
How much does a cancer screening cost at once? Doctor: It depends on the situation!

It has to be said that in recent years, the prevalence of cancer in mainland China is gradually increasing, and the number of newly diagnosed patients has exceeded 4 million every year!

Moreover, what is more worrying is that cancer is originally a genetic disease, and its emergence is related to cellular DNA mutations. In the early stage, cancer cells do not cause damage and effects to organs, so patients often do not have any symptoms in the stage of carcinoma in situ and local invasive carcinoma.

How much does a cancer screening cost at once? Doctor: It depends on the situation!

Clinically in mainland China, only a small number of patients are lucky enough to find the disease in the early stage, and more than 2/3 of the rest of the patients are diagnosed in the middle and late stages, or even the terminal stage.

And as we all know, the more advanced the cancer, the less hope of a cure will be. In particular, cancers with a higher degree of malignancy may only take a few months from late detection to death. Patients spend a lot of money on treatment, and in the end, what is left to the family is only the end of people and money, so everyone is full of fear of cancer.

How much does a cancer screening cost at once? Doctor: It depends on the situation!

In clinical view, if you want to comprehensively prevent and treat cancer, the most important thing is early detection and early treatment. That is to say, everyone should do a good job of cancer screening in daily life. However, many people are also very worried about the cost of cancer screening, after all, the cost of cancer treatment is no longer a minority, is the cost of screening cancer also astronomical?

So the question is, how much does it cost to go to the hospital for cancer screening?

How much does a cancer screening cost at once? Doctor: It depends on the situation!

First of all, we should understand that cancer screening does not refer to a certain kind of examination item, it refers to a series of examination programs based on the actual situation of the patient. From a scientific point of view, not everyone is suitable for cancer screening, and only those who truly meet the high-risk conditions for cancer have clinical value and significance in doing targeted cancer screening.

For example, people with a family history of cancer, a history of cancer-related diseases (hepatitis B, cirrhosis, atrophic gastritis, intestinal adenomatous polyposis, etc.), people over the age of 45 (some cancers are closely related to age, the higher the cancer rate is the older they are), people with a history of occupational exposure, or long-term discomfort in the body, etc., which requires cancer screening.

How much does a cancer screening cost at once? Doctor: It depends on the situation!

In the process of medical examination of such people, the doctor will formulate a test plan. Take a simple example, such as meeting the high-risk conditions for lung cancer, having a family history of lung cancer, a history of occupational exposure, and a history of smoking for many years.

Doctors often recommend that patients undergo targeted lung cancer screening, that is, low-dose spiral CT screening.

How much does a cancer screening cost at once? Doctor: It depends on the situation!

In the simplest terms, different types of cancer screening, suitable for different test items, the cost of examination can not be generalized.

However, it is clear that the cost of cancer screening is generally not too expensive, for example, the price of low-dose spiral CT is about 300-500 yuan. The price of other cancer screenings ranges from a few hundred yuan to a few thousand yuan, so there is no need for everyone to worry too much about the cost, and meeting the screening conditions is the most important.

How much does a cancer screening cost at once? Doctor: It depends on the situation!

If you belong to a high-risk group of cancer, it is not recommended that you save the cost of examination. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, cancer does not show any symptoms in the first place.

If in order to save these hundreds of dollars, miss the best time for diagnosis and treatment of diseases, it undoubtedly means that there are greater treatment costs waiting for you in the future. Therefore, high-risk groups should be examined regularly according to the doctor's recommendations in order to achieve early detection and treatment of cancer.

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