
The Mythical Beast returns! This has a guide to preventing teacher complaints...

Public number: yangliao99

Finally looking forward to the start of school, the divine beasts have returned to the cage one after another and entered the learning journey of the new semester. While feeling the joy of liberation, many parents are still worried about their children's life and learning at school:

Did the child listen carefully to the lecture in class?

Have you memorized all the homework in class?

Can the knowledge points be understood clearly?

Will you perform poorly and be interviewed by the teacher?

The Mythical Beast returns! This has a guide to preventing teacher complaints...

(Image from the Internet)

In short, the start of school for children is a mixed blessing. Especially since the landing of the double subtraction, children's learning lacks the assistance of cram classes, which means that standardized learning behavior, good learning habits and methods are particularly important.

Since home-school co-education is now advocated, after the start of school, what part of the problem can the family help the child solve in learning?


Help your child build a sense of collective rules

Whether it is study or campus life, there is a stable order and rules. So first of all, we have to teach children to "read and adapt to the rules of the game."

After the start of school, some parents will worry about the collective integration of their children: such as making trouble in class, breaking classroom discipline, being criticized by teachers, and so on.

In fact, we should not just hope that children "fit in", it is best to receive fewer complaints from teachers, and more importantly, we must cultivate children's self-control ability.

The Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing once conducted research on the self-control ability of children aged 3-9. The results found that the self-control of children also has certain characteristics of sensitive periods. Generally speaking, children before the age of 5 have weak self-control, so their emotional ups and downs are relatively large, and they are more "self-sufficient" than slightly older children.

The Mythical Beast returns! This has a guide to preventing teacher complaints...

As you age, your child's self-control increases. The period between 3-7 years old is the best period for the development of self-control, which is why education attaches great importance to the cultivation of a sense of rules in the early days of kindergarten and primary school.

That is to say, the shackles of certain rules are helping children adjust and master self-control. If the child is in the development of self-control, parents may wish to give the child more positive attention to help the child integrate into the group.

So, what is positive attention?

Let's first analyze the child's negative behavior. They will find that doing mischievous things is more likely to attract the attention of adults. If adults focus on their wrong behavior, they will amplify this "stimulus". At the same time, verbal aggression and corporal punishment can also cause children to rebel and deviate from the rules.

The Mythical Beast returns! This has a guide to preventing teacher complaints...

The positive concern is to express "you can..." in an encouraging tone for the child's rule-breaking behavior, instead of the forbidden statement of "you are not allowed...".

In addition, in order to let children better understand the rules, parents can also let their children participate and set some rules for learning and life together. Pay attention to the formulation, you can give the child a choice, not an option that can be violated. For example, the option is "Read A or B" instead of "Read or Not Read".


Observe your child's attention level

Secondly, with regard to the problem that the child cannot sit still and the homework is done slowly, parents should pay attention to the child's attention level.

In the book "The Power of Concentration", it is said: "Concentration is a kind of mental power that has nothing to do with talent and is controlled by oneself. Mastering concentration can improve life. ”

The Mythical Beast returns! This has a guide to preventing teacher complaints...

Psychologists and brain scientists have conducted observational experiments on 40 groups of one- to one-and-a-half-year-old children and found that if children can dominate the game and parents only play the role of feedback, then the children's concentration performance is better.

If parents use words or behaviors to guide their children to focus, the children will instead move their eyes elsewhere.

This experiment showed that children's concentration is not cultivated through external forces, but is protected. If parents are bothered by their children's "concentration", they may wish to refer to this table provided by the Canadian website for studying children's behavioral development to see if the child's concentration time is close to the average.

The Mythical Beast returns! This has a guide to preventing teacher complaints...

It is worth noting that when children focus on one thing, parents should try to avoid interruptions. Mikhari Chiksen Miha, the founder of positive psychology, proposed the concept of flow, arguing that when people reach this state of "forgetfulness", they tend to be the most efficient and highly acquired.

If you want your child to be able to listen attentively to lectures during class, we can consciously create a good environment for your child at home, even if it is playing games, we must also leave a complete time for your child to immerse yourself.

At the same time, in the process of writing homework, help children reasonably allocate the time of combining work and leisure, and can also restore energy and improve efficiency in a timely manner.


Effective learning requires repetitive habits

Finally, the growth of children's abilities is inseparable from re-absorption. Charlie Munger said: "Both adults and children should have the ability to reflect at any stage of life. ”

The Paper once published a survey of college entrance examination winners to gain an in-depth understanding of the learning habits of the students, and one of the questions was: How to solve the bottleneck?

The Mythical Beast returns! This has a guide to preventing teacher complaints...

One of the answers with the highest proportion is "reflect on your weaknesses." The world-famous educator Dewey mentioned in "How We Think" that the best way to cultivate children's cognition is to reflect on thinking.

Helping children develop the habit of review can not only let children experience the feeling of mastering the initiative in learning, but also enhance children's ability and confidence in solving problems. In the protracted battle of learning, let children learn to review in stages and check and fill in the gaps in a timely manner in order to be targeted.

We can also use Cornell's review note system to cooperate with children to review weekly, monthly and semester learning in different disciplines:

The Mythical Beast returns! This has a guide to preventing teacher complaints...

The left prompt bar is the project label, such as errors, pending questions, etc.; the middle note bar can specifically write the content of the wrong question, the solution idea, etc.; in the summary and problem column, the corresponding knowledge point notes and the corresponding blind spot analysis are carried out.

We all want to raise a child who has excellent self-discipline, has a clear goal for his life, and dares to rush forward.

The Mythical Beast returns! This has a guide to preventing teacher complaints...

Socrates said: "Education is not indoctrination, but lighting a flame." ”

So from the beginning of the school year, encourage children more, give them independent space to practice their concentration, and help them develop the habit of re-examination and reflection! The child has a fire in his heart, and he almost stirs the assistance of the flame. Give your child a little time, and his growth rate will amaze you at a certain moment.

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