
Zhen Xin prefers ‖ parenting classroom: these common infant emergency knowledge, parents should remember!

In the process of children's growth, there will always be various emergencies, as a parent, you naturally have to have a reserve of emergency knowledge, so as to protect the safety of your baby! Today, let's share a few practical tips, parents, especially new parents, come and learn it!

Your baby's nose is bleeding

Zhen Xin prefers ‖ parenting classroom: these common infant emergency knowledge, parents should remember!

Zhen Xin is preferred - how to deal with the baby's nosebleeds

Nose bleeding, this problem is very common, but as a parent, do you really know how to deal with it? Maybe our habitual practice is to stuff toilet paper in our noses and look up, but this practice is not correct! This is likely to be dangerous. When the nose is raised to stop the bleeding, the nosebleed will flow back to the mouth and even the trachea, and if the blood clotts into a lump, it can lead to blockage of the trachea, which is life-threatening in severe cases. The correct way is to soothe the baby's emotions, tilt the child's head slightly forward, use the fingers to press the child's two sides of the nose, or ice pack, if there is an ice pack naturally the best, if not, the refrigerated drink can also be used for emergency, the position of the ice pack must be found correctly, the correct position is probably the position between the two eyes! If the amount of bleeding is large, be sure to seek medical attention in time!

Baby is bitten by mosquitoes

Zhen Xin prefers ‖ parenting classroom: these common infant emergency knowledge, parents should remember!

Zhen Xin Preferred - What to do with mosquito bites

If it is a general mosquito bite, in case of emergency and to ensure that the skin is free of wounds, it can be rinsed with cold water or soapy water to relieve the itching. A better approach is to use iodophor for local disinfection, but also to look after the baby, to avoid scratching, infection. If there are blisters, remember not to pick your own, and go to the hospital to seek medical treatment in time.

Relieves constipation in your baby

Zhen Xin prefers ‖ parenting classroom: these common infant emergency knowledge, parents should remember!

Zhen Xin Preferred - How to relieve your baby's constipation

Although the child's constipation is not a serious disease, it will more or less affect the baby's life. The easiest way is to eat more fruits and vegetables, which can promote gastrointestinal motility and accelerate defecation. It is also possible to regulate the stomach and intestines by eating probiotics to help digestion. You can also massage your baby's abdomen clockwise before going to bed to promote gastrointestinal motility and improve your baby's constipation.

On the road to parenting is not only happiness and joy, but also sorrow and ups and downs, Zhen Xin Preferred hopes that with our company, parents can easily take their babies, and can make your babies grow up healthily!

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