
Eat less sugar, really can prevent cancer! You have to know about sugar intake

Long-term high sugar intake will increase systemic inflammatory reactions, such as diabetes, acne, caries, obesity, but many people do not know that high sugar will also increase the risk of cancer, so sugar restriction can really prevent cancer.

Why high sugar intake,

Increases the risk of cancer?

Ling Yiqun and Wu Yan of the Department of Nutrition of Fudan University Affiliated Cancer Hospital said that in 2019, a study of more than 100,000 people showed that drinking 100 ml of sugary drinks per day would increase the overall probability of cancer by 18%. The researchers suggested some possible explanations for these results, including the effects of sugar in sugary drinks on visceral fat, blood sugar levels and inflammatory markers, all of which are linked to increased cancer risk.

Long-term high sugar intake can lead to obesity and insulin resistance, causing endo-oxidative stress, endocrine disorders, and immune dysfunction, leading to an increased risk of tumor development.

After the tumor has occurred, cancer cells will use the anaerobic fermentation of sugar as the main energy supply method, so whether it is ordinary people or tumor patients, they should control the intake of added sugars.

100,000 people study,

"Added sugars" are especially associated with cancer!

Added sugar refers to sugars and syrups that are added to foods during the production and preparation of foods, excluding sugars that are naturally contained in foods. Mainly including:

White sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, molasses, honey, syrup used to eat pancakes, concentrated juice and glucose.

A 2020 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also involved more than 100,000 people, participants over the age of 18 (average age 40.8 years), an average follow-up of 5.9 years, and recorded the consumption of sugar through diet. The results found:

Eat less sugar, really can prevent cancer! You have to know about sugar intake

(1) Total sugar intake was associated with a higher overall cancer risk, and this link came mainly from breast cancer;

(2) Sugars in added sugars, free sugars, sucrose, milk-based desserts, dairy products and sugary beverages were significantly associated with increased cancer risk.

Like sugar drinks, as one of the added sugar foods, it is now popular with many young people. From 2004 to 2009, the survey of adult residents' consumption of sugary drinks in 9 provinces in mainland China found that the consumption rate increased by 10% in 2009 compared with 2004. Although it did not exceed the WHO recommended value, the overall consumption trend was also on the rise.

Is it better not to eat any sugar?


So, since sugar is a "sweet burden", don't eat it at all?

Nor is it!

Sugar is an energy, and there is also sugar in the staple foods we eat. The rice, steamed buns, noodles, white porridge, biscuits, etc. that are usually eaten are all in the sugar category, including polysaccharides (such as starch), monosaccharides (glucose, fructose) and disaccharides (sucrose), which can provide energy.

The most restrictive thing we should be is added sugar, refined sugar, but it is not a little bit of food, preferably less than 25 grams.

Li Miao, Department of Nutrition, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, said that staple foods are the most economical, affordable and least burdensome energy source for the liver and kidneys, and the only source of energy for the central nervous cells in the human brain is blood sugar.

Therefore, the most important thing is that you must also have a smart way to eat sugar!

(1) Learn to read the ingredient list. Foods related to added sugar, such as sweet drinks, snacks, biscuits, and glutinous rice, should be eaten less.

(2) Staple foods should be coarser. Refined sugar and low-fiber white rice noodles are both high-GI foods. GI is the glycemic index, which refers to the degree of blood sugar change in the body after ingesting food, and high GI foods have a greater impact on blood sugar. It is recommended to ensure that at least one-third of the staple food is coarse grains every day. Coarse grains mainly include:

Eat less sugar, really can prevent cancer! You have to know about sugar intake

Cereals: corn, millet, red rice, black rice, purple rice, sorghum, barley, oats, buckwheat, etc.;

Miscellaneous beans: soybeans, mung beans, red beans, black beans, broad beans, peas, etc.;

Tubers: sweet potatoes, yams, potatoes, etc.

(3) Sugar-free does not mean that it can be consumed without restrictions. Wang Xu of the Nutrition Department of Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital said that the General Principles for The Nutrition Labeling of Prepackaged Food of the National Standard for Food Safety (GB 28050-2011) stipulates that when the sugar content is "≤0.5 grams/ 100 grams (solid) or 100 ml (liquid)", it can be called "no or no sugar", and its synonym can be "zero (0) sugar".

So, no sugar doesn't mean there's no sugar at all.

In addition, no sucrose, may also contain fructose, maltose syrup, maltodextrin, etc.; sugar-free, may also contain sugar substitutes (sweeteners), although the calories are low, but studies have shown that sugar substitutes may also increase the risk of first-time new cardiovascular disease, sugar alcohol sugar substitutes may cause diarrhea. It is also not recommended to consume too much.

Source: Health Times

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Ye Bijun

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