
Babies are frequently constipated, and mothers may not notice that these are the causes

Children are always the heart of parents, and there is no parent who does not love their children. And for small babies, their whole world is very small, only parents and relatives, you give them a little love, they return all your love. After the baby was born, the baby became the pearl in the palm of the whole family, and it was afraid to melt in the mouth and afraid to fall in the hand. Raising a baby is indeed a very complicated process that can break the heart of the whole family, especially when the baby has some "small accidents".

As we all know, if the baby digests badly or eats too much will cause constipation, then what to do to effectively solve the phenomenon of baby constipation, Ms. Li is a novice mother, for the care of the baby has no experience at all, sometimes the baby suddenly cries, Ms. Li will be confused. Many new mothers have this trouble, next look at how to deal with the baby's constipation, learn together ~ ~

What causes constipation?

First, the milk powder is too thick. In order to make the baby grow stronger and better, many parents give the baby milk, always used to put the milk powder spoon very full, and even add an extra spoon to be at ease, if the formula milk in the protein or calcium salt content is higher, it will increase the baby's gastrointestinal burden, and the concentration of milk is too high, the baby's intestines will not be able to hold, but will induce constipation.

Second, the diet structure is unbalanced. The fiber in fruits and vegetables is the main force to drive away constipation, but many babies do not like to eat vegetables and fruits, every time parents bring these foods to the front, the baby's head shakes like a rattle, pouting small mouth refuses to eat, long-term so, the baby's intake of nutrition is seriously lacking in fiber, no wonder constipation will "abuse" the baby for a long time.

Third, there is too little exercise. In many families, the family always likes to hold the baby in the arms, however, the baby's round small body, constantly circulating in the arms of the family, for a long time can not move, the baby's intestinal peristalsis is insufficient, which reason is inconvenient to secret it. After the baby grows up, it is the age of love and love, but many parents are lazy or afraid that the baby will get dirty, so that the baby's opportunity to exercise has become less, and constipation will "stare" at the baby.

Babies are frequently constipated, and mothers may not notice that these are the causes

How is a constipated baby cared for?

Breastfeed as much as possible Because breastfed babies are less likely to develop constipation. If constipation occurs, a small amount of sweetened vegetable water or juice may be given.

2. Massage the abdomen Massage the left lower abdomen, if the cord is touched, gently massage from top to bottom to promote the defecation downward discharge.

Third, drink water in moderation Usually let the baby drink water in moderation to promote intestinal peristalsis, which can induce the baby to drain to a certain extent.

Babies are frequently constipated, and mothers may not notice that these are the causes

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