
Mazda CX-60 Interior Exposure! The first "rear-drive" Mazda is finally coming

Mazda recently announced that it will release the new CX-60 overseas on March 8, with a higher product positioning than the CX-5, a five-seater configuration, and the first SUV based on a new architecture!

●Confirm that the rear-drive platform is used

●The brand's first PHEV

●The texture of the interior is more refined

Mazda CX-60 Interior Exposure! The first "rear-drive" Mazda is finally coming

Mazda CX-60 is about to be published, the original factory continues to release the trailer to continue the topic, following the previous appearance of the trailer is fleeting, this time it is finally the turn of the interior to expose, so that everyone "sneak a peek". Judging from the clips released, the CX-60 will continue the high-quality interior style. However, in the choice of materials, it is no longer a simple leather, but also a large number of woven fabrics are used, with solid wood trim panels, metal trims, visual effects and touch are different from the previous recognition of luxury.

The CX-60 should not use the right angle of the CX-50, the harder interior line, but similar to the CX-30's rounded and driver-oriented interior design. As for how it actually looks? What are the changes and choices of various material combinations? We won't know until March 8 when the real car shows up.

Mazda CX-60 Interior Exposure! The first "rear-drive" Mazda is finally coming

Of course, the CX-60 is not only expected, but it is the first model of Mazda's rear-drive chassis platform. What kind of dynamic performance will be brought about by the power configuration such as the four-cylinder longitudinal and the new longitudinal six-cylinder. At the same time, the new platform also supports electric power, making the CX-60 the brand's first model to feature a PHEV plug-in hybrid.

Mazda CX-60 Interior Exposure! The first "rear-drive" Mazda is finally coming

Based on previously captured test camouflage photos, some CX-60 models will offer a slightly more performance-sensitive 4-out endpipe design, which is presumably powered by THE PHEV. It is expected that a 2.5-liter four-cylinder engine will be used with an electric motor, and the maximum horsepower will exceed 300hp, becoming Mazda's most technological and powerful power configuration.

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