
This kind of "anti-cancer" examination, you must pay attention to it for those over 40 years old!

This kind of "anti-cancer" examination, you must pay attention to it for those over 40 years old!

In the previous day's article, we mentioned that gastroscopy is an invasive test that can intuitively observe the state of the gastric mucosa and determine whether there is a Helicobacter pylori infection.

In fact, not only that, gastroscopy also has a strong discriminating effect on diseases with early esophageal cancer, stomach cancer and other diseases whose early physical symptoms are not obvious!

This kind of "anti-cancer" examination, you must pay attention to it for those over 40 years old!

Today, we will take you to understand the relevant knowledge of gastroscopy.

01 From "HD Mirror" to "Mirror" to "Microscope"

With the advancement of medicine, gastroscopy equipment is constantly being upgraded. In terms of clarity, at present, in more than 90% of the country, gastroscopic lenses can achieve high-definition imaging effects, ensuring good inspection conditions.

In terms of resolution ability, after the conventional white light reflection endoscope, there are some special technologies like "mirrors" that enhance image recognition, which can enhance the recognition of abnormal tissues.

In terms of magnification ability, the general endoscope can be magnified by about 30-40 times, and now there is a magnifying endoscope, and there is a set of magnifying lenses at the lens end, which can adjust the focal length, carry out further optical magnification, and see the local microstructure more clearly, like a "microscope".

In addition to the inspection effect of the equipment, whether there is pain when doing gastroscopy, how to avoid this pain, is also a matter of great concern to everyone.

This kind of "anti-cancer" examination, you must pay attention to it for those over 40 years old!

02 The Gospel of the Pain-Fearing Star People - Painless Gastroscopy

The so-called painless gastroscope is a way to avoid feeling the discomfort symptoms of gastroscopy through intravenous anesthesia. This is not suitable for everyone and requires evaluation by an anesthesiologist before performing painless gastroscopy.

In general, patients who are younger, less tolerant, more sensitive to pain, or have epilepsy and other diseases, have relatively weak self-control, and cannot cooperate well with doctors are more suitable.

Patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases that are easily affected by anesthesia, abnormal heart rhythms, or patients with recent myocardial infarction, as well as some intracranial lesions and other anesthesia contraindications, need to choose painless gastroscopy carefully, and routine gastroscopy is generally recommended.

03 The scope of gastroscopy is not limited to the stomach

Although it is called gastroscopy, in fact, the scope of gastroscopy is not limited to the stomach, and after the instrument enters from the mouth, it can already begin to probe, including the oropharynx, esophagus, stomach, and even part of the duodenum.

That is to say, the gastroscope can not only screen stomach cancer, but also screen other cancers within the gastroscopic range such as esophageal cancer, which can be described as a lot of success.

Various expert consensus opinions and guidelines recommend that people aged 40-65 should pay attention to screening for esophageal cancer and gastric cancer, and if there are high risk factors such as family history and high incidence in the region, screening can be carried out as early as the age of 40.

This kind of "anti-cancer" examination, you must pay attention to it for those over 40 years old!

Theoretically, if there is no problem with the first screening, or if there is only some superficial gastritis and no dysplasia, it can be done once every 3-5 years;

If there is already atrophic gastritis, or there are some risk factors, and there is some inflammation or dysplasia in the esophagus, it may be necessary to repeat the examination every 6 to 12 months.

In short, prevention is greater than treatment, we must pay attention to health examinations in daily life, and timely find clues to diseases.

After all, a little bit of seemingly superfluous health awareness can save a desperate crisis!

References: Medical Microvision official website - Wu Qi, Chief Physician, "Early Screening of Esophageal Cancer and Gastric Cancer"

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