
Gynecologists send you these tips, the sooner you know the better! (Part 2)

Gynecologists send you these tips, the sooner you know the better! (Part 2)

01 Contraception

Gynecologists send you these tips, the sooner you know the better! (Part 2)


Smart girls know that condoms are preferred for contraception; not only is contraception highly successful, but it is also reliable to prevent infection!


The use of condoms should be "good to start and finish", because there are also a small number of sperm in the "prostatic fluid" of your partner, which is enough to make you "recruited".


Is it okay to take birth control pills for a long time?

Of course, it is possible, but here we are talking about compound short-acting oral contraceptives, which require long-term regular oral contraception, rather than emergency contraceptives after the fact.


If you don't want to take pills for contraception every day, you can also consider a sustained-release contraceptive system, including subcutaneous implants, vaginal drug rings, contraceptive patches, and medicated intrauterine devices.


Combined oral contraceptives are highly effective in contraception and have few side effects, and are recommended, but not for everyone.

Patients with thrombosis, long-term hypertension, poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, endometrial and breast cancer within half a year, and lactating women are not recommended.


Through the software, you can calculate the "ovulation period, safe period", as long as you avoid the ovulation period, is it safe?

Listen to the doctor's advice, the "safe period" is the most unsafe contraceptive method.

Gynecologists send you these tips, the sooner you know the better! (Part 2)


If emergency contraception is required in special circumstances such as accidental condom rupture, short-acting oral contraceptive pills, and sexual violence, oral emergency contraception (within 72 hours) may be selected.


Every abortion will cause a certain degree of damage to the endometrium, so since you want contraception, please be strict and responsible for yourself.


I put a birth control ring when I was young, and now that I am menopausal, do I need to take it? If needed, otherwise the birth control ring may become incarcerated, causing difficulty in removal and even causing endonitis to occur.

It is recommended to go to the hospital for menopause for six months to one year.


IUD cannot be ignored after insertion.

If there is a long-term abdominal pain, waist pain, vaginal bleeding, and excessive menstrual volume after the ring, it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination; it is judged that it is not suitable to wear the ring, and it should be removed immediately.

02 Pregnancy preparation

Gynecologists send you these tips, the sooner you know the better! (Part 2)

Before preparing to have a baby, both husband and wife need to undergo a preconception physical examination, the main purpose of which is to check for diseases that affect fertility or serious genetic diseases.

Women who are trying to conceive can start folic acid supplementation 1 to 3 months in advance until 3 months of pregnancy, which can prevent neural tube development defects in embryos.

During the pregnancy preparation, both husband and wife should maintain good living habits, quit smoking and alcohol, maintain a balanced diet, and pay attention to supplementing high-quality protein and vitamins.

Ensuring adequate sleep every day is very important for the regulation of the immune system; keep a happy mood, adequate sleep, and proper exercise during pregnancy.

Whether it is a father-to-be or a mother-to-be, the best time to exercise before pregnancy is 15 to 30 minutes a day, and the recommended items are jogging, walking, aerobics and other aerobics.

Gynecologists send you these tips, the sooner you know the better! (Part 2)

Women with regular menstruation push forward 14 days from the first day of the next menstrual period, which is the "ovulation day", 5 days before ovulation to 4 days after ovulation, the success rate is higher.

Women with irregular menstruation can monitor ovulation by ovulation test strips, measuring basal body temperature or going to the hospital to do B ultrasound; if there is a serious menstrual disorder, it is recommended to find a doctor to adjust the menstruation first.

If you haven't been pregnant for several months, will you be infertile?

Sex is regular and contraceptive, and infertility is considered after more than 12 months of pregnancy.

Oral examination has always been a neglected pregnancy preparation. Problems with the gums, which are otherwise small, can become severe due to changes in hormone levels in the body after pregnancy.

In preparation for pregnancy, it is best to give yourself at least 1 year to prepare, which includes physical, psychological, financial and other aspects of preparation.

03 Cervical

Gynecologists send you these tips, the sooner you know the better! (Part 2)

The cervix is located in the deepest part of a woman's vagina and is the gate of the uterus. Normal cervical appearance, with a smooth cylindrical surface, looks like a small donut.

Many women find themselves with "cervical cysts" when they do color ultrasound; most of these are physiological changes in the cervix and do not need to be treated.

"Cervical erosion" is not a disease! Under the action of estrogen, young women have a columnar epithelium growing outward, and the surface is red and rough, like "erosion".

Simple "cervical erosions" do not require treatment. After menopause, estrogen levels drop, and the once "erosion"-like changes naturally disappear.

The cervix is stimulated by chronic inflammation for a long time and will show a state of hyperplasia and hypertrophy. Primary inflammation should be treated aggressively. Cervical hypertrophy alone does not require treatment.

Gynecologists send you these tips, the sooner you know the better! (Part 2)

Is it necessary to fight the "cervical cancer vaccine"?

Very necessary. HPV vaccination can effectively reduce the incidence of cervical cancer, and regardless of the price, the earlier the vaccination, the better the preventive effect.

At present, there are 3 kinds of HPV vaccines on the market, of which the applicable age of 2-valent/4-valent vaccination is 9-45 years old, and the applicable age of 9-valent vaccination is 16-26 years old.

Cervical cancer screening is the main means of early detection of cervical cancer. HPV virus testing is required, as well as a combination of cervical cytology.

It is recommended to do it every 3 to 5 years. For high-risk groups, screening time is recommended once a year.

Don't panic if you find out that you are infected with the HPV virus. In most cases, the body can remove it on its own. If infection persists or if cervical lesions are concomitant, treatment is indicated.

To have a healthy cervix, you need to do: pay attention to private and sexual hygiene, get cervical cancer vaccine on demand, regular cervical cancer screening, and regular gynecological checkups.

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