
An Education Method for Tsinghua Mothers: If you have children at home, you must check it out

Sow an action, harvest a habit;

Sow a habit, harvest a character;

Sow a character, harvest a destiny;

Simply put, habit determines destiny.

An Education Method for Tsinghua Mothers: If you have children at home, you must check it out

The level of life and the ability to do things in the future are more or less related to habits.

If your child is in the 3-18 age group, I recommend taking 5 minutes to see.

Because with a little guidance, the child will benefit for life, and parents must not miss the perfect period for the formation of this habit.

About eating

Eating less does not matter much, do not chase him, do not eat even if it is, a bowl is the basic amount.

Do not require eating too full, seven points full, enough for the body to consume energy is good, so that the cerebral cortex gully is more, conducive to memory and so on.

Try to train children to eat less meat, eat more vegetables and fruits, and always be able to stick to the best, do not let the body accumulate fat, affect the brain.

An Education Method for Tsinghua Mothers: If you have children at home, you must check it out

Be sure to replace the zero-food fruit, and you must eat apples and bananas every day, both of which are related to intelligence and good for the body.

A doctor friend of mine once told me, "Never force your child to eat." ”

Children have several periods of growth and development, especially in adolescence, and the amount of food will naturally increase.

If you open your appetite early, his meal will pass by the time of development, and by puberty you will not be able to let him eat less.

About health

The body is the capital, and the exercise is worth our lifelong commitment.

Only with a strong physique, can you be qualified to talk about learning and making a living.

So, from now on, develop good living habits:

Go to bed early and get up early, insist on exercising;

Regular participation in outdoor activities and sports;

Maintain a regular routine;

Stay away from junk food;

Don't indulge in the Internet, it hurts your eyes and your brain.

Exercise when you are young, have a healthy physical foundation, do not have to pay too much price to develop good habits, do not wait until the body is wrong to make up for it.

It's not that hard to find a sport you love and can do on a regular basis, and stick to the things you enjoy.

What's more, it can benefit you for a lifetime.

About heart volume

I always tell my children, "There's no obligation for others to be nice to you." The human heart is uneven, just as the earth has mountains, river valleys, and plains. If others are good to you, you should be grateful to him; if you are not good to you, that is his behavior, and it is normal. ”

There is no absolute fairness in all things, and the larger the amount of mind, the greater the energy that can be obtained.

Both heart and compassion are important and play a decisive role in the differences in a child's later life and circumstances.

About etiquette

"Child, I allow you to be uncultured, but I definitely do not allow you to be uncultured!" The upbringing here is what we usually call a ritual habit.

Everyone has seen a lot of disobedient children, I remember once took the elevator, and it was a mother and son who entered the elevator with me.

The child looks about 8 years old, they are downstairs on the 7th floor, did not expect to get out of the elevator, the child pressed each of the elevators above, the mother on the side witnessed all this happening, but as if nothing happened, led the son away...

After that time, I suddenly understood that a large part of the reason why children did this was the dereliction of duty of our parents.

An Education Method for Tsinghua Mothers: If you have children at home, you must check it out

So, what must a qualified parent teach their children before they turn 18?

Do not make a sound when eating, especially when eating noodles, be sure to bite off, do not suck into the mouth; do not use a male spoon to drink soup, use your own small spoon; if your children eat bar, be sure to correct it;

Sit on the bench to put both knees together, two hands naturally placed on the knees, pay attention to only sit 1/3 of the chair, do not split your legs or cross a second leg, this look is really ugly;

When you go to someone else's house as a guest, without permission, don't look around, don't directly use your hands, randomly turn over the master's things; when eating, don't gobble up, which is not conducive to digestion, but also damages the image; after eating, remember to help friends clean up the table, even if the other party does not let you help, you must also have this move;

No matter what kind of food, no matter what kind of food you like, you can't directly bring it to the front, whether it is at home or outside; in public places, try to avoid eating food such as pig's trotters and large bones, and the way you eat with your teeth grinning is really unsightly;

When others serve you, such as: pouring water, serving food, checking tickets, etc., be sure to say thank you to show respect; do not casually look at other people's photos, chat information, eavesdrop on others, this is also respect.

About scores

How many points to score on the exam, never too much to express opinions, my principle is: learning is his own business.

I just need to tell him to analyze the reasons for the wrong questions on the paper, whether he does not understand or is careless, and correct himself, and I will not ask him how many places in the class this score is until he graduates from high school.

Mathematics will always write very simple problems wrong, adults and children will regret it and say: "What a pity!" If you pay attention to math, it will be a perfect score! ”

An Education Method for Tsinghua Mothers: If you have children at home, you must check it out

I have also encountered this situation, seeing the 99-point roll, I wonder how to make him not careless?

The opportunity is in the misery of others to come, about the third grade, there is a unit to build a house, halfway when the house collapsed, I took the child to the scene for opportunity education, from the mechanics and other methods, because of the calculation of a little error will cause the base foot to support the house there is a difference, the point of calculation less will sink;

From the perspective of building materials: cement has less labels, steel bars are smaller, and the quality of bricks and tiles is a little lower, then the whole house is a dangerous house.

In order to give the child a deep understanding, I said: "If you cause the death of someone else because of your calculative carelessness, how can you pay for human life?" How to compensate for tens of millions of economic losses? ”

About homework

1. About the assignment

Set the time, and when the time comes, he will not be allowed to do it.

He said that he could not finish his homework and would be punished by the teacher tomorrow, but I told him that what time to do something, can not be diverted.

The next day he got up early in the morning to do it, and I was equally forbidden to make him cry and go to school.

After that, until I graduated from high school, I was the first to complete my homework first.

The teacher assigns homework and asks the parents to check the signature: let the child check it himself, check it and take it to me to sign.

Ask when signing: You are not wrong after checking, he is sure that he is right, you sign.

If you see a wrong question, don't point it out to him, so that he has a red cross in tomorrow's homework book.

In the face of this situation, you just need to say why it was not checked out yesterday, don't be too severe, don't let the child have anxiety and worry, everything should be reasonable, so that he will be much more serious next time.

An Education Method for Tsinghua Mothers: If you have children at home, you must check it out

2. About dictation

The way I solved it was to ask him to do it in silent writing.

I said, "You can think of all the new words you've learned and write them silently, that's not proof that you're great!" ”

He brought the language book and put it in front of me, and I said, "Take the book away, Mom believes you won't read it." ”

3. About criticism

My son was also punished in the first grade of elementary school.

I picked him up from school and waited for him to finish his penal homework while listening to the teacher count how his son was not serious in class, how to have things happen with his classmates, and so on.

After returning home, he carefully asked about the situation, and if his classmates were wrong, he would not criticize him; it was his own problems, and they also gently told him how to pay attention to and correct them.

It is important for parents to use reason to dispel the negative emotions that he may have towards the teacher, and it is mainly the parents and teachers who are hitting the child's self-confidence.

If the child is scolded at school, the mother who is the mother that night should understand things clearly, dissolve the child's emotions, and repair his self-confidence, and the self-confidence of a person's life is very important.

An Education Method for Tsinghua Mothers: If you have children at home, you must check it out

We all know that the words and deeds of parents affect children, and there are some things that children can only learn if they do a good job.

A good habit needs to be maintained; a bad habit needs to be changed.


∞ Article Source: Future Star ∞

∞ the graphics and texts originate from the Internet, if there is infringement, inform the deletion ∞

∞ Executive Editor: Zhang Bobo Producer: Winter Sunshine ∞

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