the mother found that she had done all the wrong way to stop bleeding, and the "pit baby" was not shallow.

Nosebleeds flow repeatedly, repeatedly "stopped"

As a result, the child vomited a pool of blood

6-year-old Wenwen (pseudonym), since childhood, is a baby who loves nosebleeds, nosebleeds have become a common thing, and the family is not strange.

After the Spring Festival, wenwen's old problem of nosebleeds was committed again. That night, WenWen suddenly shouted, "Mom, I have a nosebleed!" Turning on the light, Wen Wen's face in front of him was full of blood, pillows, quilts, Wen Wen's mother quickly tore a tissue, skillfully rubbed it into a ball, and stuffed it into Wen Wen's nose. The amount of bleeding was too large, and I changed it two or three times in a row, and when I saw that WenWen's bleeding stopped, I quickly let her lie down and sleep.

The next morning, Wenwen's nosebleeds dripped out again. Look up! Stuffed tissues! The exact same operation came again, and soon the nosebleed stopped flowing. Unexpectedly, after a few minutes, Wenwen pulled out the paper ball, and the nosebleed gushed out again. Look up again! Put on a tissue again!

Several times in a row, my mother used this skillful method to "stop" the bleeding. I thought this time was the same as before, just like this...

Unexpectedly, at noon, Wen Wen felt nauseous and wanted to vomit, his face turned pale, and he spat out a pool of dark brown bloody liquid with a "whoosh" sound. Wen Wen's parents were frightened, how could this still vomit blood? The two quickly drove Wenwen to the First People's Hospital of Hangzhou.

After a series of blood routine examinations were done to rule out gastrointestinal bleeding and blood diseases, the doctor recommended that Wenwen be transferred to the otolaryngology department for consultation. Li Yong, director of the Department of Otolaryngology, who received the consultation, immediately found the "real culprit" of vomiting blood after further questioning and examination - nosebleeds.

It turned out that when Wenwen had a nosebleed, improper head-up led to a part of the nosebleed being swallowed into the stomach. When the amount of blood is large enough, it causes nausea and vomiting. Because the blood in the vomit is mixed with stomach acid, it is dark brown.

After the nosebleed, the child actually vomited a pool of blood! These "pit baby" hemostasis methods must be avoided

Courtesy of Visual China

Look up, stuff tissues... Please "blacken" these methods of hemostasis

In fact, it is not an isolated case like Wenwen who has become "vomiting blood" because of nosebleeds.

Li Yong said that ordinary nosebleeds do not cause "vomiting blood", and Wenwen's situation is caused by improper hemostasis. In the outpatient clinic, about 8 or more of the ten nosebleeds will use the wrong way to stop the bleeding, and a little carelessness will cause adverse consequences.

Li Yong specifically listed several wrong methods of hemostasis, reminding parents to pay attention to lightning protection.

A. Look up

This is the most common method. In fact, looking up does not stop the bleeding, but only changes the direction of the nosebleed, and the nosebleed will enter the stomach along the throat and esophagus. If you swallow more nosebleeds, you will have symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, and even lead to black stools.

B. Stuffed tissues

Paper towels everywhere have become the most commonly used hemostatic props for parents. In fact, paper towels are relatively fluffy, can not produce strong pressure, it is difficult to stop bleeding quickly. And the surface of the paper towel is rough, repeatedly stuffed into the nostrils will make the mucous membrane that has eroded aggravated the damage, the paper towel is also easy to scab with the wound, once pulled out, it will cause a new ulcer, prolonging the bleeding time.

C. Rinse cold water and raise your hand

These two methods are even more scientifically unfounded. There is also no direct relationship between the amount of bleeding and the warmth of the environment.

So, what exactly should be done with nosebleeds?

Li Yong recommended the simplest trick: as long as you slightly bow your head and pinch the nose wing part with your hand for 3 minutes, you can basically stop the bleeding. This is because nosebleeds generally occur in the front of the nasal cavity, and the normal clotting time is about 2-3 minutes. Therefore, as long as you gently pinch the bleeding point to maintain it, you can achieve the purpose of stopping the bleeding, which is the simplest and most effective way.

Frequent nosebleeds should be considered for allergic rhinitis

"Now more and more children are coming to see nosebleeds, and more than a dozen cases can be encountered in each outpatient clinic." Li Yong said that nosebleeds are a very common symptom in people, especially in children. There was once a statistic that more than one-third of school-age children have a history of nosebleeds, and the age is mainly concentrated between 2-14 years old.

Nosebleeds often appear to be bleeding heavily, and many parents associate nosebleeds with leukemia. In this regard, Li Yong said that there are many causes of nosebleeds, such as dry air, trauma, nasal foreign bodies, distortion of the nasal septum, tumors, blood diseases and so on. But please don't panic, these are very small probability events, and the investigation is relatively simple, through the examination and blood test routine can be found.

After the nosebleed, the child actually vomited a pool of blood! These "pit baby" hemostasis methods must be avoided

Li Yong pointed out: "In fact, about 95% of nosebleeds come from allergic rhinitis. "Patients with rhinitis have a particularly fragile nasal mucosa, which can produce erosions and other conditions. Inflammation can cause discomfort in the nose, and children can't help but dig their noses or rub their noses, so this kind of child's nose is particularly prone to bleeding. If the child has repeated nosebleeds, there is a good chance that there is allergic rhinitis, which usually has no obvious symptoms and is easy to misdiagnose.

Li Yong proposed that allergic rhinitis has a variety of manifestations, and according to the symptoms, it can be divided into sneezing type, runny nose type, nosebleed type, nasal congestion type, cough type, hyperactivity type and so on.

Some allergic rhinitis do not even have very typical symptoms, but only like to squeeze the eyebrows and make eyes, which is often misdiagnosed as tics. Therefore, if the above symptoms occur, it is best to go to a regular hospital and find a professional doctor to check it.

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