
It is very important who the baby sleeps with within the age of 3, which affects the child's future personality, don't be inappropriate

For children, sleeping is a very important thing, parents must pay attention. In particular, who the child sleeps with will affect the child's growth. Babies are accustomed to their mother's heartbeat in their mother's belly, so babies are naturally attached to their mothers.

Therefore, before the child is 3 years old, sleep with him first, and then let the child learn to sleep by himself after the child is 3 years old. But now many families, because both husband and wife are busy taking care of the children, handing over the children to the elderly, and even the elderly sleep with the children at night.

It is very important who the baby sleeps with within the age of 3, which affects the child's future personality, don't be inappropriate

In child psychology, a child who often sleeps with will imitate his behavior and personality. Therefore, who to sleep with, the formation of children's personality, especially with children before the age of three, will affect their personality.

It is very important who the baby sleeps with within the age of 3, which affects the child's future personality, don't be inappropriate

It is very important for children under one or three years old to sleep together, which will affect the child's future personality, and parents should pay attention

1. Sleeping with my mother since I was a child has a good personality

There is a natural physical and psychological connection between the child and the mother. The baby is in the mother's belly and will feel that the mother has given him enough security. After giving birth, you can only feel safe through the hugs and touches of your mother. Sleeping with a mother and child can also increase the affection between children. Safe children can be confident in their own lives, know how to get along with people, face the future society, and better integrate into the collective.

It is very important who the baby sleeps with within the age of 3, which affects the child's future personality, don't be inappropriate

2. Sleeping with the elderly may affect the child's physical development

The elderly are not as functional as young people in all aspects, and they need enough oxygen when sleeping. If the child often sleeps with younger people, most of the oxygen in the whole room will be inhaled by the elderly, and a large amount of exhaust gas will be exhaled, which is very unfavorable to the child's physical development.

In addition, older generations generally love their grandchildren. As long as the child wants something, the elderly will satisfy the child, which will make the child develop an arrogant, unreasonable, self-centered, inconsiderate character of others. As long as it is needed, it must be required for adults to meet, otherwise it will lose its temper.

It is very important who the baby sleeps with within the age of 3, which affects the child's future personality, don't be inappropriate

3. Children with poor parent-child relationships are more lonely and indifferent

When I think of going to college, every winter vacation, everyone is anxiously waiting for the return and preparing to go home very early. The night before I got home, I was always so excited I couldn't sleep at all. But a foreigner in the dormitory was in no hurry to go home each time, nor did he show any excitement. What's even more incredible is that if her family doesn't call her, she won't call home for two months.

Whenever we packed our things and went home, we were curious. Why wasn't she in a hurry to pack up? She said coldly, "What's the hurry?" Go back for a week and you'll be scolded. It is better to stay in school. "Later, because of work reasons, I met a lot of such college students, and they all have one thing in common, that is, they were not brought up by their mothers.

It is very important who the baby sleeps with within the age of 3, which affects the child's future personality, don't be inappropriate

4. Do not divide the bed prematurely

Children will rely on their parents, and sleeping next to their parents is the safest and safest. If the child is too young to sleep on his own, he will develop bad habits such as biting sheets and smoking toys because of inner loneliness and insecurity, which is not conducive to physical and mental health. So before the age of 3, mothers should sleep with their children as much as possible, and after the age of 3, if they still hate sleeping in separate beds, do not force their children. Sometimes, as long as the child develops good habits on weekdays, it is easy to sleep in separate beds.

It is very important who the baby sleeps with within the age of 3, which affects the child's future personality, don't be inappropriate

Second, use picture books to let children learn to sleep on their own

Professor Li Meijin pointed out that 3-6 years old is an important period for children to form good personality, moral character and behavior habits. No matter how busy you are at this time, don't snub your children, and don't let your children lack the companionship and education of your parents. Therefore, Professor Li suggested that parents buy a set of picture books suitable for children to read - "Children's Emotional Intelligence and Habit Cultivation" 10 volumes.

The album is very attractive to children, colorful, interesting characters, and is very helpful for cultivating children's self-esteem and social skills.

Each small story is something that happens in children's daily lives, so that children can easily understand the truth in the book, but also learn some common sense from it, so that children learn to look at things positively and optimistically from the aspects of "cultivating self-control", "brave attempting", "building self-confidence" and so on.

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