
Just entering the workplace, in the face of intrigue in the workplace, what should I do to be alone?

There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests.

The purpose of work is to earn money, not to make friends.

If you want to mix well, you must understand the laws of workplace operation and then actively adapt to these laws.

When you first enter the workplace, you must not only bury your head in hard work, but also look up at the sky.

Therefore, we must be able to withstand temptation, withstand tempering, work for a long time, and not rush to achieve results.

Introduction: Just entered the workplace, in the face of the intrigue in the workplace, what should I do to be alone?

Just entering the workplace, as a newcomer, I am not familiar with everything, and while feeling fresh, I can't stop being curious.

Although this is the common sentiment of people, "curiosity kills cats", nosy and casual sides will make your career end before it has begun, do you doubt that it is such an exaggeration?

It can be known that the workplace is like a battlefield, in which the fierce competition and various upper positions are not a child's play, you have just entered the workplace, naïve and not very clever, this does not blame you.

But in order to be able to stand firm and survive, you must learn to observe, see more and think more about everything, don't listen to the words of one party, and don't act rashly, but do things in the spirit of new people learning more and not thinking about it.

Only in this way can you smoothly integrate into the workplace working environment and then open up the work situation, rather than being unable to start and stay in the workplace.

Just entering the workplace, in the face of intrigue in the workplace, what should I do to be alone?

The workplace is a world of interests and competition, and it is inevitable that we will fight with each other, and we are only one of them, and we cannot shake the rules of the workplace.

The only thing we can do and can do well is ourselves, if we want to be far away from the self in the workplace, we must control our mouths.

"Evil comes from the mouth" is not unreasonable, which reminds us not to talk about the rights and wrongs of others behind our backs and to participate in some verbal disputes.

Excessive attention to the right and wrong of the workplace will inevitably be distracted and complaining, so that the improvement of ability and efficiency in one's work is not beneficial.

If you want to shine in the work, you must rely on strength to speak, with proud results to serve people, we only really focus on the work and do a good job in the work, there is a possibility of being promoted and promoted.

After all, the boss can be more shrewd than you think, which is really doing things for the company, belongs to the indispensable talent for the further development of the company, and the boss's heart is clearer than anyone.

So don't fish in muddy waters and have a fluke mentality at work, the opportunity is always left to those who are prepared, you have to rely on real strength to get the opportunity and achieve career ideals, you only think like this and do it, there are more opportunities for choice, and finally success.

If you want to be alone, stay away from right and wrong in the workplace, and live smoothly, you can't help but master some workplace survival secrets, the following is for you.

Just entering the workplace, in the face of intrigue in the workplace, what should I do to be alone?

Discern people, do not talk about it

There has never been a shortage of people in the workplace who talk about people's lengths, and it is common to discuss behind people and create some after-dinner pastimes.

When we first enter the workplace, we should bear in mind that work is the first priority, and do not arbitrarily join the ranks of so-and-so's discussion.

Because such a random line that knows the end of the end will drag us into a strange circle, and when the time comes, you will be uncomfortable, and you will lose hope and confidence in the workplace and career prospects.

As a workplace "rookie", although ignorant, but not ignorant, learn to use eyes and hearts to observe the dynamics and people's hearts.

This is very important and takes time to learn, especially if you don't know anything about things.

It is important to remember to brake with silence, silence is more reliable than speech, and focusing on doing your own thing is more important than paying attention to gossip about whether it is right or wrong.

The so-called so-called being alone is to do your own thing well, and then you can be more comfortable to deal with unexpected situations or help others.

The first step for newcomers in the workplace is always to accumulate experience, including experience at work, the expansion of networks and so on.

You have to hold your breath before you can stand firm in the workplace, and then you have the ability to achieve what you want.

Just entering the workplace, in the face of intrigue in the workplace, what should I do to be alone?

Develop the habit of reflection and not act impulsively

When you first enter the workplace, it is inevitable to run into a wall, but everyone is growing and progressing step by step in the process of slow exploration, but some people progress quickly and walk in front early.

Some people, on the other hand, are aware of hindsight and always fall into regret and distress after acting impulsively, which has a lot to do with personal work habits.

If you want to grasp the initiative, you must develop the habit of being good at reflection and thinking, especially the control of emotions, and you must practice deliberately, do not be angry and be wrapped up in anger to make wrong choices and decisions, otherwise you will regret it.

As a newcomer, the most taboo thing is to lack logic and thinking about doing things, so it is very easy to mess things up, or even if you make a lot of effort, but do not think, the direction is wrong, it is also a waste of effort.

The so-called reflection is not only the summary of the work after the fact and the lessons learned, but also the thinking of the direction of the work in advance and the formulation of planned arrangements.

Due to the limitations of newcomers who are new to the company collective, the processes and practices of many things are not accurately captured, so they need to be humble and learn.

In particular, when encountering uncertainties and not understanding, we must report and seek help in time, only in this way will the career path become smoother and more open.

Just entering the workplace, in the face of intrigue in the workplace, what should I do to be alone?

Set goals, do not participate in right and wrong

Personnel changes in the workplace and high and low, you can't see clearly when you first enter the workplace, then you must learn to stay away, so as not to provoke fire.

What is the focus of your work, what can be left to you, do not have to be too real, about these boundaries you must be clear, and resolutely implement.

The first meaning of the newcomer's work is not to offend people, and to be 100% responsible for their own work, only by bearing this principle in mind, can they have a foothold in the workplace.

In addition, newcomers to the workplace are inevitably confused, which stems from the lack of goals or the unrealistic goals set, and the establishment of our goals can only be finally achieved based on the actual objective situation, rather than becoming a distant delusion.

Just entering the workplace, in the face of intrigue in the workplace, what should I do to be alone?

When you first enter the workplace, if you want to fight away from yourself, you must start from yourself, do your own thing well, and mix less with the gossip of others.

Instead, it is to silently improve skills, get started as soon as possible, and win the respect of colleagues and the appreciation of leaders with work achievements.

Some people who have just graduated and entered the workplace, always feel that colleagues and leaders look at themselves with colored glasses, and they seem to be difficult at work, and they have to suspect that the future is bleak, in fact, these are unnecessary.

There is a saying called "if it comes, it will be safe", since we have chosen a distant place, why should we be afraid of wind and rain?

Just as life will not always be a smooth road, the wind and rain in the workplace must also be experienced, and what you have to do is not how to avoid the wind and rain as much as possible.

Instead, arm yourself and make yourself strong enough to better withstand the wind and rain and break out of the world in the face of adversity.

Text/Lao Xia Analyst

Sometimes, though never met. But they have known each other for a long time, very subtle and contented.

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