
Sichuan Neijiang lost 31 years boy successfully search for relatives Father: Never gave up looking

author:Red Star News

On the evening of May 12, a strange phone call came to Qiu Shiwei's mobile phone. On the other end of the phone, after confirming that he was Qiu Shaojun's father, the volunteers told him the news that his son had found. "You're not going to lie to me, really?" After getting the other party's repeated affirmative answers, there was a silence, and Qiu Shiwei, who was already 56 years old, cried on the phone: "31 years!" ”

On May 16, in Neijiang, Sichuan, he met with his son, who had been separated for 31 years, and Qiu Shiwei did not want to recall the process of finding his son: it was too bitter... But never give up looking!

Sichuan Neijiang lost 31 years boy successfully search for relatives Father: Never gave up looking

↑ Qiu Shaojun (second from right) and family.

On the way home from kindergarten, my 3-year-old son was gone

How many 31 years of life? For 31 years, Luo Ning (pseudonym) and Qiu Shiwei were almost all spent searching for relatives.

Ronin was born in 1986, and Qiu Shaojun (nicknamed "Qiu Qiu") was his name when he was not lost. At that time, his family was in Guobei Town, Neijiang City, Sichuan Province. My father was a watchmaker, and my grandparents opened a tea shop. His father, Qiu Shiwei, recalled that at that time, Qiu Shaojun was only two years old, but he was already clever and sensible, and he could go to the street alone to buy soy sauce and vinegar. When it came time to eat, he often went to the stall to call him home for dinner. At that time, the family's conditions were quite good in the local area, "you can earn dozens of yuan a day." "At that time, a few tens of dollars was a month's income for many people.

Just when Qiu Shiwei thought that life would always go on as expected, an accident occurred. He will always remember that it was the afternoon of October 24, 1989, when his son, who was in kindergarten, did not come home after school, "I thought it was my grandmother's house." But when he learned that his son had not gone, Qiu Shiwei realized that his son might have gone missing, and immediately called the police, and launched all his relatives and friends to search for it. They went to various local train stations and bus stations to search and intercept, but found nothing.

Qiu Shiwei said that his wife was 6 months pregnant at that time. After her son disappeared, she washed her face with tears all day. Soon, the baby in the womb was born prematurely and died of illness a few months later. Qiu Shiwei said that he felt that his family was going to collapse during that time, and his wife was mentally weak all day. In order to find their son, the family sold their only house.

Insist on finding and posting news of his son's disappearance online

In those years, Qiu Shiwei searched like crazy.

He remembered that his son had a spin on his head, a single eyelid, a little small eyes, and a small red birthmark on the back of his head when he was born. He posted search notices everywhere and advertised in newspapers and television. When he learned where the abducted doll had been found, he would go to confirm, "but every time he went away with hope and disappointment." Qiu Shiwei said that in order to find his son, he also did some things that are ridiculous now; "For example, if I dreamed where the baby was, we would run to find it." "In those years, Chengdu, Chongqing, Xichang, Kunming, Zhengzhou, Tianshui... All left Qiu Shiwei's footprints. Sometimes he went to strange places, and when he didn't have money to go home, he even wandered and pickpocketed the train... Qiu Shiwei said that he really did not want to recall it now: "It was too painful, both physical and psychological pressure." ”

"Sometimes there will be auditory hallucinations, and I hear the doll calling you..." Qiu Shiwei said, "If he dies in an accident, we can still let go, the key is that he suddenly disappeared, and he is a very well-behaved doll, do you think we are in pain?" "After a few years of running, relatives and friends said that his whole body was deformed, and his wife, who was only in his 20s, had half white hair. After blindly searching for no progress, relatives and friends advised him that "you can't run, you still have a family to support." Slowly, he tried to return to a normal life.

"But I haven't given up looking." Qiu Shiwei said that after the advent of the computer, he began to learn to go online and publish news of his son's disappearance on the Internet. He remembers that the registration on the baby home website was in 2000s, "The first batch of blood collection, we went to collect, did not expect to bring good news to our family more than 10 years later." ”

On the night of the news on May 12, Qiu Shiwei's wife was watching the family search program and shedding tears, Qiu Shiwei cried when he received a call from his son, and his family also cried. That night, his phone exploded, "After two or three hours of calling, I'm going to call one by one to tell my relatives and friends that my doll has been found." ”

On the night he learned that he was about to meet his son, Qiu Shiwei said that he and his wife could not sleep.

