
Kids don't want to practice the piano? How to overcome the inertia that children develop during practice

Piano playing requires meditation; piano skills require day after day of practice; the piano path is the elegance of black and white that is always firm on the storm or the still water!

Children who are lively and active by nature are full of curiosity about the world, curiosity is the beginning of dreams, and inertia is the end of dreams!

How to overcome the inertia that children are prone to on the road of learning the piano can start from the following aspects:

Kids don't want to practice the piano? How to overcome the inertia that children develop during practice

01 Keep your child interested in the piano

The repetition of practicing the piano is boring, twenty-four large and small scales, arpeggios, tremolos, octaves, etc., and the pressure on children to practice is relatively large.

But these basic exercises are the basis for learning the piano, and they must be solidified! So how do we find fun in boring practice?

Break down big goals into smaller goals!

For example, a scale, we can decompose it into several parts according to 4 bars of a unit, so that the difficulty of each part will be greatly reduced, and the results of the practice will be faster, which is conducive to the child to find a sense of achievement in the practice and find the fun of the practice.

02 From parents to teach by example

Kids don't want to practice the piano? How to overcome the inertia that children develop during practice

Parents are the people who spend the longest time with their children, if parents do not pay enough attention to learning the piano, the child will find out a lot of reasons for not practicing well from the parents.

For example, when practicing with children every day, the children are practicing, but parents are playing with mobile phones on the side. Parents' energy will inevitably focus on the content of the mobile phone rather than the child's practice, in the long run, it will not be clear to the child's practice, can not give the child the correct feedback, and slowly the child will lose the enthusiasm to learn.

Kids don't want to practice the piano? How to overcome the inertia that children develop during practice

In addition to the accompaniment of practice, in many ways parents can participate in their children's practice through their own changes and truly lead by example.

For example, parents and children set goals together on the same occasion, how much weight the father should lose before what date, how long to exercise every night when he comes home... During this time, the child should make sure to practice carefully every day.

Using family small plans to improve children's enthusiasm for practicing is beneficial and harmless, while improving the child's learning effect can also enhance the parent-child relationship, teach children to abide by the rules and make plans, but the key to everything lies in whether parents can adhere to it.

The child's plasticity is very strong, how the parents do, the child will become what kind of person. So parents, are you ready? Can it be done?

Kids don't want to practice the piano? How to overcome the inertia that children develop during practice

03 Parents encourage criticism of Enwei and use it together

Praise is a big source of motivation for children to learn, and parents should not miss any opportunity to praise their children.

In the process of practicing the piano, students will never come to the meeting, and they should praise; from unskilled to skilled, they should praise; from one-handed to two-handed playing; they should praise when they corrected their fingering.

Praise at the same time must pay attention not to let praise flow in the stylization, has always been good, great progress, etc., if you have only used these words, praise will soon be invalidated.

So how do we praise it? Quite simply, include specific events in the praise.

For example, from unskilled to skilled: "Baby is very powerful today, yesterday this section is not very skilled, today's practice is much better than yesterday, very good, continue to refuel!"

In the above praise sentences, we not only let the children feel the sense of achievement of practicing, but also let the children feel the sense of security of being concerned, killing two birds with one stone, which can greatly encourage the children's enthusiasm for practicing.

But the problem also comes, want to do the above praise parents must pay attention to the specific practice of the child every day Oh, otherwise it is impossible to say, which returns to our second point of companionship.

Kids don't want to practice the piano? How to overcome the inertia that children develop during practice

Praise is one thing, and criticism is also an essential part. It should be noted that criticism must be cautious and hit the nail on the head!

First, when the child is criticized, the first thing he feels is not that I am wrong, but panic, so when criticizing, you must not lose your senses and yell, and before criticizing, you must analyze the root cause of the child's mistake, let the criticism hit the point, let the child know where he is wrong.

Second, if criticism is not careful, it will hurt the child more than it will be effective. Before criticizing, we must clarify the cause of the problem and the process of the problem, and do not encounter mistakes and direct criticism. As the saying goes, don't fight an unprepared battle, and the same is true for criticizing children!

Kids don't want to practice the piano? How to overcome the inertia that children develop during practice

Today Xiaoyi shared with you several ways to overcome the inertia of children's practice, I don't know if parents have got the focus, if there are other doubts in practicing, you can leave a message to communicate.

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