The son registered the information on the website and the DNA comparison was successful

After so many years of searching, how did they find it?

The turnaround came in January of this year. Qiu Shiwei's long-lost son Qiu Shaojun registered his information on the Baby Home website, and Tranquility was a volunteer who followed up at the time, she told the Red Star News reporter that qiu Shaojun said that he was from Liaocheng, Shandong Province, and now named Luo Ning.

Because he was young when he went missing, he did not write down a lot of useful information, "He only remembers that when he was about 3 years old, his adoptive grandfather spent twenty thousand yuan on an overpass to buy him back." As for how he got to Shandong, he couldn't remember. With less information, Serenity suggested that he do a blood collection comparison first," he said, "He took the initiative and quickly took the blood." "It was during the epidemic and the express delivery was out of service, so there was a delay.

Knowing that Ronin was looking for relatives, his adoptive father told him that when he came to Shandong, he had said to his adoptive family, "His name is Qiu Xiaobing, his father is repairing watches, and his grandmother is pouring boiling water." After learning this important information, Tranquility added it to Qiu Shaojun's search for relatives.

Soon, another volunteer who searched for a child and listened to Feng Yin found the commonality of the two posts through advanced search on the forum: First, the "Qiu Xiaobing" mentioned by Luo Ning's adoptive father and the son's household name "Qiu Shaojun" that Qiu Shiwei was looking for were in harmony. Secondly, Qiu Shaojun's father repaired his watch in the town, and his grandparents boiled water in the tea house to pour tea. In Ronin's memory, his father also repaired watches, and his grandmother also boiled water for people.

Tranquility said that from these two points, Qiu Shaojun was highly suspicious of Ronin. At this time, the DNA blood samples of Ronin and Qiu Shiwei were being urgently compared.

On the morning of May 12, the good news came. With the vigorous assistance of the Public Security Bureau of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, Luo Ning's blood sample was successfully deposited into the warehouse and successfully compared with Qiu Shiwei and his wife.

On May 16, in Neijiang, Sichuan, Qiu Shiwei and his family waited outside the high-speed rail station, waiting for his son Qiu Shaojun, who had been away for 31 years, to leave the station.

Thirty-one years later, the child, who was less than a meter tall, had started a family and grew taller than his father. Reunited after 31 years, the family of three stood in the square hugging and crying, unwilling to separate for a long time.

Sichuan Neijiang lost 31 years boy successfully search for relatives Father: Never gave up looking

↑ Welcome Home Qiu Shaojun.

Sichuan Neijiang lost 31 years boy successfully search for relatives Father: Never gave up looking

↑ Qiu Shaojun hugged and cried with his parents.

Sichuan Neijiang lost 31 years boy successfully search for relatives Father: Never gave up looking

↑ Family reunion.

For his son's disappearance, Qiu Shiwei said that after spending a few days with his child, he felt that the child still had a shadow, "more introverted." "But what shouldn't have been done has been caused, and we don't want to blame anyone now, and I also ask my son to be nicer to his adoptive parents."

Family Search Volunteers Suggest:

Register information, blood collection and comparison

How can I have the best chance of succeeding in my family search? Volunteers who have been volunteers for 4 and a half years and have successfully retrieved more than 40 children said that first of all, if they know that they may be abducted and sold, they need to cooperate with the family search platform for information registration. "Secondly, you must take blood, which is very critical." Tranquility said, "The public security system's national 'anti-abduction' DNA database uses DNA remote comparison technology to find abducted children more quickly and efficiently." At the same time, the Baby Home website has also set up a public welfare library to facilitate comparison.

Red Star News reporter Hu Ting Zhang Ling The image was provided by the interviewee

Edited by Peng Jiang

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Sichuan Neijiang lost 31 years boy successfully search for relatives Father: Never gave up looking

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